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Brooker And Dele Is Your Ticket Gary

Red Robin

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I'm amazed that the SB and Dele partnership did not start today.

Even more amazed was Dele being subbed for SB surely these two should have played together today.

Gary is the manager and a fine one at that, but we must see Brooks and Dele up front at Southampton.

These are the two that are the best shout to score us goals.

Lee Johnson was immence first half,we need him on the pitch at Southampton, we miss him big time when he is not playing.

Scott I thought struggled with the pace of the game,his reactions were not quite up to speed "only to be expected with a lack of games"

SB proved today he must start next week at st marys,he hit the net last week,hit the next today he is a man in form and is full of confidence.

Steve Bruce just summened it up on sky saying your only as good as your strikers very true that"

Well done SB you deserve to start next Saturday alongside the big man Dele

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agreed, 4-4-2 at southampton

Brookers and Dele up front.

otherwise unchanged.

Murray didn't have the best of games, however Sproule's sub role didn't really do enough to justify a starting place, always a place worth a minimum of a sub role though

love to see Brian Wilson in for orr,who again gave the goal away

my team





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Thought Orr played well today, although he was at fault for the goal, he did extremely well on several occasions after being completely exposed by Murray in the first half. Going forward he was also much better after his mare at Ninian Park last week and his performance today doesn't warrant him being dropped in my opinion.

If Wilson was going to come in for anyone it would be Murray after todays performance.

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