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Grand Theft Auto

Barrs Court Red

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The faster the player taps a controller button, the faster Niko runs.

Niko will be able to perform a variety of new actions such as climbing telephone poles and fire escapes, pushing people who bump into him, calling women for dates,[17] playing pool, darts, bowling, eating, and drinking. Niko may become intoxicated by which the character stumbles and the blurry camera bounces about.

The player will not be able to fly any fixed-wing aircraft,[18]. However, helicopters will be flyable. Francis International Airport (from Grand Theft Auto III) is confirmed to be in the game. The player will also be able to control boats.[19]

It is possible to have multiple active missions, due to the fact that some missions will run over the course of several days and will require the player to wait for further instructions, etc. [20]

The use of mobile phone has been expanded to perform multiple actions. When selecting the mobile phone, a zoomed-in version of the phone pops up in the bottom right-hand corner of the screen and a list of several commands are made available to the player, such as "meet me here," etc. Retrying a failed mission can be performed by accessing the menu. The phone can be used outside of vehicles to listen to the radio. The player can take photos with the mobile phone and upload them to the police computer. Niko can dial 911 and trick the police to send a dispatch. He can also contact the paramedics and the fire station.[citation needed]

Stealing a parked car can no longer be done simply by opening the door and driving off. Now, it involves Niko approaching the car, breaking the glass, and hotwiring it; only then can he use it. The way Niko enters the car would look different each time depending on where and how he is in relation to the car. There will be several animation variations to sneaking up to a car and breaking its window. Because of the Euphoria engine, the way the character will approach the car will be completely random. Players will be able to choose from four different camera views while in a car, including a dashboard view. All cars feature a standard GPS device while more expensive vehicles have voice-navigation GPS. Car damage physics have been greatly improved.[citation needed] When major collisions on motorbikes occur, the player's helmet is likely to fall off. Niko can lose health if he crashes. Vehicles will not explode if they are flipped over.

When driving in a car the player will be able to smash the window with his elbow, free-aim, and fire out of the broken window with either a pistol or machine gun.[21]

The gunfight system has been reworked to feel natural by utilising a cover system similar to that of Gears of War and Uncharted: Drake's Fortune, the reason being that the combat system in previous games were awkward and cumbersome.[22] The player can slide to cover, blind fire, and free aim. When locked on, the target's health is indicated by eight purple segments on the target circle. Players can now target individual body parts using a revamped targeting system.[23] Niko's health is represented by a green semi-circle on the left side of the radar, and a right semi-circle represents armour. If Niko gets injured, he can recover health by eating, sleeping or using medical kits. Body Armour and actual Health will play different roles. Health is more likely to be reduced by falls and going through the windscreen of a car when crashing, Body Armour will be damaged more by gunshots and stab wounds.

[edit] NPC Behaviour

Police and wanted levels now operate differently. When the police are in search of Niko, the player will now have to avoid a certain radius marked on the map in which the police will be looking for him. The size of this radius will increase with the player's wanted level (the more stars, the bigger the radius) and re-centres itself on Niko's location if he is spotted by the police. Instead of utilizing the "Pay N' Spray" as in previous games, Niko has to realistically disguise himself by clandestinely changing vehicles in empty areas such as parking garages, a feature seen in the video game Mafia: The City of Lost Heaven. When on foot, police will not shoot at Niko unless he has committed a serious offense. If they catch up to Niko, he will put his hands up and the player has a chance to run away. Additionally, pedestrians with cellphones can now report crimes.[24][25] The player also now has the option when arrested to attempt to escape before the handcuffs are slapped on.[23]

Interpersonal relationships are now dynamic; ignoring cell phone calls or refusing help will change the attitude by specific characters towards Niko.[23]

