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Mothers Day


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what fool invented this day? how does it help you mum if you spend a fiver on a sodding new card ony to be chucked out a couple of days later.

is this a religous day or call me a synic was it invented by commercial companies to make some more money in march?

It was orginally a religious day, people would usually worship in their nearest parish church but on the middle Sunday in lent they would worship at their "mother" church - the largest church or cathedral in the area.

This would mean meeting up with people, particularly family, you hadn't seen for a while.

This tradition developed into workers being given the day off to vsit their families, and if you haven't seen your mum for a while you would probably bring her a gift. And so to where we are today.

I am all for this one.

It's the many invented days that I dislike. I was in the US once when they had all these cards for Secretarys' Day, where bosses were expected to buy cards and gifts for their secretaries. Which surely is what you do at Christmas.

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