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Yes its that time of year again .

The postman , poor chap , has to deliver all those council tax bills through your letter box .

You know what it is before you open it , and when you do , well does'nt it make you feel better to see on the first page what savings councils say they've made , or are making in house to keep your bill down . Do you believe it as no one I've met does .

Good news before bad news approach .

I can show my local council some savings they could make everyday of the week . We can start with all the council workers in their council vans in council time and paid by council taxpayers passing round the papers from daybreak to dinnertime and beyond along the seafront at Blackpool .

Yes , yes they are entitled like me to have a teabreak but they read all the papers then have their teabreak .

Every day the same come rain or shine . This is my bug bearer over many years and will make the blood pressure rise again this week as that bill hits the hallway floor .

How much will yours go up this year ?

Do you feel you get value for money ?

Are you a council worker in a council van reading the papers before break wasting council tax payers hard earned dosh ? We are watching you .

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Are you a council worker in a council van reading the papers before break wasting council tax payers hard earned dosh ? We are watching you .

While you're watching the underpaid and overworked council operatives I be watching the inbred public school educated and overpaid and underworked bosses of these local Government authorities. :innocent06:

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Local authorities such as Bristol are run by republican liberal peasants who have no place in running major organisations, as they are unable to keep from meddling in both the running of the council, and the lives of Bristolians alonng PC liberal lines.

£250k of local peoples money to appease a tiny minority still banging on about Slavery, no problem.

How to pay for it? Raise taxes and cut services to those that REALLY need it.

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Local authorities such as Bristol are run by republican liberal peasants who have no place in running major organisations, as they are unable to keep from meddling in both the running of the council, and the lives of Bristolians alonng PC liberal lines.

£250k of local peoples money to appease a tiny minority still banging on about Slavery, no problem.

How to pay for it? Raise taxes and cut services to those that REALLY need it.


The biggest flaw in our system of government is that by it's very nature it makes it almost certain that the only people who will end up winning an election are those that are completely and utterly unsuitable for the job.

I'd much rather see a talented businessman with a track record of running things efficiently and getting results installed as a mayor with some real power than a bunch of lazy work shy ultra PC lentil eating sandal wearers dithering over simple decisions and then getting them wrong.

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My bin collection has gove from once a week to twice a week, yet the amount I pay for rubbish collection has cone up by 2.1%. How the heck does that work?

We certainly do not get good service from our council, and it pains me that 20% of my council tax goes to paying pensions for the mandarins working there.

Redgoblin, before you start your rantings, I get 3% paid into my pension by my employer, why should I be funding a 18% contribution into my council employees pensions?

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My bin collection has gove from once a week to twice a week, yet the amount I pay for rubbish collection has cone up by 2.1%. How the heck does that work?

It must just be me, but I fail to see the problem :dunno:

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While you're watching the underpaid and overworked council operatives I be watching the inbred public school educated and overpaid and underworked bosses of these local Government authorities. :innocent06:

Mr Red Goblin ,

for once I'm going to have to disagree with you slightly ,

The second part of your paragraph is quite correct . But you , like myself can only view them from the outside . You can't see them and can only put two and two together from what you see from the results in our communities and hear . As for underpaid and overworked council operatives many , many will disagree . Its like the NHS lots of money going one way but work load up , no way .

More overtime etc.. for those that want it to keep to targets . Targets the government word to show tangible results and to try to justify what resource is put into a scheme .

Go and view the hospitals , you won't see many staff rushing around looking totally stressed .

Stress the in word nowdays for those in this country who are forgetting quickly what bloody hard work is .

Gave examples of my council , can give so many examples of Bristol C.C and we discussed them at great length before so know each others views on them and what they are achieving .

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My bin collection has gove from once a week to twice a week, yet the amount I pay for rubbish collection has cone up by 2.1%. How the heck does that work?

We certainly do not get good service from our council, and it pains me that 20% of my council tax goes to paying pensions for the mandarins working there.

Redgoblin, before you start your rantings, I get 3% paid into my pension by my employer, why should I be funding a 18% contribution into my council employees pensions?

Letter to the council recently saying that a private collector can collect weekly in my area at a very reasonable rate . Asked what the council charges through the council tax for fortnightly collections and the cost to dispose / recycle etc .. and that if this could be taken off from the council tax bill as from April 2008 .

Council reply that this can't be done and that the individual cost is not available and is inclusive .

Another stealth tax , along with the police and fire brigade add ons , until it suits them to charge per weight of bin .

To easy to put the bills up each year hiding behind the comments I made in my opening post . What we all want to see is results or progression to better value for money and that are the one thing that many cannot .

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Go and view the hospitals , you won't see many staff rushing around looking totally stressed .

