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Our Mascot

Guest wishbone

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amazing........ I had that very discussion with a friend a while ago. They are not a city fan but I dragged them along to a game earlier in the season and they couldn't work out why we had a cat as a mascot when our nickname is the robins and I couldn't really help with a sensible answer either!

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Moderator's Note: Post deleted.

Will people please think before posting comments regarding unproven allegations against individuals. If forum members refuse to post responsibly, they will be banned indefinitely, as the number of posts of this nature is getting quite tedious.

You may consider these kind of remarks to be amusing, but they are not, and will not be tolerated in future.

Thank you.

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Moderator's Note: Post deleted.

Will people please think before posting comments regarding unproven allegations against individuals. If forum members refuse to post responsibly, they will be banned indefinitely, as the number of posts of this nature is getting quite tedious.

You may consider these kind of remarks to be amusing, but they are not, and will not be tolerated in future.

Thank you.

Whad'e say whad'e say!

Oh go on say go on go on! :sub:

Booooooh! :@

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One sure way for establishing the cat's gender. We'll get a vet armed with a castration knife to chase it around the pitch.The speed at which it runs will give us the answer.

Christ you can tell there's nowt on telly tonight can't you.


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Guest rednick_74

so weve established city cat is a man... but he must be a slow bugger cause hes never placed in the mascot race, or dosent he ever run????? :sub::sub::sub:

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Guest rednick_74
Because we are the REAL Robins and you're just fake

here baldy... lets wait untill tomorrow mate, I'm sure its going to be a cracker... :sub:

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Guest shilton_red

Time to see who has the best side in the west country . I count Plymouth as South west country .

Lets just have a good game / and no trouble .

Enjoy your day .

I cant help falling in love with you Swindon Town Fc

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