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Infiltration Of The Darkside

Sir Colby-Tit

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We see the evidence every week down AG at the moment; the buses from North Bristol pull up and all these funny looking folk step off all sheepishly. They nervously make their way to the club shop, their shifty eyes constantly scanning their surroundings.

Some get confused and end up in the chip shop asking for replica shirts, but the owner is very discrete and points them in the right direction.

Once they are decked out in their glorius new red shirts, scarves, rattles, badges, hats and rosettes they head for the away end, through force of habit, before being redirected by qualifed officials.

Once in the correct seat they marvel at the magnificent pitch, the lack of mud & puddles, the quality of the football and quietly discuss the advantages of being in a stand not held in place by tent-pegs. The odd slip up is to be expected, and a booming rendition of "Drink Up Thy Irene" can sometimes be heard.

Some City fans are wary of the newcomers, but not me. I welcome them with open arms, and a bar of soap.

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We see the evidence every week down AG at the moment; the buses from North Bristol pull up and all these funny looking folk step off all sheepishly. They nervously make their way to the club shop, their shifty eyes constantly scanning their surroundings.

Some get confused and end up in the chip shop asking for replica shirts, but the owner is very discrete and points them in the right direction.

Once they are decked out in their glorius new red shirts, scarves, rattles, badges, hats and rosettes they head for the away end, through force of habit, before being redirected by qualifed officials.

Once in the correct seat they marvel at the magnificent pitch, the lack of mud & puddles, the quality of the football and quietly discuss the advantages of being in a stand not held in place by tent-pegs. The odd slip up is to be expected, and a booming rendition of "Drink Up Thy Irene" can sometimes be heard.

Some City fans are wary of the newcomers, but not me. I welcome them with open arms, and a bar of soap.

i can even remember singing irene on the east end..yess a true fact.and at a city game as well..with all your blessings as well mind...in fact there were 3 games where we attended ashton gate with colours against horrid opposition...name those teams??

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