:disapointed2se: A friend of mine who was a junior doctor at the BRI informed me that many hospital staff - especially the doctors - were actually clinically depressed with the stress of their work and the long hours.

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Redgoblin, before you start your rantings, I get 3% paid into my pension by my employer, why should I be funding a 18% contribution into my council employees pensions?

Am I really the person to ask? If you want 18% or whatever paid into your pension then work for the council.

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:disapointed2se: A friend of mine who was a junior doctor at the BRI informed me that many hospital staff - especially the doctors - were actually clinically depressed with the stress of their work and the long hours.


Of course its not everyone and I must say I know someone up here who has a manual role in the council and is a bloody grafter .

The grafters are few and far between and the ' watering down ' and sub contracting of council work has created over the years a self belief with many that there workload is more .

We are fast becoming a nation that talks a good story about being a country that continues to use a hard days work as one of its true values when in reality it left us 20 years ago .

Now for the NHS . Doctors and nurses are as you say are at the sharp end and apologies from me for again generalising all . Their medical knowledge and care of us as patients is rarely questioned and acknowledged for its worth .

The support network in other roles e.g outpatiet depts , seem from my many experiences over 3 operations in 10 years and the many respective follow up appointments and physio sessions to be overstaffed and understretched which can cause a lethargy and lack of self motivation .

These are personal views I have expressed at length with friends , family and colleagues in the past and very often comments that support mine are expressed back .

We could then both talk I'm sure at length about the many overstaffed government depts that again use great resource and money in this country while feathering their own nests . Again I have a few stories to tell in my experiences but should leave this for another occasion as I will move away from the original topic .

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Now for the NHS . Doctors and nurses are as you say are at the sharp end and apologies from me for again generalising all . Their medical knowledge and care of us as patients is rarely questioned and acknowledged for its worth .

The support network in other roles e.g outpatiet depts , seem from my many experiences over 3 operations in 10 years and the many respective follow up appointments and physio sessions to be overstaffed and understretched which can cause a lethargy and lack of self motivation .

Some Right Wing Americans often belittle and refer to our NHS as being 'socialist medicine', my American relatives are very envious of our health system and would like the same. I'm one for generalisations as well and I know there are a lot of 'Tory Toffs' working in the NHS in various capacities and even they're proud to be part of a system that'll treat people whether wealthy or poverty stricken for 'free'. You write that you've had 3 operations in 10 years and many follow up appointments and physio sessions - that would've cost you a fortune in many other countries.

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Some Right Wing Americans often belittle and refer to our NHS as being 'socialist medicine', my American relatives are very envious of our health system and would like the same. I'm one for generalisations as well and I know there are a lot of 'Tory Toffs' working in the NHS in various capacities and even they're proud to be part of a system that'll treat people whether wealthy or poverty stricken for 'free'. You write that you've had 3 operations in 10 years and many follow up appointments and physio sessions - that would've cost you a fortune in many other countries.

No argument with that comment and very proud to be British not American , French , Spanish and la di dah for oh so many reasons .

The NHS is something to be proud of and is the envy of many a country .

Money is thrown at it over the last couple of years to bring waiting lists down ( another target ) and provide a resource to sustain the system as we have come to know it . The money by many , is often seen to be used by the regional authorities in the wrong way with to many roles being filled or extra hours spent on staff that are in outpatient depts for example rather that the doctors , nurses , midwives ( the more important people ) that can make a difference.

The comment still stands that we - were - a hard working nation that took our wares and expertise to the world made by us through hard graft and craftmanship .

We are still leaders in many a field but we have sat back and become a lazy nation over a couple of generations . We are dictated to by all and as a nation have to many individuals who have no get up and go to change it through hard work and who have a poor and lazy attitude which admittedly is caused at times by poor governing and a lax benefit system .

We were strong in spirit , strong in mind and once had a great work ethic in this country .

Look all around you tomorrow and you will see many of this great lands workers trying to get away with doing an honest days work . Problem is they are doing it every day of every week .

Someone is paying for it .

I have heard so many comments about the Polish workers and other foreign nationals coming to this country to work over the last couple of years and the Blackpool area where I live is as popular an area as Bristol rfor them to settle . They are taking our jobs and the many other comments heard seem to be everyday discussion points for all and sundry .

But my many daily experiences of working with the Polish nationals at my firm has led me to believe that compared to the daily views of the council workers and other workers I mentioned previously , they are head and shoulders above us when it comes to productivity and attitude to work .

As I said previously about this countries great work ethic , it is now put to shame by my current experiences .

We all have many comments on the reasons for this whether it be lack of investment , a change from being a country of manufacturing to a world financial hub etc..

