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O.K here we go , the 1970's throwback that I am has asked you recently about -

The childrens T.V programmes that we remember and

the sweets from our childhood that were our favourites . :dancing6:

So here I am again . We all did things , see things differently , dislike things from a previous generation .

So with all the changes in the world since the 70's started , what has been - lost - or changed dramatically possibly struggling to ever to return , between then and now .

I'll start with -

The milkman waking us up at 5 in the morning in his milkfloat ( they won't forget old Ernie )

The corner shops

Brylcreamed hair

Knowing our next door neighbours ( asking for a cup of sugar without the new Rottweiller half way up your leg welcoming you with a mouthful of teeth and a snarling ,dripping mouth )

Adverts telling our kids about how to be safe as they grow up ( Tufty , the Green Cross Code Man ,anyone remember the safety at sea adverts for the coastguard where the older Yorkshire couple would be sat on the beach having there picnic looking out to sea . Oh look Petunia theres a man out there waving to us ( he says ) , looks like that man at table number 7 ( she says ) as the poor sods drowning .Don't forget Charlie says - tbdkepankdadfabdsfagofadashdfhcblsdhfadldjf

well its over to you , what has changed ?

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The 3 day week, power cuts, the winter of discontent, rubbish piling up in the street cos the binmen were on strike again, the miners on strike again, Longbridge out on strike again, Dagenham out on strike again, no TV cos they're on strike again, oil crisis, inflation out of control and Healy having to go to the world bank to get him out the finacial toilet, entering the common market, police corruption, racial tensions, spiralling unemployment, the yorkshire ripper, only 3 tv channels, cars that wouldn't start on damp mornings, flares and kipper ties

Yep, the 70s was a cracking decade, bring it all back i say

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The 3 day week, power cuts, the winter of discontent, rubbish piling up in the street cos the binmen were on strike again, the miners on strike again, Longbridge out on strike again, Dagenham out on strike again, no TV cos they're on strike again, oil crisis, inflation out of control and Healy having to go to the world bank to get him out the finacial toilet, entering the common market, police corruption, racial tensions, spiralling unemployment, the yorkshire ripper, only 3 tv channels, cars that wouldn't start on damp mornings, flares and kipper ties

Yep, the 70s was a cracking decade, bring it all back i say

The test card on t.v

Super striker and crossfire ( games of past xmas presents )

Starsky and Hutch

Police cars of the type Zephyr , Cortina , Mini van or Anglia

The Sags winning the Watney Cup ( Eastville Stadium , wonder what happened to that ) :whistle2:

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The 3 day week, power cuts, the winter of discontent, rubbish piling up in the street cos the binmen were on strike again, the miners on strike again, Longbridge out on strike again, Dagenham out on strike again, no TV cos they're on strike again, oil crisis, inflation out of control and Healy having to go to the world bank to get him out the finacial toilet, entering the common market, police corruption, racial tensions, spiralling unemployment, the yorkshire ripper, only 3 tv channels, cars that wouldn't start on damp mornings, flares and kipper ties

Yep, the 70s was a cracking decade, bring it all back i say

Yeh bring it all back - freedom of speech and expression and the right to secondary picketing. :winner_third_h4h:

Crap politicians getting heckled - you don't see that these days with all the spin doctoring and select audiences at TV debates. Politicians are now more crap than ever and we're no longer allowed to tell them so without fear of state repression. :noexpression:

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O.K here we go , the 1970's throwback that I am has asked you recently about -

The childrens T.V programmes that we remember and

the sweets from our childhood that were our favourites . :dancing6:

So here I am again . We all did things , see things differently , dislike things from a previous generation .

So with all the changes in the world since the 70's started , what has been - lost - or changed dramatically possibly struggling to ever to return , between then and now .

I'll start with -

The milkman waking us up at 5 in the morning in his milkfloat ( they won't forget old Ernie )

The corner shops

Brylcreamed hair

Knowing our next door neighbours ( asking for a cup of sugar without the new Rottweiller half way up your leg welcoming you with a mouthful of teeth and a snarling ,dripping mouth )

Adverts telling our kids about how to be safe as they grow up ( Tufty , the Green Cross Code Man ,anyone remember the safety at sea adverts for the coastguard where the older Yorkshire couple would be sat on the beach having there picnic looking out to sea . Oh look Petunia theres a man out there waving to us ( he says ) , looks like that man at table number 7 ( she says ) as the poor sods drowning .Don't forget Charlie says - tbdkepankdadfabdsfagofadashdfhcblsdhfadldjf

well its over to you , what has changed ?

78'S records alongwith the 45'S

Watching the wrestling on World of Sport before the football scores

Chopper and Grifter bikes ( although Choppers made a return briefly few years ago )

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Political correctness not even invented.

The School medical that checked err... that everything was in good working order. :blush:

People taking responsibility for their own actions.


Dad's Army, Robin's Nest, Love thy Neighbour.

Cars that you could get under the bonnet to work on - change the oil filter and points etc.

No cars on the A38 and one could virtually travel as fast as one felt safe without getting caught on ubiquitous cameras.

No seat belts required.

