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Bristol City Council


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The Bristol Blogger takes a look at Council Leader Helen Holland's recent report entitled The City's Future which was the subject of the recent State of the City debate.

All three make interesting reading or viewing (with some naughty language in the first), particularly if you've ever wondered just how the hell things get decided around Bristol. The answer, apparently, is very badly.

I believe the word "council" is now recognised as the collective noun for a group of utterly pointless things.

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The Bristol Blogger takes a look at Council Leader Helen Holland's recent report entitled The City's Future which was the subject of the recent State of the City debate.

All three make interesting reading or viewing (with some naughty language in the first), particularly if you've ever wondered just how the hell things get decided around Bristol. The answer, apparently, is very badly.

I believe the word "council" is now recognised as the collective noun for a group of utterly pointless things.

.....the underlying problem the people of Bristol now face was identified in the fourth paragraph - in red text - in the first link you gave.....

"Wow, here's a bit of a whammy to begin with. It now seems that our elected representatives' function is to contribute ideas to an unelected and unaccountable quango - the Bristol Partnership - and their Sustainable Community Strategy, which appears to be the key document about the future direction of the city these days."

......unelected and unaccountable quangos are ruining freedom of speech and civil rights for people in this country. We have an unelected Royal family and House of Lords at the top of Government and now unaccountable quangos at local city council level. However, the very worst unelected and unaccountable quangos have to be Police and their toff/snob Crown Prosecution Service puppet masters - and they're hardly ever mentioned for criticism.

TOFFS OUT !!!!!!

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I would love to see an American style system, where heads of department are voted in and out by thte people, so they are obliged to do what the people want.

BCC are a joke, we all know that and I think people have lost patience with this pathetic bunch of cowboys.

I'd love a mayor for Bristol campaign, would be proper reveloutionary.

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I would love to see an American style system, where heads of department are voted in and out by thte people, so they are obliged to do what the people want.

BCC are a joke, we all know that and I think people have lost patience with this pathetic bunch of cowboys.

I'd love a mayor for Bristol campaign, would be proper reveloutionary.

Totally agree with that.

It's really unclear how funds are actually allocated and budgets decided, who makes all the recommendations behind the scenes, and most importantly who is accountable.

An elected mayor and elected heads of department would be answerable directly to the public, that's one thing the yanks have got right. A weekend in New York will show you just how well it works.

I'd also like to see a very clear and detailed list of council spend published annually and sent to every taxpayer. Not the marketing shite we get now, the actual figures that show where the money went.

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Would that be available under the freedom of information act? That blog really opened my eyes when it says

Most importantly, the city is changing [Really? care to tell us how?]: as demonstrated in the member briefings [not supplied to the public] prior to this meeting of Full Council and in the attached evidence base. We need to ensure that the Council is well placed to lead the city into the future and respond to the changes that are happening [Yes but what are these ###### changes?].

Surely ALL council documents should be available to view?

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I would love to see an American style system, where heads of department are voted in and out by thte people, so they are obliged to do what the people want.

BCC are a joke, we all know that and I think people have lost patience with this pathetic bunch of cowboys.

I'd love a mayor for Bristol campaign, would be proper reveloutionary.

After refering to me as being 'republican scum' on the main forum you're now proposing an American and Republican system of Government ???!!!!! Make your mind up.

Source: http://www.otib.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=92379

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After refering to me as being 'republican scum' on the main forum you're now proposing an American and Republican system of Government ???!!!!! Make your mind up.

Source: http://www.otib.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=92379

Considering we already live in a democratic (ha what b***ocks) system, more freedom of choice to who governs our town halls is hardly going to put the national figure head at threat.

The only problem I can see is that given the low turn out for local elections, far left scroungers and greens would possibly have the most to gain.

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The only problem I can see is that given the low turn out for local elections, far left scroungers and greens would possibly have the most to gain.

I think the low turnout is down to the fact that electing one of 70 largely anonymous councillors just doesn't seem like it matters. If there were four or five actual publicly accountable people perhaps it would be different - at least, maybe it would be the second time around :)

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Considering we already live in a democratic (ha what b***ocks) system, more freedom of choice to who governs our town halls is hardly going to put the national figure head at threat.

The only problem I can see is that given the low turn out for local elections, far left scroungers and greens would possibly have the most to gain.