The council tax bill will drop through the letter box tomorrow alongwith the gas bill ( British Gas , yes British ) and the telephone bill ( British Telecom , yes British ) .

Oh well I'll just have to work bloody harder to pay them ( British graft , yes British ).

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Oh well I'll just have to work bloody harder to pay them ( British graft , yes British ).

I'm proud to be English not British. Same as King Alfred the Great and Oliver Cromwell who were English - the greatest men to rule these islands since the time of ancient Rome !!!!! :winner_third_h4h:

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I'm proud to be English not British. Same as King Alfred the Great and Oliver Cromwell who were English - the greatest men to rule these islands since the time of ancient Rome !!!!! :winner_third_h4h:

England expects every man to do his duty .

Lord Nelson at the Battle of Trafalgar .

Not a ruler , but if only that were still true and we could / would stand behind a respected leader as much as he expected , and had confidence in us to when the country was troubled .

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England expects every man to do his duty .

Lord Nelson at the Battle of Trafalgar .

Not a ruler , but if only that were still true and we could / would stand behind a respected leader as much as he expected , and had confidence in us to when the country was troubled .

England is a troubled land at present no doubt about that. If it kicks off here amongst a people known for their general meekness then the whole world will also be in trouble.

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England is a troubled land at present no doubt about that. If it kicks off here amongst a people known for their general meekness then the whole world will also be in trouble.

And will become more troubled over the next few years . There is so much resentment to many of the things happening around us all , with such anger generated . The views of the true population of the country , the you's and I's , are not listened to and seemingly dismissed often with such arrogance.

You can see why the population of this country are declining to vote in both local and general elections of the country . A vote that was so strongly fought for over the years and that some countries do not have the privilage to do or still participate in .

Power to the people , long gone .

Last one to leave the country please close the door .

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And will become more troubled over the next few years . There is so much resentment to many of the things happening around us all , with such anger generated . The views of the true population of the country , the you's and I's , are not listened to and seemingly dismissed often with such arrogance.

You can see why the population of this country are declining to vote in both local and general elections of the country . A vote that was so strongly fought for over the years and that some countries do not have the privilage to do or still participate in .

Power to the people , long gone .

Last one to leave the country please close the door .

We were recently promised a referendum by the politicians on the crappy European Union but we still haven't got it.

Being a Red Goblin - that would support any anti-Parliamentary coup - I grow very wistful of Oliver Cromwell's words when he stormed into Parliament during April 1653 to have it shut down........

"It is high Time for Me to put an End to your Sitting in this Place, which you have dishonoured by your Contempt of all Virtue, and defiled by your Practice of every Vice ... Is there a single Virtue now remaining amongst you? is there one Vice ye do not possess? Ye have no more Religion than my Horse! Gold is your God: Which among you have not bartered your Conscience for bribes? Is there a Man amongst you that has the least Care for the Good of the Commonwealth? Ye sordid Prostitutes, have you not defiled this sacred Place ... by your immoral Principles and wicked Practices? Ye are grown intolerably odious to the whole Nation; You were deputed here to get Grievances redressed; Are not yourselves become the greatest Grievance? I command ye, therefore, upon the peril of your Lives, to depart immediately out of this Place... ye venal slaves, begone! So take away that shining Bauble there, and lock up the Doors."

The doors were then sealed and some joker pinned up a poster reading, 'This House is to be let: now unfurnished.' :winner_third_h4h:

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We were recently promised a referendum by the politicians on the crappy European Union but we still haven't got it.

Being a Red Goblin - that would support any anti-Parliamentary coup - I grow very wistful of Oliver Cromwell's words when he stormed into Parliament during April 1653 to have it shut down........

"It is high Time for Me to put an End to your Sitting in this Place, which you have dishonoured by your Contempt of all Virtue, and defiled by your Practice of every Vice ... Is there a single Virtue now remaining amongst you? is there one Vice ye do not possess? Ye have no more Religion than my Horse! Gold is your God: Which among you have not bartered your Conscience for bribes? Is there a Man amongst you that has the least Care for the Good of the Commonwealth? Ye sordid Prostitutes, have you not defiled this sacred Place ... by your immoral Principles and wicked Practices? Ye are grown intolerably odious to the whole Nation; You were deputed here to get Grievances redressed; Are not yourselves become the greatest Grievance? I command ye, therefore, upon the peril of your Lives, to depart immediately out of this Place... ye venal slaves, begone! So take away that shining Bauble there, and lock up the Doors."

The doors were then sealed and some joker pinned up a poster reading, 'This House is to be let: now unfurnished.' :winner_third_h4h:

Still not arrived . Waiting with great anticipation . Hope the dog gets to it first . Down Fido.

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