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Pro 5 Tonight (kick About)


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Hi There Guys,

A quick message, Tonight as been cancelled due to a few players pulling out on the last minute. I apologise for any incconveiniance, I've tried to get other players to make a game of it but we're just down to 6 players and it wouldn't be much fun play 3 v 3 ect....

If you would like we can re-arrange it for another date.

Thanks for all those people who put there names down, and also for those who pulled out at the last minute (may of been the weather)

I hope we can get a proper 11 aside game very soon otherwise I'm more than willingly arrange some 5 a-side games as and when's needed.

Again sorry guys, I really wanted this to go ahead!



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It is a shame as I had got out of what I had previously planned so I could come at the last minute, guess I can do what I was going to be doing now. Would be good if it could be arranged preferably on a Sunday as I not sure I would be able to come up from Wiltshire in the week. 11 a side grass game would be good as well it just about finding the right opponents, Matt was trying to arrange a game Vs Media Team which would be good as we had good game with them at Abbotts Leigh last year.

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Had just taken my girlfriend home and got all my stuff ready to come down. Was literally just about to leave, glad I checked on here first. Should definately try sort something out soon. I might walk over to a pitch near me soon and speak to their manager see if he'd be up for sorting a game or something.

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Eamer that would be a good idea and also the media team would be a good game, we need games fast! as may is soon to be round the corner.

If anyone can tell me a good date for them i'll re-book Pro5. I can't do this weekend as I'm in spain looking at some apartments.

11 A-side games are crucial, we need them fick and fast!

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I know that this is prob a bit farfetched but aren't the reserves looking for games as I notice they have had a few matches postponed gives them practice and us practice even if it just is a friendly, maybe a challenge is in order?

Wouldnt have much of a problem getting people to turn up for that!

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I know that this is prob a bit farfetched but aren't the reserves looking for games as I notice they have had a few matches postponed gives them practice and us practice even if it just is a friendly, maybe a challenge is in order?

I'd be to worried to tackle them to hard just in case i injury them :noexpression:

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I might walk over to a pitch near me soon and speak to their manager see if he'd be up for sorting a game or something.

I found the teams website address, emailed their chairman and got this response. Hopefully will get another response on it soon.

Hi Aaron,

Thank you for contacting us, it's always nice to hear of people finding out about our club and showing interest in it.

I have forwarded your request for a friendly match onto our new first tem manager, who will hopefully contact you shortly.

Have I captured everything you were after!?

Many thanks


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Hi boys.

I have recently given up playing rugby on a regular basis which I switched to after getting a tad on the slow side for a central midfielder at a decent standard of football 3 or so years ago. Now I have restarted following City regularly with my son.

Would like to make myself available for 5 a side games or cameo appearances from the bench just to keep the legs moving. Would happily play anywhere, 34yrs old bulldog player.

Just let me know if it is possible to come along. I have PM'd one of you who I guess is organising a lot of it.



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