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hi all, just a quickie....... I'm one of the many who is taking on the london marathon in april this year. I am trying to raise a bit of dosh for the meningitia trust, and would really appreciate any advice on best ways of fundraising. Even better a donation would be great, but I'm not expecting miracles!!!!

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hi all, just a quickie....... I'm one of the many who is taking on the london marathon in april this year. I am trying to raise a bit of dosh for the meningitia trust, and would really appreciate any advice on best ways of fundraising. Even better a donation would be great, but I'm not expecting miracles!!!!


Fiver donated to start you off Nik... Good Luck!

(get yerself a BIG 'sig' .. Get Noticed .. I'm sure the good people of planet Otib will support your efforts - Good Cause)

Come On You Reds! :englandsmile4wf:

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What a brilliant start! Just to let you lot know, i am planning on advertising bcfc/otib on my running vest. if anyone has any ideas (practical ones only please!!) on how i can get more sponsorship, please let me know.

Be warned, i will be hassling you all, right up to the big day, so please please try and help me out

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hi all, just a quickie....... I'm one of the many who is taking on the london marathon in april this year. I am trying to raise a bit of dosh for the meningitia trust, and would really appreciate any advice on best ways of fundraising. Even better a donation would be great, but I'm not expecting miracles!!!!

As I posted on the main site - Good Luck!

I am registered for the marathon but won't be taking part due to a nagging knee injury and I'm absolutely gutted. I'll give you a big cheer when you pass Surrey Quays!

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Its not going too well at the moment!! the training should have started a while ago, so i,m a little behind schedule. i wont bore you with a list of excuses (genuine reasons) foot injury, xmas etc....

But not a bad week, Monday-rest day (start the week off slowly), Tuesday- 5 mile run, little bit of hill work, Weds- rest day (little soar from tuesday!), thursday- 4 mile quick run scheduled...... didnt make it due to supporters trust meeting, which i promised to attend so the marathon run could be discussed.

Friday- i managed a 3 mile jog, But today (saturday) i am going out for a 6 mile quick pace run.

So the miles are getting there but i really need to get a lot more very very soon. So this week, the plan is to do atleast 20 miles.

I have really tried with the old "healthy eating regime" a big reduction in McDonalds and more pasta and potatoes. (i'm glad you cant see the bacon butty slyly sat next to the pc!) So its saturday, I'm allowed a treat!

On a side issue, anybody reading this who thinks they may be able to help me design a better sig, please get in contact. Not wholly convinced that the one under this post, is really effective enough. Bearing in mind, my computer skills are similiar to that of a 4 year old!!

so all advice and input will be greatly received

Cheers all

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Fiver donated to start you off Nik... Good Luck!

(get yerself a BIG 'sig' .. Get Noticed .. I'm sure the good people of planet Otib will support your efforts - Good Cause)

Come On You Reds! :englandsmile4wf:

....Come on you lot - put yer hands in yer pockets... £111 quid in his pot so far, which is good - but we can do better than that cant we for a fellow Red with blisters on his feet & a good cause??

(mind you his 'sig' is bollox innit! :rofl2br: someone really ought to help Nik out with that!)

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hi all, just a quickie....... I'm one of the many who is taking on the london marathon in april this year. I am trying to raise a bit of dosh for the meningitia trust, and would really appreciate any advice on best ways of fundraising. Even better a donation would be great, but I'm not expecting miracles!!!!

ive run the London Marathon 4 times in my blue n white quarters raising a bit of dosh myself..goodluck and would be glad to sponsor you for a fiver..

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there ya go..all done for a fiver..good luck

Respect to you Philgas... a Rovers supporter who deserves a :clap:

(believe in karma - so hope you're rewarded with a good tie in tomorrow's FA Cup draw - what goes around comes around).


Put your hands in yer pockets & find a couple of quid for our BCFC/OTIB London Marathon runner -if a Gashead can do it surely we should... :city:

Support Nik, & lets get some dosh in his charity bin!.

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RUNNING TOTAL (hmm, like the pun? :) ) now up to £181 ... good contributions so far this week. :goingup:

(btw, anyone seen Nik lately? - hope he aint done a runner ! )

evenin all!! thanks for worrying about me! but this running lark is taking up more time than i first thought. So quick update, sponsors still trickling in, keep your eyes out for new initiatives (hopefully)in the next week.

Still no news from the club on the few things that i have asked for, no reply from the evening post either (i'm writing to them again, when i have finished this post).

I have contacted GWR, hoping they might jump on the City Vs Rovers bandwagon, those 2 "crazy fools" bush and troy seem to love the whole "2 sides of the city" stuff, so :fingerscrossed:

Thanks again to all those who have taken the time to visit my site, if you havent had chance yet TRY IT NOW!!!!

Ok many emails to write, watch this space for updates, oh and sponsor me now or whistlehappy will nag you all into submission.

Thanks guys (you know who you are)


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...Sponsorship = £211 Now! :clap:

Lets Get That Running Total Up Some More!!.... every single pound is important so if you've got a spare £1 or two after the pub/shopping/ etc... put it to good use & spend it here for a great cause - Come On You Reds !!!

(click on sig links to see how others are helping ... & how easy it is for you to join in! ... make a donation & leave Nik a personal message of support)

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...a Big Hand for Calired :Believe: - £355 Now!

& :fingerscrossed: for 3 points at Scunny tonight!

you got the 3pts at scunny...well done..now dream of premiership football..could happen guys..listening to 5 live earlier..wow !!! some fan was on about stoke n stuff (watford) getting automatic promotion!!!! hey..I'm a gashead right?...........but they didnt even mention you lot !!!! hmmmmmm me bristolian who has season ticket at rovers but for a second i was being a bristolian and thinking...."what about bristol city then?"..wierd eh chaps...just go 4 it and prove em all wrong eh?....don't worry about us we,ll always be here..always below you but here never the less..

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you got the 3pts at scunny...well done..now dream of premiership football..could happen guys..listening to 5 live earlier..wow !!! some fan was on about stoke n stuff (watford) getting automatic promotion!!!! hey..I'm a gashead right?...........but they didnt even mention you lot !!!! hmmmmmm me bristolian who has season ticket at rovers but for a second i was being a bristolian and thinking...."what about bristol city then?"..wierd eh chaps...just go 4 it and prove em all wrong eh?....don't worry about us we,ll always be here..always below you but here never the less..

True gent, Philgas...

btw: Good Luck to your Marathon Runner too :fingerscrossed: in the friendly rivalry Red Nic Vs Blue Joanne race..

(be great to see a sweaty Pair Of Bristols (Nik & Joanne) bobbing around the streets of London?:) )

... Best Wishes to Joanne & her children :sun:

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