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Tommy Doc


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Probably more of a city fan than you will ever be with comments like that mate.

Typical Pro Tommy post.

Yeah he loved the club didnt he.

My status as a supporter can never be questioned "mate" ive been there since 1982 watching us at turd grounds around the country week in, week out and buying my season ticket every season, but then the thread isnt about my quality of support.

So because i think Tommy was a very average player I'm not a proper fan?


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Typical Pro Tommy post.

Yeah he loved the club didnt he.

My status as a supporter can never be questioned "mate" ive been there since 1982 watching us at turd grounds around the country week in, week out and buying my season ticket every season, but then the thread isnt about my quality of support.

So because i think Tommy was a very average player I'm not a proper fan?


I to have been following city all my life home and away to all the turd grounds since about 1969. I just think there is no

need for the snyd (sp) comments that yourself and others make about a player that loved this club, and has not played for us for a very long time.

If you beleive be was crap then so be it but leave the comments at home, a lot of us beleive tommy was an awesome player for the club we love.

I never said you were not a "proper" fan.

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I to have been following city all my life home and away to all the turd grounds since about 1969. I just think there is no

need for the snyd (sp) comments that yourself and others make about a player that loved this club, and has not played for us for a very long time.

If you beleive be was crap then so be it but leave the comments at home, a lot of us beleive tommy was an awesome player for the club we love.

I never said you were not a "proper" fan.

Surely this is the place to put comments since its an open forum which means people can voice their opinions?

My comments were not snyd they were what i believe is true, what makes you believe he "loved" this club, he certainly didnt give it his all during his time here, surely a player who loved the club wouldnt chuck away his career here like he did.

To say he was awesome for us is laughable (in my opinion of course).

But forums are all about opinions so i wont criticise you for yours.

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Surely this is the place to put comments since its an open forum which means people can voice their opinions?

My comments were not snyd they were what i believe is true, what makes you believe he "loved" this club, he certainly didnt give it his all during his time here, surely a player who loved the club wouldnt chuck away his career here like he did.

To say he was awesome for us is laughable (in my opinion of course).

But forums are all about opinions so i wont criticise you for yours.

I watched him from a 17 year old making his debut and to say he did not give his all for city is laughable (in my opinion) he certainly did give his all for this club. You have to remember

he had 2 very bad injuries in his career with us.

One of my friends knows tommy and his family and trust me he "loves" this club

I have no problem with people on an open forum putting over an opinion but just slating someone (especially an ex or present player) without any reasonable backup i find just tiresome.

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I watched him from a 17 year old making his debut and to say he did not give his all for city is laughable (in my opinion) he certainly did give his all for this club. You have to remember

he had 2 very bad injuries in his career with us.

One of my friends knows tommy and his family and trust me he "loves" this club

I have no problem with people on an open forum putting over an opinion but just slating someone (especially an ex or present player) without any reasonable backup i find just tiresome.

Please show me where i have slated him, ive just given an opinion on him the same as you can say he was totally awesome.

Ive watched him since his first game also against St Albans in the Fa Cup, so i feel my opinion is as valid as the next man's and i just feel he's way overhyped because he liked a tackle and is a South Bristol lad, if you take those factors away i believe he was very average.

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I to have been following city all my life home and away to all the turd grounds since about 1969. I just think there is no

need for the snyd (sp) comments that yourself and others make about a player that loved this club, and has not played for us for a very long time.

If you beleive be was crap then so be it but leave the comments at home, a lot of us beleive tommy was an awesome player for the club we love.

I never said you were not a "proper" fan.

i'm sorry but to say he loved this club is just b***ocks.

if he loved this club, he wouldnt have smoked, wouldnt have drank, and would have trained properly. He didnt do any of those things, and instead took a lot of money that we as fans (from 1969, 1982 or 1990 in my case) put into the club - and in return, he stayed fit enough to play 20 games a season, even if 10 of those were brilliant.

Symbol of a past now thankfully over.

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i'm sorry but to say he loved this club is just b***ocks.

if he loved this club, he wouldnt have smoked, wouldnt have drank, and would have trained properly. He didnt do any of those things, and instead took a lot of money that we as fans (from 1969, 1982 or 1990 in my case) put into the club - and in return, he stayed fit enough to play 20 games a season, even if 10 of those were brilliant.

Symbol of a past now thankfully over.

Here Here Maidenheadred,

Amazing how CiderCity and those of his ilk seem to pine for a time when we were sh1te. I think all those years of under achievement have some people stuck in a 20 year rut. We wouldn't be where we are now with Tubby Tommy in the side, spraying the ball sideways with depressing frequency.

I like dealing with Facts, we are third in the Championship with a side that genuinely wants to win football matches. Now it's arguable that they win matches because they love the Club, but without doubt, they play and win for God Johnson. And we all know that God Johnson loves Bristol City. So before rabbiting on about Tommy's Cousins and Aunties professing his love for the Club, let's be a little selfish ourselves and say "So what?". Yes, well done Tommy you love the Club, but I guarantee your average forum member loves it more. Let's start enjoying the magic that is happening now and stop looking to the past, this might not last forever.