Pedestrians are much more intelligent, realistic, and diverse, using mobile phones, cash machines, eating snacks, drinking soda, reading newspapers, scratching their noses, coughing, smoking, and interacting with each other through laughter and remarks. Homeless people will be seen in alleys rubbing their hands over a flaming barrel, sitting against walls, asking for spare change, and other expected actions.[citation needed] The flow of pedestrians and traffic will be different depending on the time of day. Pedestrians and motorists will often act as good Samaritans and aid characters that Niko is attacking or carjacking.[23]

[edit] Environment

Niko's outfit can be changed throughout the game. However, it will not be possible to customise his physique or hairstyle as in Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas.[26]

Heavy fire will scar - and permanently destroy - parts of the environment. It is possible to shoot through walls with powerful weapons.[citation needed]

When Niko goes to the hospital, he has to pay $100 and he will keep his weapons. When Niko gets arrested, he has to pay more than $100 and he will lose his weapons.

In a police vehicle, Niko can use an in-car computer to access the criminal database and discover information about various criminals in Liberty City, possibly including himself. [27]

The player can hail a cab in order to travel to any address in the city. When riding, the player has the option of viewing the journey from the inside, or skipping it to arrive at the destination immediately.[citation needed] The player will be able to ask the driver to change the radio station by pressing D-pad left or right.

Niko will make use of the Internet as a means of communication. Although the exact details of the role of the Internet in the game are being kept secret, it has been revealed that Niko can access the internet from various cyber cafes (one of which is called "****") in order to upload a resume for prospective employers.[24] There are over 100 accessible, fictitious websites within the game.[28]

Every street in the game will have a name for the reason that some missions will require the player to go to a specific address.[29]

There is now an autosave that activates after completing a mission.[30]

A day in Liberty City is forty-eight minutes long, instead of twenty-four as in previous Grand Theft Auto titles (one game hour lasts two minutes in real time).

Some meetings in the game will take place high in the buildings of skyscrapers, which will subsequently allow Niko to throw people off the buildings. However, Niko will not be able to access all the buildings in the game.

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Any chance of you getting on some pre release copies :innocent06:

So will GT be worth getting? I certainly was impressed with the demo when I downloaded it. For me if GTpro will have free downloadable updates I may well be interested in it.

When the full game comes out that is going to be superb, and with GTA 4, Spore and possibly Battlefield Bad Company out before then, there's certainly enough to keep ticking over with!

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Any chance of you getting on some pre release copies :innocent06:

Sadly no. I know someone who got fired from a rather well paid job for doing something like that. The few people I know still working in games development won't leak anything.

So will GT be worth getting?

Given that it's not even the price of a full game, I should think so. We won't see full GT5 until mid 2009 I'd think. On the plus side they've definitely got the game engine sorted out, what they're doing now is just going to be artwork and data. Time-consuming and painstaking but not likely to throw up any design problems.

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Sadly no. I know someone who got fired from a rather well paid job for doing something like that. The few people I know still working in games development won't leak anything.

I thought that might be the case!

Given that it's not even the price of a full game, I should think so. We won't see full GT5 until mid 2009 I'd think. On the plus side they've definitely got the game engine sorted out, what they're doing now is just going to be artwork and data. Time-consuming and painstaking but not likely to throw up any design problems.I might take a punt on it then, although I'm leaning toward Burnout Paradise

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More details

"Later revealed in an issue of PSM, GTA IV will have 15 modes of play and support up to 16 players[32], with the player using a customizable character to play as, with a choice of gender, race and clothing. The modes of play include several varieties of deathmatch and racing with a cooperative single player mission and free mode, along with a few new modes like Mafia where players try to assassinate a target before other players and Cops 'N' Crooks where one team plays as the police trying to stop the other players from escaping. The map used in multiplayer will be the same as the single player map and the host of the games can control many variables like traffic, police reaction and laps in races. Rockstar has left one game type unknown and not explained some, so this list is incomplete."

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I reckon I'm going to take my PS3 on my Honeymoon and leave the wife at home...........

