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Qpr Fans Still Not Happy With Robbo

Guest Neo

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Guest RedwardsV1
Oh dear God, he never did he?! Cupped his ear at the Rangers fans and got coins chucked at him?! Sad bar-stewards.

They would of been the first to laugh if Thorpe had scored and done an equally 'terrible' celebration infront of the Williams  :Sleep12:

What brilliant aim they have if he was showered and only 1 of the ##### hit him :D:D

EDIT - And then we have another sad ##### whos complaining that when he got in 2 the Williams people were throwing food at him.... but getting in the home end... could'nt he be ejected and possibly worse?


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What brilliant aim they have if he was showered and only 1 of the tw*ts hit him :D:D
Maybe it wasnt totally the right approach but i say fair play to him... Not many people would have the balls to go and confront 2000 cocky gits :clap:

They dont see much hope of Roberts getting punished, knowing our luck, he'll get a ban or something :D

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They would of been the first to laugh if Thorpe had scored and done an equally 'terrible' celebration infront of the Williams :Sleep12:
Indeed. Just as he did last season when Luton scored and he ran the length of the Williams cupping his ear and beckoning in a 'Come on, then' stylee.

Footballers have to put up with a hell of a lot of abuse when they are out on the pitch. Part and parcel of dishing it out is being prepared to take it back, if the players you abuse score a goal.

I also recall Bignot doing a fair bit of gesticulating in front of the City fans at Rushden, earlier in the season. Not because they'd scored, but merely to wind us up.

Now, while I'm sure Holloway is an excellent disciplinarian, I doubt he has eradicated this sort of reaction from messrs. Thorpe and Bignot, just because they now play for QPR.

Had Cureton scored (unlikely, I know), he would have been well within his rights to cup his ear etc. to all sides of the ground. It wouldn't have been particularly easy to take, but I wouldn't have blamed him one little bit.

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"My main objection was the fact that the first set of fans he gestured to were our disabled fans in wheelchairs -- what sort of bloke would do that?"

O yes the disabled fans that are roughly 2 metres away from our home fans?

But obviously he wasnt getting our fans fired up he was taunting them. :D

"Rather like Tinnion I suppose "spitting" at the children at Loftus Road. And yes Roberts should have been booked, trust someone reports the welsh git to the FA."

Racism at its peek once again from the 'super hoops'!

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Had Cureton scored (unlikely, I know), he would have been well within his rights to cup his ear etc. to all sides of the ground. It wouldn't have been particularly easy to take, but I wouldn't have blamed him one little bit.
The "pedo" chants were so so boring come the end.... I know he'll probably receieve them in all degrees (depending who he's playing against) for the rest of his career but agree Huw, if he had scored, he would of every right to celebrate like you suggest.
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EDIT - And then we have another sad ##### whos complaining that when he got in 2 the Williams people were throwing food at him.... but getting in the home end... could'nt he be ejected and possibly worse?
The guy who sat in the Williams because his Mrs is from Bristol and got him tickets... Sorry but whenever away fans decide to sit in home end stands and dont keep their phat mouths shut, expect to get some stick. He cant complain, he was sat their at his own risk as it were.

Jeeeez my oppinion of Rangers fans are changing from 'animals' to 'pansy's'.

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The "pedo" chants were so so boring come the end.... I know he'll probably receieve them in all degrees (depending who he's playing against) for the rest of his career but agree Huw, if he had scored, he would of every right to celebrate like you suggest.

Yep - must admit I don't like the disgusting "pedo" chants, and would love to see his reaction were he to score against us (only if the goal didn't affect the result, I hasten to add! :D ).

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The thing is, this bloke in the williams, obviously had access to the Internet because of what he has said, so why didn't he listen to what people said before the game and not go in the home end?

All of them, what whinging idiots they are! How many times have rival teams players scored at Ashton and celebrated in front of us supporters . . . many!!!

We dont complain though, its all part and parcel of football, sing a song back at him, booo him when he gets the ball again, not throw coins at him for gods sake.

I didnt want to get dragged into all this but these rangers fans need some toughening up. They need to listen to themselves and see how sad they actually sound. Roberts cupped his ears, they are saying that he 'gestured' at them. Now to me gesturing is like swearing and all that, but why is cupping your ears so bad. They really are very childish.

Grop up Rangers. (some of!)

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Lets be honest here, they don't like it up em :D

There fans were so cocky about turning us over and having hundreds of QPR in the home stands and it has all backfired on them.

If there was hundreds of these fans in the ground they did a good job of singing along with the City fans and jumping up when Super Robbo scored.

Sour grapes that's all it is, they need something or someone to have a dig at because they are the mighty QPR who cannot be beaten by a better team on the day, just laugh at them and agree if they say they were the better side and Roberts was deliberately winding them up, it will hurt them even more. :D

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Yep - must admit I don't like the disgusting "pedo" chants, and would love to see his reaction were he to score against us (only if the goal didn't affect the result, I hasten to add! :D ).
Well you might have to wait a long time.... unless they join us in division one of course :D
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Guest WillsbridgeRed

I said I'd have no sympathy and I don't now - If these mugs will go in home ends then what do they expect? Should have stood up when we scored and wouldn't have got clocked. They know what a small number of our fans can be like.

As for the muppets moaning about Roberts - Just shows how petty these morons are. More coin throwing, more racism. Strange QPR fans are racist considering what London's like these days.

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I said I'd have no sympathy and I don't now - If these mugs will go in home ends then what do they expect? Should have stood up when we scored and wouldn't have got clocked. They know what a small number of our fans can be like.

As for the muppets moaning about Roberts - Just shows how petty these morons are. More coin throwing, more racism. Strange QPR fans are racist considering what London's like these days.

Also Rowlands ect. taunting the Brentford fans when they played them.

The Guy should of stood up and clapped, as if he was a neutral. Ah well its his own fault.

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Guest Rikku

I just can't believe they think coin throwing was justified!!!!??? They are complaining about Robbo's "dispicable conduct" whilst in the same thread boasting about their coin-throwing retaliation!! It's a ridiculously stupid argument. Even though I don't really see much wrong with what Roberts did, the qpr fans' argument would hold a lot more water if they hadn't resorted to far worse behaviour in response. Sour grapes indeed!!! :D

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The Enger-land chants had nowt to do with it then...how would Scotty, Lee M, Lee P, and Louis (Scottish) Doc (N Ireland) Wilks (Aussie), Tony Rougier (Trinidad & Tobago)reacted then, in the same situation??????

Stop wingeing..... :@ :@

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