Putting the unelected national figure head at threat is not the issue here. What's wrong with being able to elect officials to act on our behalf to represent us on the council? Perhaps we could get someone elected to the council to further the idea of the re-introduction of terracing at Ashton Gate for instance.

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Putting the unelected national figure head at threat is not the issue here. What's wrong with being able to elect officials to act on our behalf to represent us on the council? Perhaps we could get someone elected to the council to further the idea of the re-introduction of terracing at Ashton Gate for instance.

Eh? Isn't that exactly what I suggested in the first place. You suggested it was Republicanism, which it can't be at local level unless you want to be pedantic.

Terracing unfortuantly would be something that comes under national laws, but having a say in who runds transport, education ect would be a great way of engaging the people.

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I would love to see an American style system, where heads of department are voted in and out by thte people, so they are obliged to do what the people want.

BCC are a joke, we all know that and I think people have lost patience with this pathetic bunch of cowboys.

I'd love a mayor for Bristol campaign, would be proper reveloutionary.

I think I would too, BUT it would have to be MUCH MORE ACCOUNTABLE than the London/Ken Livingstone version... did you see the Dispatches (C4) program on this last night? ....

Too much power in one persons hands is a dangerous situation if the wrong type gets in & has to answer to virtually no-one for the duration of their 'term in office'... an all powerful egotist can do an awful lot of damage if the right system of accountability is not in place.

It's a difficult one to call, but this current bunch of muppets in Bristol really need a wake up call & get back in touch with what really matters to real people- stop pandering to the powerful PC Brigade agendas & have the balls to stand up for whats right sometimes & not just whats currently 'PC' - even if it ruffles a few feathers of those 'do' goody organisations (that everyone is so reluctant to challenge) -ruffle those feathers a bit & stop 'em feathering their own nests!

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You've got to have checks and balances but the worst thing you can do is make someone wholly accountable and then tie their hands with red tape. One of the best ways is to make the term of office short enough.

I think the mood in London is that they're broadly happy with Ken because whether you agree with him or not he actually gets things done. We could do with a bit of that in Bristol.

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The Bristol Blogger takes a look at Council Leader Helen Holland's recent report entitled The City's Future which was the subject of the recent State of the City debate.

All three make interesting reading or viewing (with some naughty language in the first), particularly if you've ever wondered just how the hell things get decided around Bristol. The answer, apparently, is very badly.

I believe the word "council" is now recognised as the collective noun for a group of utterly pointless things.

Where do you see Bristol C.C in three years time and will the various MAJOR issues in this city have changed , or will these issues still be in the process of change .

The previous discussed issues on the posts within Non Footie Forum around Bristol C.C allocating £ 250,000 of council tax payers money to a slavery theme have already , and will continue to , overlap with these posts .

Will the transport system be any better or a viable alternative to the car within the city ?

Will our children leave school with an education to be proud of and of use for their workroles in life ?

Will living to old age mean less and less social care from the current liability that is social services now ?

Will there be any form of council housing in the future or council responsibility to provide housing ?

There is much debate , much listening , much learning and much whitewash .

Some issues are long term and three years is certainly an unachievable timescale which is why I mentioned at the beginning a process of change .

Without boring you silly and taking up an evening of typing , my thoughts on the first two issues I've raised here are ones that I've had for many years and hopefully can keep concise .

Blame , blame , blame . The tram system , whose fault was it that Bristol does'nt have it . The government who at the time promoted this form of transport and backed it to good effect in some cities , our local councils for dis agreeing on a terminus and final route which led to costs rising astronomically and added to the feasibility groundwork and its associated costs , or the public of the city who allowed these council parasites to bicker and deliver to us what we have now , and what we have to look forward in the near future to .

So what have we to show for the great cost to the council tax payers so far .

Congestion not just within the city but approach roads and surrounding motorways and A roads .

Local train services that the council has failed to support with great gusto in the past and only after many years of local community pressure on the council and the various train companies , which are run by corporate groups whose promotional information tells us that it puts us first , but actually fleeces us for its shareholders whilst providing various aspects of a sub standard service .

Oh , last but not least , a bus company ( which has an association to one of the train companies ) who for years has provided known poor service to a city that is ever growing .

Every time there is an interview with a member of First's management or a clip within the paper or website you will see and hear about Bristols traffic problems .

We know that from past years , its not getting better but because we know of the problem it allows us to find the correct solution . Providing services that have to negotiate through the standing traffic will add to the major timing issues and consequent loss of service . Journeys from outskirts to outskirts across city is something some other cities dropped long ago . A majority of people travel into or from the city so that is where the majority of services should begin and end , not travelling through the city encountering more traffic .

