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He has done well at Torquay, he's hawled them off the bottom of division 3 with little resources.

I'd love to have his honesty and openness at City. Somethings that Wilson knows little about. He should have been made manager in July 2000.

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He should have been made manager in July 2000.

Yes I agree.

I would go into more depth on the subject but quite frankly I'm scared the forum police will be on my ass if I say too much!

Needless to say IMO with what I knew at the time (or before the time I should say) it was a horrendous decision to appoint Tony Fawthrop and not Rosenior.


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I would go into more depth on the subject but quite frankly I'm scared the forum police will be on my ass if I say too much!

Naa, go on PhatWill don't worry about the forum fuzz

I for one would be very interested in seeing what opinions / debate you would bring to the forum on the manager subject.

Let's call it incitement..... and blame me......I made you do it!

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He has already on many different occasions. It's not so much "forum police" as "people with differing opinions" arguing their case with as much gusto as you argue your case Will. It's what a forum like this should be all about and makes for much better enjoyment (to me at least) than reading endless threads about Mark Robins/the atmosphere at AG! (although I will add that these postings have just as much right to be on here as any other.....again it'd be boring if all topics were about the same thing!)

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While obviously I do make a point of argueing with what 95% of people write on this forum IN THIS CASE it's be the information I hold that would almost certainly see the post being removed and me being banned.

One month before Fawthrop was even appointed I posted a message on this very forum saying he'd get the sack, for those of you with long memories!

Suffice to say I wasn't wrong!

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Guest Spunkwood

We never went for Leroy because he didnt have enough experience but WHY did we pick Tony F then getting Pulis rubbed it in NOW WE NEED YOU LEROY who knows we could even still have Liam :Party12:

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I've just read that link to the Gulls site and I am amazed!

I thought City fans had unrealistic expectations, but to carp about a managerial record like that for a team like Torquay, well next thing you know they'll be calling themselves "sleeping giants" and wanting to know why they aren't "in the prem were they belong"! :wacko::D

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