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New Stadium Flyers - Your Help Required

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As you may recall, SL said at the AGM that he'd like the Trust to help coordinate fans' views on the new stadium. Well, now the first part of that formal process is about to start.

On Saturday we'll be distributing 10,000 A5 flyers at the game. These give details of a full stadium survey that we'll be doing later in April and start the ball rolling with 5 headline questions that fans can reply to by texting to a special number (at the cost of a normal text) or by dropping the flyers off at collection points on the way out of ground (we've designed the flyers so that as well as by text you can also answer the questions without needing a pen).

Can you help us to make sure that as many fans as possible are given the chance to take part in this first stage of the new stadium consultation process by helping us to hand out flyers as people enter the ground?

The club are kindly letting us hand these out inside the turnstiles, so we have about 10 points of entry to cover. We have a small group of volunteers lined up to do this, but could do with a few more - especially to cover the Williams Stand. Do you sit there? Could you turn up early on Saturday and hand out flyers (say from 1.30 until 2.55?)?

If so, please PM me.

Your help will be greatly appreciated ... and will contribute to ensuring that even more City fans get to have their say in how they would like the new stadium to be.


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Any chance you could put a scan of the flyer up on here so we can do the texting from that incase we don't get given one tomorrow.

We'd prefer not to do that.

We want to ensure as far as possible the integrity of the data we collect so that the club can rely with 99.99% certainty on it being what CITY fans really want. The risk with making any survey accessible to the general public is that it can be sabotaged by people of mischievous intent, e.g. fans of other clubs deliberately giving answers contrary to what they think most City fans would give.

By handing the flyers out only at the game we are reasonably assured that they will be responded to only by City fans.

The full survey will then be done via an online link sent to people on the club's e-mail database and via printed copies available from the club shop. Again this makes fairly certain that only City fans will respond.

Sorry if that sounds a little bit strict, but I'm sure you'll agree that if we want the club to take full consideration of the results that these surveys produce, then we need to make sure that the data is as reliable as possible.

With 10,000 flyers to give out tomorrow, there's a very good chance you'll get one or be able to look at a mate's.

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Perhaps you can leave some flyers at the food kiosks at other home matches for those not attending all matches?

Yep, assuming we have some left over, we can certainly do that.

The full survey, however, should hopefully be ready to roll by mid April, so with any luck by the time of the next home game you'll have received an e-mail with the link or be able to pick up a copy at the club shop.

On the subject of the full survey, we're keen to make sure we cover all aspects of stadium design that are close to the hearts of all 'stakeholders' in the City fan base, so would welcome suggestions on what people think we should be asking.

I'll put a rough draft of what we're currently looking at up in the new stadium sub-forum in a moment.

Edit: Now up there: Rough draft of survey questions

Bear in mind that this is a living document and will probably change a lot between now and mid-April. But please take a look and let us know what other questions you think need adding ... remember we need to try to word these in a non-leading manner so that the wording of each question itself does not prejudice the way that someone will reply.

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Perhaps the Bristol City Supporters Club may offer some form of assistance, they have about 4000 members, with clout like that it wouldn't take too many to assist to be a great help.

Then again, that involves contact with it's members and actually being like a......well........sort of..........Supporters Club really.

So, over to the Supporters trust it is then.

Good luck in your efforts in attempting to let the supporters be heard.

ps Don't forget to put something up on the notice board for The Supporters Club, you know the one, in the corridor by the toilets.

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Picked up the flyers from the printers this afternoon - lovely glossy A5 number in red and white!

Thanks to those who have volunteered to help hand these out.... but we could still do with more.

If you can spare an hour or so before kick-off, find us with our boxes of flyers near gate 4 of the Williams any time after 1-ish and we'll give you a bundle to hand out.


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All flyers now split into bundles of 1,000 and ready to rock and roll.

Additional volunteers to help hand these out still very welcome.

Find us with the main stock of flyers near gate 4 of the Williams.


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