What First have done though by starting to provide this over the last year or so is finding a way of fleecing more money from the public .Previously a return fare from say Cribbs to the Longwell Green / Park Estate area would allow you to travel approx 16 miles either way for one set return price . But now by breaking that journey up , you either have to buy two return fares , which is twice the cost of the original return fare or by a day rider which again is dearer . Of course we are told its to provide a better service to us the customers , but has it , and also it keeps there buses running nearer to time which allows them to get more fares from and to keep the watchdogs off of their backs again .

The new showcase route 2 has arrived , which alongwith the original showcase route 1 has come at great cost to the council tax payer . You will hear from the council and Firstbus about a partnership - the new buzzword .

Firstbus have provided as their part of the partnership 42 state of the art buses costing in excess of £ 7 million .

We can already provide an argument against real time information on the bus stops as this sits above timetables that we know are constantly unachievable . So now you get to a stop at a known time to be shown how long you've got to wait .

Any buses , of the size Firstbus use within the city, bought new by any company now have to meet strict guidelines inc . low floors , disabled access inc. space within for a wheelchair alongwith the latest greener engines which I believe presently are Euro 4 ( although this is also being superseeded ).

Firstbus has provided this in their new buses to showcase route 2 which as said is part of their commitment to the partnership .

But hold on . What sort of commitment is this . They would have to provide this new bus meeting all the E.U guidelines anyway whether they are in the partnership or not , so what have they actually committed to ?

They've fooled the council again into providing the infrustructure with your money to run their buses nearer to the times they stipulate in order to make their shareholders a greater profit . If you want to commit a crime and get away with it , look no further than Firstbus .

Christ what was the other point I wanted to debate ?

Our wonderful future , our children .

Well bar for the worrying things I see in society I still believe in the majority of them .

They have been let down for years in Bristol , its not a view that many could argue with any passion or with stats to back their argument up .

We live in a result driven country where results seem the be all and end all . Whether its the N.H.S , train times , police crime detection rates ( I always laugh at these as most know they are false in which ever way the government want to promote them ) or any other organisation etc.. results and targets are the guide .

We reached adulthood with possibly a different pressure than most kids today .

Although results show some schools are progressing in the city , overall the system is failing . It is a consistant failing and three years from now there is little confidence that there will be any considerable progression that can enhance kids of school age presently .

As with other posts I've made , there are persons within the council and employed by the council whether in a teaching capacity or advisory who are collecting wages and bonuses for failure . Failure to our children and our future . Once again this country shows its many poor sides , once again Bristol C.C provides the results to show their failings in our society .

I want our kids to evolve through school with a pride , a committment , with values and a sense of belonging that will aid their lives , not a background of failure at a young age . But worst of all in this sermon , is that we are paying for failure and continue to in which ever form the council continues to choose .

Thats it for now , but I'll be back .

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I'm all for an electoral mayor with powers akin to that Red Ken has.. but who would you think is suitable.

George F would be the local media's choice but he's probably too liberal for most peoples liking.

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I'm all for an electoral mayor with powers akin to that Red Ken has.. but who would you think is suitable.

George F would be the local media's choice but he's probably too liberal for most peoples liking.

Someone like George Ferguson being involved would be great, maybe not as mayor but they are planning to slap 30,000 homes into Bristol soon and he might have something useful to say about that and the transport networks.

Say we had half a dozen roles like this for a major city:








The mayor's job is up for election every two years and the others are up for election every 3 years, 2 at a time. That's not dissimilar to the "executive" the council has now, but the two key differences are 1) You don't need to be a councillor to stand and 2) the "executive" are voted for by the public, not appointed by councillors (which effectively means appointed by party chiefs).

The nice thing about this sort of system is that the roles are open to people who aren't career politicians, particularly those who have no stomach for the murky world of party politics. If you don't need party backing, you might get people who have actually achieved something in the real world and have some sort of useful skills and experience try and make a difference to our city.

You could have a respected local headmaster going for the education job or someone like Tony Robinson going for the environment one.

Hell, after he's finished getting us into the top half of the Prem and building us a new stadium I'd vote for SteveL for the economy one if he had a mind to get involved.

The problem is we won't see this happen because it means taking power away from the parties and putting it in the hands of the electorate and they will never go for that.

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