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Madeleine Mccann


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The circus just got bigger: http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk/7178397.stm

Now i might be being controversial in saying this but i think the media obsession with this story is frankly a disgrace. Abit like the whole Princess Diana farce which is insensitive to her family. What does my head in about this whole thing is that there are kids who`ve been missing for 10, 20 years and not got anywhere near the coverage the McCann story has been getting. But the media does pick and choose what they think will make a decent story and generate the most publicity.

There was a boy who has been missing for about 15 years and yet didn`t get the kind of level of publicity the Madeleine story has. The mum said it`s because her and her family are working class, whereas the McCanns are doctors who are middle class which i agree with.

It`s become an uncomfortable farce with the likes of internet rumours, papers supposdly finding new suspects/evidence without it being confirmed as true. What the papers/news in this country have been reporting on have been based on what the Portugese media have been saying. Despite the fact there`s been an issue over how accurate their reports have been and it not been confirmed 100%. So basically the reports have been based on rumour, when it should be on truth. The focus should be on Madeleine and finding her, not on media speculation.

Would be intrested to know your views on this.

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It is the most high profile case I can remember; though there have been others.

Why one case gets coverage and another doesn't seems to be down to the willingness of the relatives to make public appeals, give interviews, and generally expose themselves to the media spotlight.

If the parents just shut themselves away with their grief (and who would blame them) the media would soon lose interest because there is then nothing new to print.

Can't see how their being middle class enters into it.

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Well, I'm beginning to wonder, a la Baudrillard, if any of it is real. Perhaps the McCanns are just actors and it's all a bizarre fabrication to sell more papers.

I like your class perspective though, although don't tell old Nibor because he's cutting down on the old class perspective. ;)

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Agree with all you said to be honest. Can't stand all this crap and I don't care in the slightest how it ends I just want it to. I've been tempted to make a "Who gives a **** where Madeline McCann is?!" group on Facebook. I mean I wouldn't wish this on anyone but the media coverage has just pissed me off with it so much I don't care.

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Agree with all you said to be honest. Can't stand all this crap and I don't care in the slightest how it ends I just want it to. I've been tempted to make a "Who gives a **** where Madeline McCann is?!" group on Facebook. I mean I wouldn't wish this on anyone but the media coverage has just pissed me off with it so much I don't care.

EAMER ...you really are a K N O B !

(YES, my response is personal & directed at the poster as well as the post - report it if you want Eamer, I'll willingly take a forum ban, I could'nt give a **** how pissed off you are with anything (& yes most of us are pretty pissed off with some of the media garbage around this tragic case) but theres no excuse to post disgraceful shite like that... thats a real little girl & a real situation you're flippantly dismissing, so stuff you K N O B!)

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EAMER ...you really are a K N O B !

(YES, my response is personal & directed at the poster as well as the post - report it if you want Eamer, I'll willingly take a forum ban, I could'nt give a **** how pissed off you are with anything (& yes most of us are pretty pissed off with some of the media garbage around this tragic case) but theres no excuse to post disgraceful shite like that... thats a real little girl & a real situation you're flippantly dismissing, so stuff you K N O B!)

Hear hear.

What a moron.


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Indeed, pathetic comment.

Back on topic, I still fail to belive that the social services havn't treated this like they would if it was a couple from a council estate who left their child in a room alone and went out. Papers like the Daily Hate and the Scum would have a field day of anger directed at such people.

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I still fail to belive that the social services havn't treated this like they would if it was a couple from a council estate who left their child in a room alone and went out. Papers like the Daily Hate and the Scum would have a field day of anger directed at such people.

I concur and said pretty much the same when a thread was started last year around the time the mum was put in the frame as an official suspect.

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Agree with all you said to be honest. Can't stand all this crap and I don't care in the slightest how it ends I just want it to. I've been tempted to make a "Who gives a **** where Madeline McCann is?!" group on Facebook. I mean I wouldn't wish this on anyone but the media coverage has just pissed me off with it so much I don't care.

Why would you not care how it ends . You surely can't be a father if you can post such an inhuman view as this . Whoever has done this , they will get their pay back . If its the media coverage and the newspapers that naff you off like it is me , turn off or don't buy . Don't feed their frenzy to feed us old news where they stick the same photo on the front page with a big headline so your eyes see their paper first .

We are all fed up with the way the media portrays tragic stories like this , they prey on these events .

Madeline McCann , just shut your eyes and think that if she is alive , what would she be thinking now . Has she , can she remember her mum and dads face ??

What terrible fears has she gone through , fears that few adults have gone through . But she is just a little one .

The parents rightly show the human sadness and worry in their faces we all would in that scenario , whatever anybody believes they have or have not done . The friends that know them well deny that they could be involved in any wrong doing , why would so many disbelief of their involvement , when so many that know them stand up for their characters . Who knows ??

Sure you will get many more posts like the ones already shown and hope you spend time later in front of your computer , in the warm , drinking your glass of cider and thinking of tomorrows game that there is hopefully a little girl still alive somewhere in this world who would have loved to be home at christmas and for her birthday . A little one who was looking forward to going to school to see her friends . A little one with an angelic face who would love to be sat in front of a fire at home with her parents , brother and sister tonight .

But sadly she won't .

Shame on you , from a parent of four children , including twins like the McCanns :ranting: , all special to me . I'll give them a big hug tonight and spend time thinking of Madeline who isn't with us . :ranting::ranting:

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i too am father of 3 including twins, and i wouldnt wish this on my worst enemy. I'm pretty sure Eamer didnt mean to offend, I don't know the guy but most of his posts seem OK.

