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Promotion Superstition's

Lincoln City

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I believe that I have to be wearing a piece of City merchandise during the broadcast of the the live commentary, or else I will bring bad luck to the team, which often has me tearing the house apart trying to find my scarf or jersey. On Tuesday night kick-offs, when I'm playing 5-a-side, I have to tie my scarf round my waist.

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Is anyone going to admit to any football related superstition's?

I must admit to not washing my City shirt over the past 2 season's , just in case it changes our luck! So far so good

A packet of spearmint polos, which I get through during the game, bought from the newsagents across the road from Greville Smyth park just before every home match.

It all started because I have a nasty habit of biting my lips when I get nervous. I bite them so much they bleed, and understandably watching the City can cause a lot of nerves and consequently a lot of blood. Therefore, I thought, having a suck on a sweet might help! So I bought some sweets...

I've been eating them for years now on and off, changing varieties, trying soft mints, lemon-flavoured polos, sugar-free polos and even the fruit flavoured polos, and this is all going back to way before Danny Wilson's reign, nearly 10 years in fact. And it worked for a bit, here and there - we did get to the play-offs twice! But, I thought, I wasn't buying the sweets regularly...

Then during Tinnion's second season in charge, for some reason I stopped eating them. It was only towards the end of Gary Johnson's nightmare run of defeats not long after he'd taken over that I realised why we were losing - it was cos I wasn't eating my polos!

For the next home match, I grabbed a half eaten packet that I already had lying around the house and took those to the match - and we managed to scrape a home draw. A change in fortunes, I thought? All down to my polos...

So the next game I went back to the shop and bought a brand new packet of spearmint polos. It worked. We won! 'Well', I thought, 'it was clearly all down to me sucking'.

And so I haven't stopped. Every home game I buy a brand new packet and get through pretty much all of them by the final whistle. Ok, yeah, we've had one or two defeats during those periods - like last year's home defeat to Cheltenham. But I put that one down to the fact that I brought my ex-girlfriend along to it.

Anyway, look where we are now. Top of the league and heading...well, I won't curse it by saying where. That might bring bad luck or negative vibes or something. Not that I believe in superstition or anything.....Ahem.

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Match days I wear the same boxers (washed) I don't wash my City shirt until we lose at home.

Sad really.


I thought I was the only one to do this? Weird. I also wear the same jeans.

Also, I always enter through same turnstile, walk the same path to my seat, drink in the same pub before the game, kiss my city neck chain twice at exactly 5 mins before KO.

The list goes on. Sad hey?

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Well when listening to an away game on world i now light my candle. When watching live i have to have chewing gum.

Thats some of the concussious one i have. But i noticed when listening to the Charlton game at home that i may be taking it a bit far. I decided to lay of alcohol while listening to City on tuesday (how brave am i?) so during the 1st half i had a few glasses of cherryade. Having had two or three i went to the fridge and poured out another drink, this time the remains of my Coca cola. Once we had scored i found my glass was now empty, so back to the fridge. But there was no more coke left so i went back on the cherryade. Ownly then did i realise why our performance had turned around at half time. First half while Charlton were on top i was downing RED cherryade, the 2nd when City played so well i was drinking BLACK cola!!! Needless to say not a drop of cherryade was touched untill after the final whistle!

Now where did i put my straight jacket?......

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I thought I was the only one to do this? Weird. I also wear the same jeans.

Also, I always enter through same turnstile, walk the same path to my seat, drink in the same pub before the game, kiss my city neck chain twice at exactly 5 mins before KO.

The list goes on. Sad hey?

Actually, yes, I also go through the same turnstile in the Williams. The last time I didn't we played Charlton at home! The last time we lost at home, Leicester, I was in the Dolman with my 4 year old. He's not been to Ashton Gate since!


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I always go through same turnstile, Wear black undercrackers, same t-shirt under my city shirt and got to have a bottle of water which i always have open but not drink before the game. Dunno why but its worked so far (well the past 2 seasons)

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I always travel the same way to the game. The one time i changed route was via Bath, Leicester home. Ever since i havent changed route. Chippenham - M4 - temple meads - down the river and park in teh same place.

I will not enter the turnstile before 2.40. I also make sure i never enter after 2.45

once i get off the motorway i put on the same album, Lloyd - Street Love as i listened to it first game of season when id just got it, so always gets me in the mood its my footy album.

But as soon as i get to the end of the m32, where i nearly always end up sat in the traffic lights outside staples, i change to Radio Bristol.

I also, always wear my red city shirt, unless we play a team whose home colour is red, then i wear my black one. Likewise, normal coke if its a team taht don't wear red, diet or coke zero if its a team who usually wear red.

Away games, my superstition is don't listen to the games. I have never listened to City win on the radio, so i refuse to listen now.

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Not so much a superstition but after the Swansea humiliation, 4 of us made a pact that if we got to the prem within 5 years, we all had to get city tattoos.

Oh how we laughed.

PS, Does anyone know of any decent tattooists in the area?

Go to tattootimes on north street i had a british bulldog with city til i die underneath. i have had that for 10 years now and it still looks smart

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I go through the same turnstile until we lose a game, then I pick another one and keep going through that. Number 11 in the Williams is currently the lucky one.

My Car kits in the rear window have currently all fallen down one by one. Since the last one fell down we havent lost a game, so I am now refusing to put any of them back up again.

Always wear my City shirt, I used to have to wear my lucky red pants, but that doesnt seem to have always worked this season, so ive stopped.

I always say hello to my seat when I get there.

I don't sit down in my seat until the teams have come out of the tunnel, and the game is about to start.

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ha, this is crazy i don't really think i have any superstitions.

however after i got the new away kit this season i wore it on matchdays and we lost to charlton, man city and leicester at home, so i stopped doing it and wore my old home shirt and we've got at least a point from every game after this ive been to. i also wore my home shirt when we were away at barnsley and lost, so now i have to wear my home shirt if we're at home, and away if we're away. havn't seen us lose since ive been doing it...

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