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What A ##### Division

Guest bristol south end

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Guest bristol south end

Yet another #### poor team away from home we have failed to bury, they were so predictable & so poor it was untrue how many leads have we thrown away this year??i cannot believe it, for once phillipps was off his line & he got lobbed from 25 yrds ####### unbelieveable, the fact is we have a goalie who has one thing to do all game & consistently lets us down & a centre forward who cant score & is never ever taken off despite how well or not he is playing, & before anyone jumps down my throat about our goalie,the fact is ,he is there to stop the ball going in our net,thats his job??we have made the second & fourth teams in the league look like relegation fodder in the last week yet we just cant bury them i am well ###### & well ###### off

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Yes Phillips is there to stop them scoring, which if you actually engaged your brain before posting you would have noticed if it hadn't been for Phillips we would have lost the game 2 or 3 - 1. Are you honestly saying Phillips should have been stood on his line when a long ball comes towards someone on the edge of the box ? if you do you know nothing about goalkeeping. fallons goal was a fluke, he just hit it, he actually got poor contact on the shot and thats why it looped like it did, had he hit it true it would have gone straight into Phillips arms.

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Guest bristol south end

shut up you dummy ,ive been going toAG for 35yrs & phillipps positioning is worse than any goalie ive seen, hes a liability

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shut up you dummy ,ive been going toAG for 35yrs & phillipps positioning is worse than any goalie ive seen, hes a liability
wow... so someone has a different view so they must be a dummy? and because you have been going to AG for 35 years you know more than anyone else about Phillips (who incidently I guess hasn't been playing that long! :P )

Phillips made some excellent stops yesterday and kept us in the game, Fallons shot was a fluke and went in :sub:

Swindon were poor and we dominated 1st half and probably should have won it, but they played long ball, hoofed it in the air all the time and played a pretty physical game - not how we play, so they made it difficult for us. Equally I would have to say that the linesman in front of us was useless and missed some obvious fouls and the ref seemed to think some of the physical challenges were fine :sub: when they were clearly fouls.

Yes we played well against QPR (in fact we did beat them didn't we?) and with the last couple of chances against Swindon we should have won too, but we didn't, get over it, there are still 15 points to play for and QPR last time I looked were only 3 points ahead :sub:

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shut up you dummy ,ive been going toAG for 35yrs & phillipps positioning is worse than any goalie ive seen, hes a liability
I don't care if you have been going down ashton gate for 350 years you fukin retarded ######. The fact still remains you know NOTHING about goal keeping, if you did you would not have said that you don't just stand glued to your line when somebody oofs an aimless ball up the pitch otherwise, if the defence get caught out you are flat footed and on your line, and have no chance of coming out and stopping any shots.

There are people on here who don't rate Phillips, and i accept their views, but because they present balanced arguments and evidence to back their points up, even the people who don't rate him know enough about football to see that there was nothing he could do about the goal, sadly obviously you know sod all like all too many people who support City.

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Yet another #### poor team away from home we have failed to bury, they were so predictable  & so poor it was untrue how many leads have we thrown away this year??i cannot believe it, for once phillipps was off his line & he got lobbed from 25 yrds ####### unbelieveable, the fact is we have a goalie who has one thing to do all game & consistently lets us down & a centre forward who cant score & is never ever taken off despite how well or not he is playing, & before anyone jumps down my throat about our goalie,the fact is ,he is there to stop the ball going in our net,thats his job??we have made the second & fourth teams in the league look like relegation fodder in the last week yet we just cant bury them i am well ######  & well ###### off

What in the...???

Have to say I disagree with all that! :sub:

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Guest Div1.ere.we.come

Personally i think phillips is the best shot stopper weve had since welsh and hes ever improving the goal was a fluke phillips did everything right and is not to blame if you lok at our defensive record its the best in most divisoins and stevie has a big part to play in that. so stop whining and start supporting and dont get on there backs they all want the same as we do so get behind um the last couple of days and they can achieve that.

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Yet another #### poor team away from home we have failed to bury, they were so predictable & so poor it was untrue how many leads have we thrown away this year??i cannot believe it, for once phillipps was off his line & he got lobbed from 25 yrds ####### unbelieveable, the fact is we have a goalie who has one thing to do all game & consistently lets us down & a centre forward who cant score & is never ever taken off despite how well or not he is playing, & before anyone jumps down my throat about our goalie,the fact is ,he is there to stop the ball going in our net,thats his job??we have made the second & fourth teams in the league look like relegation fodder in the last week yet we just cant bury them i am well ###### & well ###### off
Are you for real!? Were you actually there yesterday? Yes Philips got beaten by a very good overhead kick (rated the best goal of the day on Sky this morning...)

Did Philips not pull off a very good save after that goal had gone in, which could quite easily have given Swindon the lead.

He dealt with most crosses from corners (caught or punched away), and was generally sound.

How the hell can you come on here and post such crap like that!!?

Yes everybody has an opinion and is quite rightly entitled to it. However yours reeks of bias. You don't like Philips, and because of past errors that he has made you can't/won't admit that he never put a foot wrong.

Would you have expected that attempt from Fallon? Would you have saved that?

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Guest bristolbred

If you've been to every game this season, then you'd know that we have been crap against airial sides, and we rode our luck during our 11 match unbeaten run. :)

Phillips is as good a goalie as you will get in division 2, and his stops outweigh his mistakes!! :(

If you want to have a go at someone, it shouldn't be your fellow supporters, but the inept ###### who chooses the side week in and week out, and has NOT learned from his mistakes!! :sub:

No matter what the outcome, wether we go up automatically, or go throught the play-off's, or have another year in Div 2. Wilson has got to go!! :@

Why on earth we never kill off a game when going 1-0 up i will never know!! :sub:

If any players are getting out of their depth, then look at Louis Carey or Tony Butler, and why on earth Craig Woodman was picked against Port Vale!! :sub:

And why Leroy Lita hasn't been a sub for the last couple of games, where his pace would be great for the last 30 mins is another Wilson blunder!! :sub:

So as fans, lets stick together, and get behind the team!!

Tuesday night, is last chance saloon!! And we need Barnsley to do us a favour on Monday by beating QPR!! :D

And on the 9th May, we can then judge the season, and our play off chances!! :(

COME OIN YOU REDS!!!!. :laugh:

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Guest seaCider_red


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If it wasn't for Phillips we would of lost many of our previous games. He saved Thorpes shot against QPR but some people must have short term memory loss :cool: The goal was a fluke and I seem to remember him saving a header later on in the match. If it wasn't for Phillips we would have lost 2/3-1 yesterday.

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I don't care if you have been going down ashton gate for 350 years you fukin retarded ######. The fact still remains you know NOTHING about goal keeping, if you did you would not have said that you don't just stand glued to your line when somebody oofs an aimless ball up the pitch otherwise, if the defence get caught out you are flat footed and on your line, and have no chance of coming out and stopping any shots.

There are people on here who don't rate Phillips, and i accept their views, but because they present balanced arguments and evidence to back their points up, even the people who don't rate him know enough about football to see that there was nothing he could do about the goal, sadly obviously you know sod all like all too many people who support City.

Amen brother.
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