My anger is directed at the parents. Nobody in their right mind would leave 3 kids, that young alone in a foreign country, or at home. I know they say they feel guilty and what not, but I have to agree with earlier posters, if they were working class folk, living in a council house, all the sympathy the McCanns are getting would be nowhere to be seen.

Personally, I hopy young Maddy is found well and alive - as we all do - but if\when she is - the parents should have the proverbial book thrown at them.

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My anger is directed at the parents. Nobody in their right mind would leave 3 kids, that young alone in a foreign country, or at home. I know they say they feel guilty and what not, but I have to agree with earlier posters, if they were working class folk, living in a council house, all the sympathy the McCanns are getting would be nowhere to be seen.

Here here! Where was the help for Ben Needhams mum when her son went missing all those years ago, and hes still missing today.

A single mother who had done this would have been vilified and had any of her remaining kids taken away. The only ones to blame in all this are the parents, because if they hadnt left Maddy and her siblings alone that night she would still be alive and well now. I dread to think whats happened to her.

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To be fair to Eamer he actually said:

I mean I wouldn't wish this on anyone but the media coverage has just pissed me off with it so much I don't care.

Which is an attack on the media overkill which has pushed him to indifference, so clearly he did care and has just got fed up with the wall-to-wall coverage.

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To be fair to Eamer he actually said:

I mean I wouldn't wish this on anyone but the media coverage has just pissed me off with it so much I don't care.

Which is an attack on the media overkill which has pushed him to indifference, so clearly he did care and has just got fed up with the wall-to-wall coverage.

Don't care in the slightest how it ends , I just want it to - is what stands out to me . :disapointed2se:

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I didn't mean to piss people off at all, but it's just too much focused on her when there are so many other people going missing everyday. What's so special about her? It's been nearly a year now, so most likely she's either dead or locked in a basement somewhere by some weirdo. Which would everyone prefer? She's not going to be alive and happy is she after this amount of time... and if she is she may well have completely forgotten her parents now. If they find her theres going to be something really crap that's happened. If she's dead at least it puts an end to it all and the family and everyone else can move on. If they cash in on a movie I most certainly won't be seeing it.

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I still fail to belive that the social services havn't treated this like they would if it was a couple from a council estate who left their child in a room alone and went out.

Remember you arguing against me on that very argument on what was subcider that it's an English child and that's that..

I think the entire episode stinks of scum and always did

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I didn't mean to piss people off at all, but it's just too much focused on her when there are so many other people going missing everyday. What's so special about her? It's been nearly a year now, so most likely she's either dead or locked in a basement somewhere by some weirdo. Which would everyone prefer? She's not going to be alive and happy is she after this amount of time... and if she is she may well have completely forgotten her parents now. If they find her theres going to be something really crap that's happened. If she's dead at least it puts an end to it all and the family and everyone else can move on. If they cash in on a movie I most certainly won't be seeing it.

Move on? you have no idea. if, god forbid anything happened to my kids I know I couldnt carry on, id have to kill myself.

I don't necesarily agree with the media coverage of this case (I do beleive to a certain extent it is a class issue) but the McCanns want there daughter back, wether something 'really crap' has happened or not.

I would pitty your kids if you ever have any.

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I can see where Eamers coming from though. Literally thousands of people across the world have gone missing since Madeline did, and why arent they getting the same attention. GMTV the week before Christmas covered a different story every day about someone who had gone missing, some had been missing for years, but we don't hear about them.

As horrible as it sounds I hope she is dead and hasnt suffered at the hands of some vile paedophile all this time, or been sold off to god knows who, the parents still need to know that though. God knows what sort of state she will be in if she has been alive all along.

I suppose the only hope was that she was stolen to order to be "adopted" by some rich family who cant have children, and in that sense she is safe because she will be well looked after.

Id hate for any family to have gone through what the McCanns have, but at the end of the day, they put themselves in this boat.

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Here here! Where was the help for Ben Needhams mum when her son went missing all those years ago, and hes still missing today.

A single mother who had done this would have been vilified and had any of her remaining kids taken away. The only ones to blame in all this are the parents, because if they hadnt left Maddy and her siblings alone that night she would still be alive and well now. I dread to think whats happened to her.

Yeah that`s the case i was on about in my starting post on here. Agree with what your saying here. It`s the way the media mainly pick and choose their stories. Single mum with child missing - Not glamorous. Parents with a child missing - GLAMOROUS.

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Yeah that`s the case i was on about in my starting post on here. Agree with what your saying here. It`s the way the media mainly pick and choose their stories. Single mum with child missing - Not glamorous. Parents with a child missing - GLAMOROUS.

No matter how you dress up this case I think your choice of the word glamorous is 100% WRONG and INACCURATE

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No matter how you dress up this case I think your choice of the word glamorous is 100% WRONG and INACCURATE

I , like many I'm sure , slag the papers off for their reporting of certain aspects of the happenings in our society , like the Needhams and McCanns etc...

The children , and adults , that have gome missing from our families , are many over the years .

From a socially caring point of view , would'nt it be nice if some of the national papers that have a large readership , printed a number ( say 20 ) of missing persons from this country each day for a month to highlight the plight of the families searching .

There are lots and ifs and buts to this , but are'nt there always . Tesco post pictures in store windows on occasions of persons missing , or they do in my local store .

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No offence was intended. I apologize if i`ve offended you or anyone else. But you know what i meant. They just pick stories that they think will generate the most headlines/sympathy.

No offence taken mate, I do agree with what you say about the press, most of them sink just slightly lower than a snakes bellY!

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