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Qpr Fans.


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I think they are being pretty pathetic to keep whinging about robbo celebrating in front of them i mean talk about pot calling the kettle black a few players of qprs team did it when they played brentford, and the qpr fans found it hilarious they cant have it both ways. If their players are prepared to do it then they cant complain when other teams do it 2 them. :@ So quit going on about it!!!

Or do u think robbo deserves a punishment?

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Guest RedwardsV1

they need 2 Grow up... they r using it as an excuse, as long as they have something 2 complain about, they don't need 2 feel that they r crap

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Fair dos to all players who celebrate. It shows their passion for the club and game plus it adds to the banter between rival fan sets.

I watched horsfield (Ithink that was him) score in the 93rd for WBA v Ipswich and he ran two thirds of the pitch with finger up to mouth.

Same for both clubs playing on the day.

We love it when ours do and hate it when they do.....but it must be open to all

PS don't forget your marigolds at Swinedom


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Its a typical bully-boy coward mentality; they can do it but when its back at them they cannot handle it and go scream blue murder to all and sundry - usually to the same authorities they hurl abuse at normally.


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Biggest bunch of moaners i've ever seen ,they are also complaining about getting things chucked at them and abuse from the home fans when they were sitting in the williams , serves them right for sitting there i say , they were warned so many times and chose not to take the advice but instead take the abuse , their problem.

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Guest LeicesterRed
Biggest bunch of moaners i've ever seen ,they are also complaining about getting things chucked at them and abuse from the home fans when they were sitting in the williams , serves them right for sitting there i say , they were warned so many times and chose not to take the advice but instead take the abuse , their problem.

Between you me and a glow worm, they`re a bunch of city bankers, if you know what I mean Guv`nor!!

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