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Mcindoe Turns Screw On Promotion Rivals

Blagdon red

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Standing in this week for Bristol Boy, fellow OTIB poster 'tin' has ably produced this week's report and ratings from the Colchester game:

McIndoe Turns Screw On Promotion Rivals

V good report, accurate reflection of what happened.

Ratings-wise, I thought Vasko was on long enough to get a decent rating, maybe a 7. Great rampaging cameo up front, must have come as a shock to the U's defenders.

Also noticed that we excelled in the dark art of slowing things down at throw in's, corners (McIndoe) & goal kicks a la Palace.

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Agreed with most stuff but why was Orr's sending off harsh? The first one was definately a booking and I've seen the replay for the 2nd- there was no need for him to blast the ball away.

I have looked at bcfc world & timed from the moment the referee blew his whistle for the infringment & when Bradley kicked the ball away. The time is 3 seconds now as Bradley was doing the job he is payed to do and clear the danger or do you expect him to stop dead in his tracks there and then? either that or you tel the crowd to shut up for the players to hear the whistle from the 'I am center of attention' referee when he blows his whistle.

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I have looked at bcfc world & timed from the moment the referee blew his whistle for the infringment & when Bradley kicked the ball away. The time is 3 seconds now as Bradley was doing the job he is payed to do and clear the danger or do you expect him to stop dead in his tracks there and then? either that or you tel the crowd to shut up for the players to hear the whistle from the 'I am center of attention' referee when he blows his whistle.

3 seconds is a fairly long time for him to realise- his reactions are meant to be good. Gary Johnson agrees he deserved to go as well. Don't tell me he couldn't hear the whistle- I could hear it down the other end. Or is Bradley deaf?

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3 seconds is a fairly long time for him to realise- his reactions are meant to be good. Gary Johnson agrees he deserved to go as well. Don't tell me he couldn't hear the whistle- I could hear it down the other end. Or is Bradley deaf?

I agree.

Bradley had plenty of time to pull out of kicking the ball away and, while it's a bit ridiculous that a player is dismissed for doing it, the ref can't be blamed for applying the laws he's told to work by.

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3 seconds is a fairly long time for him to realise- his reactions are meant to be good. Gary Johnson agrees he deserved to go as well. Don't tell me he couldn't hear the whistle- I could hear it down the other end. Or is Bradley deaf?

At the end of the day i have always said the FA should bring in overseas referee's to do our games. How can you referee a game that you cant even play properly yourself.? According to the Prem clubs we cant play properly thats why the buy overseas players to do it for us.

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At the end of the day i have always said the FA should bring in overseas referee's to do our games. How can you referee a game that you cant even play properly yourself.? According to the Prem clubs we cant play properly thats why the buy overseas players to do it for us.

I got no problems with refs. They have a very difficult job and are always going to make mistakes- makes the game interesting for me.

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I got no problems with refs. They have a very difficult job and are always going to make mistakes- makes the game interesting for me.

It's only as difficult as the person themselfs make it.

I havent got a problem with ref's only that they cant use commonsence in the right places. Aswell as think on their feet.

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if it was 3 seconds then that is more than enough IF he heard it. I suspect he did because looking at the replay you will see he appears strongly to kick it away fairly nonchalently, i.e. not exactly a full effort hoof. However, I think the first booking was a bit harsh; there was no outstretched leg from my recollection. Either way, the ref was on the spot. Blemished an otherwise great performance which I was pleased to attend. About time I got a result away from home; my last two were Ipswich and QPR so i was beginning to think I was a bad omen!

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Yet to see Bradley's incidents, although he looked proper gee'd up with that left winger from minute one. Emotional lad Bradley.

Thought the linesman though on the right in the second half was an utter and total ###### ######, as was the referee. An as for that overgrown freak of a steward laying down the letter of the law regarding common sense well; rather be me than him.....


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It's only as difficult as the person themselfs make it.

That is rubbish frankly. I can imagine you might struggle to make the right decisions when you have a 51-49 challange that two sets of fans are screaming foul for and will be raging if the decision goes against them.

It is a very tough job and one I wouldn't want to do.

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Cheers for some of the positive replies folks. With regards to Orr's sending off, as I said it was pointless and stupid but I thought it was harsh in the sense that the ref was very quick to reach for his card. Orr was stupid with what he did, especially as he presuambly would've known about any punishment that lay ahead but I thought at the time that the ref could've maybe taken his time to evaluate the situation a bit more. Having seen it on TV since, I think he was spot on personally.

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Nice positive report Tin!

Just quietly, with your 92 ground challenge, it currently stands at 71. Will it go down to 70 when Colchester move to Cuckoo Farm? Or will you then claim the 93 ground challenge!!!

Sadly, it'll go down to 70 when they move but I will at least have added Charlton and Sheff Utd to that so the total will stand at 72 by the end of the season, unless we get Ipswich in the play-offs!

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Very good report tin, especially for those who couldn't attend on Saturday.

Although, how someone with the Natch consumption of you can write something like that is beyond me! :innocent06:

I didn't spend three years at Uni for nothing mucker! Asides from build an immunity to rough cider! :D

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