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The Hardest Choice Of My Life!


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I have decided to go to spain this year for 6 months and then I am going onto Morocco and who knows where from there with a good friend of mine.

Boy am I going to miss the football its probably the only reason that I have not done this earlier before but I now see this as my last chance to really get out there and see the world my Dad finally convinced me with the words "You will be gone for what a few years max and Bristol City will still be here you wont get the chance to do this again" so I guess that was the final word but ti wont stop me from missing City every Saturday. I wonder how exiles cope really.

So from Jan 27th I will no longer be a Bristol City "Regular" for the first time since my first game in 1992.

There wasnt really any point to this thread just me proclaiming I will miss City it was originally going to be a "Should I go!" however in the process of writing the thread I realized I should. I should still be able to get onto the net to check out the scores every now and again :D.

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But what if City DO make it to the promised land.........seriously, what you planning to do then? You've sat through all those long, boring games freezing your nads off and investing a fair amount of wedge. Not to mention Brighton and Cardiff in the play offs. Suddenly, the reds are playing man u, chelsea, liverpool week in week out. The buzz in the city is massive as a new 50,000 seater stadium is given plannng permission. City, unbelievably, are holding there own in 9th and have been as high as 4th! You miss it all because you're on a cheap gal from Stoke in the Costa mini England...........but you get back just in time to see us relegated at Bolton back to the Championship, 30 million richer but with o guarantee of ever doing that again. You on the other hand can **** off to anywhere at anytime in your life. If you really want to :goingup:

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I will call my mum and get a flight home if it looked like we were going up! Haha!

I know that is the big fear and as I said one of the reasons I was considering things, I lost my job to so funds have come to a end so should be fine!

I have applied for a 4 month temp job though and if that goes through then might be worth staying just to check the money but nah I cant make excuses its now or never really I have the perfect chance.

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Go for it pal, one life live it, it aint no dress rehersal.

Been around the world, been to loads of different countries and been on the qe2 etc; also seen my team in the top div and bottom div.

City will always be in my blood, (even if I`ve not actually been there to much lately) :surrender point being they were here before us and will no doubt still be here when we are long gone; we however are here but a moment in time GO FOR IT :yes:

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