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Bradley In Trouble?


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Additional one-match ban for bad language. Considering Referees get a lot of that from the Big Four teams it's an utterly laughable decision.


Harsh it may be, but in truth he really should have known better. Getting yourself into trouble over something so silly as this is just plain stupid on behalf of the player. It's one of those things that I'd imagine would infuriate managers.

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Here is the EP and WDP version

Bradley Orr of BCFC has been banned for one game for using violent and aggressive language at the referree during the Colchester game.

Bradley Orr who in September 2006 was sentenced to a time behind bars for his behaviour outside a night club in Bristol along with Steve Brooker........ ETC ETC

You all get the gist. You wait and see it will br front page news tomorrow.

Yet Mr Pipe of the sags gets hardley any coverage!!!!!!

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How very Christian of him!!!

Think he needs a few more trips to Church to learn the act of forgiveness, me thinks.... As someone else said, he'd had enough time to cool off, and we won the game regardless...very disappointing, but this sort of petulance is something he'll grow out of i guess.

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