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The Lastest "entertainment" On The Bbc

Barrs Court Red

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They're really pusing the boat out for this "Stars in their eyes" rip off on now. Constant radio adverts and TV clips for something so third rate even that Norton fellow is presenting it.

Why the **** should be pay a lisence fee for this shit

The show is called "The One And Only". I`ve seen those adverts. I thought the Kylie impersonator that was featured in one of the adverts wasn`t that good. A new low in British broadcasting.

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I preferred the BBC when its content was governed by principles not viewing figures driven by the brain dead hoi polloi that favour the likes of Graham Norton's intellectually challenged dribblings.

They should stop trying to pander to the lowest common denominator and select their programming with a bit of backbone.

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There was a great show on big furry cats earlier, was great viewing. And not one overpaid camp **** in site!

Deserved a prime time slot in my opinion.

As we're ranting about the BBC, is the morning news just an advert for the upcoming shows on the Beeb? No wonder their presenters are snorting copious (3 caught out int he last 12 month?) amounts of coke, they probably want to block out the fact that the BBC is so shocking.

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