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Hows Your Saturday Planned?


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this is how my saturday will go, hopefully! up at 4, go 2 work, catch train at 8.40, get in to a pub in swindon, and :Party3: :Party3: :Party3: :Party3: :Party3: :Party3: :Party3: :Party12: :Party12: :Party12: :Party12: then go and party in the county ground :Music10: :Music10: :Music10: as we stuff the swindle, then we can all :unsure: to the swindle fans leaving early!

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I will be on the M4 at 10:30 driving past Swindle at about 11:00 :sub: arrive Kempton Park about 12:45. Have a few bets on the first four races :unsure: and then watch my horse run (hopefully into the frame at least) in the 4:55 :dunno: .

Obviously there will also be many WAP calls made inbetween time's, thank goodness for the Company phone. :D:D

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I will be on the M4 at 10:30 driving past Swindle at about 11:00 :sub: arrive Kempton Park about 12:45. Have a few bets on the first four races :unsure: and then watch my horse run (hopefully into the frame at least) in the 4:55 :dunno: .

Obviously there will also be many WAP calls made inbetween time's, thank goodness for the Company phone. :D:D

What 's the horse called?
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Frenchay 10.00,

Westbury-o-Trym 10.45,

Aztec West 11.00,

Holiday Inn - Swindon 12.00 for pre-booked lunch,

14.00 Taxi/Mini bus to the ground

16.45 3 points in the bag

17.30 Champagne in the Holiday Inn

Worry about how we're getting back to Bristol before Tuesday nights game later.


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Guest Mr Snufflelufagus

9.30 get up go and get a breakfast

10.40 catch train

11.20 get a nice tour of Swindon by the local police

2.30 get put in the County ground

4.55 get marched to the train station singing Scott Murray, Scott Murray

6.30-7.00 go into town still singing Scott Murray Scott Murray

2.30am go home after a few drinks.

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Guest WillsbridgeRed

9.30 Wake up

9.31 Mrs moans it's too early

10ish Get on bus

15ish meet tompo on bus

11ish Start on Stella at the Weatherspoons at Tm

1pm Get train

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Guest Were_The_Townend
this is how my saturday will go, hopefully! up at 4, go 2 work, catch train at 8.40, get in to a pub in swindon, and :Party3: :Party3: :Party3: :Party3: :Party3: :Party3: :Party3: :Party12: :Party12: :Party12: :Party12: then go and party in the county ground :Music10: :Music10: :Music10: as we stuff the swindle, then we can all :unsure: to the swindle fans leaving early!
Yeah thats if they actually let and Brizzle fans in the pubs down here!, I'm sure your Bristolian accents wont give it away :P
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Guest WillsbridgeRed

Yeah well I supposed the fact we wont be using words like "Ugg" "grr" and "Urr" as our vocabulary will give us away.

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