Play magazine has an article about GTA IV multiplayer and it's shaping up to be incredible. I'll say right now that it specifically describes Free Mode as "the WHOLE of Liberty City is at your mercy. Go anywhere, do anything - like the single player game - but you're playing with your mates. It doesn't get any better than this"

Now the hands on descriptions of 3 of the multiplayer modes:

Gametype: Team Deathmatch

Location: Colony Island

Players: 8 (in two teams)

The game options have been set so that everyone starts with RPGs. This is going to be...explosive.

I spawn in a graveyard and quickly hunt down some armour - might be a good idea. I pick up the armour and... what do we have here? I stumble into an old granny pedestrian - she screams and runs off saying, "I'm going to get myself a gun!" Too late, grandma, I think, as I unload the RPG at her feet. She flies off high into the air as I get back to thinking about the game. Right next to me is a fire ecape that should give me access to a roof and a vantage point where I can rain down hell onto my opponents.

I quickly run up the steps, reach the roof and look down onto the streets below. Carnage. All I can see is a crisscross of smoke trails from RPG fire. And lots and lots of massive explosions. I take aim and join in the melee.

Eventually someone twigs to my tactics and ends my fun with a rocket to the face. Maybe that's karma for poor old granny. Anyway, I'm back in the game now and on street level trying to take cover from the urban warzone that we've created. Firing blind from behind a car, I take out two but then realise that a car isn't the best place to hide. especially when it has a tank full of petrol. Boom, and so on.

I restart again and decide that I should keep moving to avoid the swarms of incoming ordinance. Seems like everyone else has the same idea and chaos ensues as smoke and explosions make it near impossible to tell friend from foe. I rack up a few more kills and a few more deaths and then the game comes to a close - I don't even recall who won. I'm just kind of relieved that I can blink again...

Gametype: Cops N Crooks

Location: Broker

Players: 8 (in two teams)

As luck would have it, the game randomly selects me as the boss. There's something kind of comforting to know that the guys on your team are there to protect you. But anyway, we head off together to find some wheels and get to the escape point some distance away. This happens to be a speedboat tied up at Broker's docks - just to get to the speedboat and the match will be won.

We're still on foot when we first hear the sound of a police siren wailing some way off in the distance. Actual fear grips me - this isn't any AI-controlled arm of the LCPD; it's the other team... and they're hunting me! With no wheels of any description close by, and the siren getting louder by the second, I make the decision to head up the grassy verge and take cover. Just in time, as my bodyguards open up with their Uzis on the top car. They kill two and we retreat up the verge. Bingo! There's a car park at the top and we finally manage to find some transport. Three of us get in what looks like a family saloon while one guy stays behind to buy us some time. Respect for that.

Now we're tearing through the streets of Liberty City, looking over our shoulders for any sign of flashing lights. In spite of my nervousness, the journey passes without any other incident. Until we get to the escape point. The driver has made a mistake and instead of us taking the road down to the waterfront, we find ourselves halfway across the Broker Bridge, the speedboat some 100 feet below us. And the cops turn up and block the only route to the speedboat, at the end of the bridge! My bodygaurds head for them guns blazing and I only have one option - jump off the bridge and hope the fall doesn't kill me. Luckily I land in the water right next to the boat, jump in and cruise off into the sunset, the sounds of gunfire fading into the distance behind me. Victory!

Gametype: Hangman's NOOSE

Location: Francis International Airport

Players: 4 (on one team)

A short cutscene introduces the mission - mafiya boss Petrovic(he's computer controleed in this game) lands at Francis International Airport on his private jet. Suddenly an army of NOOSE troops turn up in armoured trucks and helicopters and they're here to get Petrovic. The objective is simple: protect Petrovic and get him to a safe point on the map, in this case a baseball field.

Quickly we take cover behind baggage crates and start taking out NOOSE. This is no easy feat as they can do everything that we can do and are just as adept at using GTA IV's cover system as we are. I decide to change my tactics. I quickly make a break through the NOOSE lines, steal an armoured truck and use it to mow them down. This is more like it! More NOOSE show up and I've become something of a bullet magnet, but the armoured vehicle is tough enough that the bullets have litte effect.