And as a final rant, Cidercity, who would you prefer in your fantasy City XI? Tubby Tommy or Marvellous Marvin? :winner_third_h4h:

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Personally, I was never that impressed with the way Tommy played but I used to love the bloke. To be honest I think the reason a lot of fans have him down as a cult hero is because he is a local lad, and was playing for the team he supports. bit like Louis now (except Louis is a much better player)

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I think its sad how Tommy fell by the wayside, being the embodiment of local boy made good at City, but during his last 2 seasons here, he was distinctly average.Still people kept him on a pedestal, out of local loyalty, wanting him to be a success.Playing devil's advocate, maybe it's a shame Lee Johnson wasn't born in bs3!!

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Here Here Maidenheadred,

Amazing how CiderCity and those of his ilk seem to pine for a time when we were sh1te. I think all those years of under achievement have some people stuck in a 20 year rut. We wouldn't be where we are now with Tubby Tommy in the side, spraying the ball sideways with depressing frequency.

I like dealing with Facts, we are third in the Championship with a side that genuinely wants to win football matches. Now it's arguable that they win matches because they love the Club, but without doubt, they play and win for God Johnson. And we all know that God Johnson loves Bristol City. So before rabbiting on about Tommy's Cousins and Aunties professing his love for the Club, let's be a little selfish ourselves and say "So what?". Yes, well done Tommy you love the Club, but I guarantee your average forum member loves it more. Let's start enjoying the magic that is happening now and stop looking to the past, this might not last forever.

And as a final rant, Cidercity, who would you prefer in your fantasy City XI? Tubby Tommy or Marvellous Marvin? :winner_third_h4h:

Excellent post.

Marvin has done more in 20 games than Tommy did in his last 2 years at the club.

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good luck tommy it was nice to see a local lad play for his hometown club someone who got stuck in not like some players with fancy tricks ,jumping out of tackles and giving the ball away as much if not more than the doc !!!

long live oh tommy tommy tommy

You'll hate me for saying this, but why are we discussing a former City player on a City Sub Forum? This thread should be moved to Social City.

I've had interviews with Shaun Goater and Norman Hunter moved there in the past; and they were legends.

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he was the marvin at the time !!!!!!! its a shame when people only see the here and now tommy was quality in my eyes gone but never forgotten agreed marv is quality whos not to say he wont have a couple of serious injuries ?or next season get a bit lazy would people in 5 years time say what a waster etc ?

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Twice the player of Johnson put it that way.

Silly comment!

I am a fan of Docs but it was time for him to move on and I think he would still do a job at the level below, I think calling him anything other than commited would be very harsh he was a City fan and I remember reading a artical in the Evening post written by one of the Academy lot and he said about how Tommy was one of few that he knew REALLY wanted to play for City.

Yeah so he was not a model pro but then ALOT of players were not during the Wilson and Tinman era so what can we do about that.

Its a shame that someone with such raw talent went down the drain, I blame the club (Partly), The managers, Horrific injurys and yes the player himself for not making the most of chances he was given.

Best of luck to him. :)

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Silly comment!

I am a fan of Docs but it was time for him to move on and I think he would still do a job at the level below, I think calling him anything other than commited would be very harsh he was a City fan and I remember reading a artical in the Evening post written by one of the Academy lot and he said about how Tommy was one of few that he knew REALLY wanted to play for City.

Yeah so he was not a model pro but then ALOT of players were not during the Wilson and Tinman era so what can we do about that.

Its a shame that someone with such raw talent went down the drain, I blame the club (Partly), The managers, Horrific injurys and yes the player himself for not making the most of chances he was given.

Best of luck to him. :)

First ever post so apologies in advance for lack of IT skills! Mixed memories of 'Doc' but don't think he deserves some of the crap being dished out here. Remember early game against Leeds in League/Milk/carling/whatever it's called Cup where we won on the night but lost on agg and 'Doc' was immense. Introduced my mate to Clarks pies that night - seems along time ago (think Haslebaink was sent off for being a ####!?)

Good memories but then again I've got many of those - but can somebody please wake me up cos I must be dreaming - are we really equal top of the CCC!!

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First ever post so apologies in advance for lack of IT skills! Mixed memories of 'Doc' but don't think he deserves some of the crap being dished out here. Remember early game against Leeds in League/Milk/carling/whatever it's called Cup where we won on the night but lost on agg and 'Doc' was immense. Introduced my mate to Clarks pies that night - seems along time ago (think Haslebaink was sent off for being a ####!?)

Good memories but then again I've got many of those - but can somebody please wake me up cos I must be dreaming - are we really equal top of the CCC!!

Welcome Yorkshirered. Get used to losing at least a couple of hours a week reading drivel.

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