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Todays Result

94th Minute

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From thefootballforum:

"1-1 at half time. Should've been 4-0 to us according to Radio Humberside and Tony Cottee."

"2-1 to Brizzle at full time. Undeserved 3 points by all accounts."

" Linton Brown says we were by far the better team. Gutted not to have got anything.

Oh well, at least we're still in a half decent position with a game in hand that could take us to sixth."

All from a Hull City fan, sour grapes; or did anyone really think they were better? I can't remember more than 1 chance for them in the first half (I did get there 10 mins late, seconds before Adebolas goal, not the firt time either, when he scored in the 4th min once, I got there in the 3rd), and in the second half, especially 80th min onwards (when I've got to say the chants of Cider army, going on for 10mins in the east end, was amazing) I thought we held posession brilliantly, and didn't really give them a chance to score.

Sure when they hit the post, maybe they did deserve the draw. Someones delusional, please tell me its not me!

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They played very well in the first half, and you wouldnt have begrudged them going in with a lead.

However, we produced one of our best 45 minutes of football in the second half, and deservedly took the three points. I cant see how any Hull fans at the game could argue with that.

And wasnt the flag up anyway when they hit the post?

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