Suddenly Petrovic calls for transport and I oblige. I pick him up leaving my team-mates to occupy NOOSE, and start driving towards the safe point, dodging baggage crates, planes, and NOOSE bullets as I try to make my escape. As I race towards my goal a massive jumbo jet tries to take off from the airport, not 20 yards from my truck. Now this is intense.

I reach the end of the airport and spy a fleet of army helicopters. Well, why not, I think. Petrovic follows me as I climb aboard the Black Hawk-like chopper and the rotors spin into life. I want to take off but now I have a dilemma. Not only do I feel bad about leaving my guys behind, it's also a part of the mission objective that you must all make it to the safe point to win. But the longer I remain on the ground, the closer the pursuing NOOSE are getting to me and Petrovi. I decide on a compromise - take off, go back to the fight and pick up my buddies.

The battle is still in full flow and I can see a blaze of gunfire, and piles of dead bodies. And then, as I'm circling the melee below, I see the funniest thing I've ever seen in a videogame. One of our team is tearing round the runway on a baggage trolley, mowing down NOOSE members. Yes! Now, this is what GTA multiplayer should be about!

It's too hot to land and so I opt to leave, hoping that my team can make they're own way to the safe point. I head towards the baseball field at maximum speed as NOOSE helicopters pursue me. They're not too wuick and seam to be preoccupied with the battle with my other team members - whether through luck or judgement, it looks like my tactics worked and I make it to the baseball field with no more sightings of NOOSE. Twenty seconds later the rest of the team turns up in helicopters and we've won!

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I was working in Cardiff today and was planning on buying it then.


by 1pm, Sold Out EVERYWHERE!!!!

Zavvi, Gamestation, HMV, WHSMITH, Gamestation, Game EVERYWHERE - SOLD OUT!

back in Bristol tomorrow so going to pop in shops tomorrow and hope!

what has made me angry regardless of the sell outs, is that EVERYWHERE in shops despite selling all other games at £40, are selling GTA at £45!!!!

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what has made me angry regardless of the sell outs, is that EVERYWHERE in shops despite selling all other games at £40, are selling GTA at £45!!!!

That's nothing compared to the robbing bastards out here in Norway charging £65 (well, the equivalent in krone) for it on the XBox 360.

Still after first impressions seems to be worth it.... :bonkers:

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That's nothing compared to the robbing bastards out here in Norway charging £65 (well, the equivalent in krone) for it on the XBox 360.

Still after first impressions seems to be worth it.... :bonkers:

bloody heck! looking on ebay, it's hitting the £60+ mark on some auctions,

tomorrow morning, I'm heading straight up asda before work to see if they have it, then trawling all the shops at lunchtime in town to get it.

in the meantime I'm getting taunted by friends who are already playing it......which seems to be BLOODY EVERYONE!

had a look at some reviews today though, seems that the 360 despite being the "lesser machine" turns out to be the better version interestingly


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Got mine delivered from Tesco since everywhere else had sold out of the first batch a few weeks back when I ordered it.

It's fairly awesome as expected, the wanted level works better than the old way, the six-axis control is surprisingly accurate for bikes boats and choppers and the radio commentary is pretty damn funny.

Although that irritating Roman character is getting a face full of lead at the earliest opportunity.

Not tried multiplayer yet.

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had a look at some reviews today though, seems that the 360 despite being the "lesser machine" turns out to be the better version interestingly


That review's pretty laughable. They don't even know what bloom lighting is and I'd bet they haven't taken the ps3 feed from a high def out from the colouring. And pop in is "minor and won't be noticed by most gamers". Yeah right!
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I've got to have a back operation in May. I'm looking at 4-6 weeks off work fully paid. Finished renovating the house last month, so what shall I do with my time... I wonder.

Too many City games sat on the old Dolman wooden seats?

Were always a killer for me.

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