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O.K here we go , the 1970's throwback that I am has asked you recently about -

The childrens T.V programmes that we remember and

the sweets from our childhood that were our favourites . :dancing6:

So here I am again . We all did things , see things differently , dislike things from a previous generation .

So with all the changes in the world since the 70's started , what has been - lost - or changed dramatically possibly struggling to ever to return , between then and now .

I'll start with -

The milkman waking us up at 5 in the morning in his milkfloat ( they won't forget old Ernie )

The corner shops

Brylcreamed hair

Knowing our next door neighbours ( asking for a cup of sugar without the new Rottweiller half way up your leg welcoming you with a mouthful of teeth and a snarling ,dripping mouth )

Adverts telling our kids about how to be safe as they grow up ( Tufty , the Green Cross Code Man ,anyone remember the safety at sea adverts for the coastguard where the older Yorkshire couple would be sat on the beach having there picnic looking out to sea . Oh look Petunia theres a man out there waving to us ( he says ) , looks like that man at table number 7 ( she says ) as the poor sods drowning .Don't forget Charlie says - tbdkepankdadfabdsfagofadashdfhcblsdhfadldjf

well its over to you , what has changed ?

Sunday working meant double time and was not part of the working week.

Decimal currency became the new money down the back of the settee.

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8 track players and my first cassette player

Decimalisation, the final nail in the coffin of good old pounds, shillings and pence.

Two tones and platforms - what was I thinking of?

Outbreak of Disco (when I was still coveting Hendrix, Cream and Led Zeppelin) - dire days indeed let's hope they never resurect THAT music, I was almost suicidal.

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8 track players and my first cassette player

Decimalisation, the final nail in the coffin of good old pounds, shillings and pence.

Two tones and platforms - what was I thinking of?

Outbreak of Disco (when I was still coveting Hendrix, Cream and Led Zeppelin) - dire days indeed let's hope they never resurect THAT music, I was almost suicidal.

Some records , performers and groups will never age and Hendrix , Cream and Zeppelin will still be on the media gadgets of the future in 40 years when I will look like Uncle Rog . :disapointed2se:

Disco won't age either because there are to many present day artists ( cough , splutter ) who have'nt the talent to get anywhere in life without bringing out these records every month to have today's gormless kids ( not everyone of course ) suckered into buying them .

Anyway back to the thread ,

Workington F.C in the league

Nearly all the red phone boxes

Lino on the kitchen floor

Doors missing at the back of the bus that you jumped on and off

Sorry Mr Malone.

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Hello Pop-Pickers!!

Remember Alan 'Fluff' Freeman & his Radio Top Forty Countdown on Sunday evenings?...

'.....& still at No 1 its T Rex & Hot Love'

his unforgettable theme tune as he counted down the hit singles of the week...

heres a bit of Fluff on youtube containing one of his famous countdowns at the end:

(it'd be a good bit of fun when City hit Top-Spot if someone could make up a spoof 'Fluff' countdown of the weeks Top Championship Sides using the traditional radio themetune & put it on Youtube! ... pics of club crests/badges flashing up as the countdown from bottom to top progresses...

..... 'down one place to this weeks number two it Stoke City - up one at this weeks No1 its Gary Johnson with Bristol City!'.

- you get the drift, reckon that'll be great to create a Football League Table/Pick of the Pops style thing for Youtube!... maybe Uncle Rog could do the 'Fluff' Countdown? or make it 'official' & get Dave L to do it??? )

cor, what a 'chart week' that'd make if we get promoted!! :) - it'd have to be done then for sure

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O.K here we go , the 1970's throwback that I am has asked you recently about -

The childrens T.V programmes that we remember and

the sweets from our childhood that were our favourites . :dancing6:

So here I am again . We all did things , see things differently , dislike things from a previous generation .

So with all the changes in the world since the 70's started , what has been - lost - or changed dramatically possibly struggling to ever to return , between then and now .

I'll start with -

The milkman waking us up at 5 in the morning in his milkfloat ( they won't forget old Ernie )

The corner shops

Brylcreamed hair

Knowing our next door neighbours ( asking for a cup of sugar without the new Rottweiller half way up your leg welcoming you with a mouthful of teeth and a snarling ,dripping mouth )

Adverts telling our kids about how to be safe as they grow up ( Tufty , the Green Cross Code Man ,anyone remember the safety at sea adverts for the coastguard where the older Yorkshire couple would be sat on the beach having there picnic looking out to sea . Oh look Petunia theres a man out there waving to us ( he says ) , looks like that man at table number 7 ( she says ) as the poor sods drowning .Don't forget Charlie says - tbdkepankdadfabdsfagofadashdfhcblsdhfadldjf

well its over to you , what has changed ?

Decent Bristol area bus service

Work stopped on the M5 bridge at Avonmouth

Severn Beach when it was still a half decent day out

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Decent Bristol area bus service

Work stopped on the M5 bridge at Avonmouth

Severn Beach when it was still a half decent day out

A red phone box that isn't vandalised and actually accepts coins .

Spent much of my time in those tardis look , out of space cubicles , as a kid using reverse charges to get someone to pick me up after school .

Many villages had them in the Peak District coming back from Leicester on Sunday . But big bold statement said that they did not accept the metal mullah.

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