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We're Already A Premier League Club - A Tribute To The Media / Merchandise / Supporters Trust Teams


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For reasons of geography and work, today was my first home game of the season, and a few things struck me as worthy of mention.

But before I elaborate, I'd like to pay tribute to the team today, as well as the supporters. I can only speak for the East End, but the noise in there was cacophonous, and the Cureton chant (as politically incorrect as it is) was as hypnotic as it was relentless - spurred on by the drummer. I'll be humming it for weeks. I hope that the electricity generated by the fans made some mark on willing the team to push forward under a strong period of Norwich pressure, and very unpleasant conditions. For Steve Brooker to score the winning goal - and, oh so late - followed by the most ecstatic reaction I've ever seen at Ashton Gate, or anywhere, it is the stuff stories are made, and I'll remember that feeling till my dying day.

But anyway, the point I wanted to make was the huge improvements 'off the pitch' I've noticed since last season.

First of all, the in-house media coverage we now enjoy is excellent, and the professionalism with which the video is editted and presented is very slick. As an exile, I rely on the internet for my BCFC news, and 'World' has proved to be an invaluable information source for me. The interviews with the ex-players were fascinating, and the Steve Lansdowne conversation was candid and sincere - a reassuring but rare trait for football chairman these days. The matchday program is now a stimulating read, with broadsheet-quality photography and articles, and genuine insight into the club and it's operations.

Secondly, well done to the Supporters Trust. The leaflet campaign today, followed by the professionalism (in terms of presentation and technology) apparent in the 'new Stadium poll' was really impressive. It's very easy to get that stuff wrong.

Finally, the City Shop looks fantastic. I had a little windfall today (courtesy of a correct scorecast prediction. Dele made me 145 quid better off) and treated myself to a City splurge. I was genuinely impressed at the range and quality of the products. Embroidered badges. Designer scarves. Training jackets. I don't remember this always being the way.

In summary, this club now looks to me that the backroom staff are already playing in the Premier League, and I for one congratulate them.

I wore my colours (and my new scarf) proudly on the retun trip to Nottingham, happy as I was to be associated with such a forward-thinking, well-run club.

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  • SC&T Board Members

Thanks for your comments on the Trust's flyers, Boadle.

BTW all, if you you were handed a flyer yesterday and haven't yet replied to the five questions on it, you haven't missed your chance. You can still have your say via the text number shown on the flyer. Texts are charged at your standard network rate. Nearly 200 people have already responded this way, as well as many others replying by putting their flyers in the collection boxes in the DEH, club shop etc.

We'll leave the phone line receiving the text replies active until midnight on Wednesday (April 2nd) and then collate all of the results from this initial mini survey.

The main full survey will then follow in about 2 weeks.

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Thanks for your comments on the Trust's flyers, Boadle.

BTW all, if you you were handed a flyer yesterday and haven't yet replied to the five questions on it, you haven't missed your chance. You can still have your say via the text number shown on the flyer. Texts are charged at your standard network rate. Nearly 200 people have already responded this way, as well as many others replying by putting their flyers in the collection boxes in the DEH, club shop etc.

We'll leave the phone line receiving the text replies active until midnight on Wednesday (April 2nd) and then collate all of the results from this initial mini survey.

The main full survey will then follow in about 2 weeks.

Can you PM me details please? I didnt see a single flyer today, and noone around me seemed to have seen one or know what i was talking about!

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  • SC&T Board Members
Can you PM me details please? I didnt see a single flyer today, and noone around me seemed to have seen one or know what i was talking about!

Have PMd you with a copy of the flyer.

I guess you were probably in the EE end of the Williams or in the Dolman and entered via the EE corner.

As a voluntary group, we are, of course, totally reliant on people giving up their time to help with tasks of this sort. With the volunteers we had yesterday, we were able to cover gates 3 and 4 of the Williams, both sets of turnstiles into the Atyeo and the turnstiles into the Dolman at the Atyeo corner. Flyers were also handed out within the EE, in the DEH at the 3 Lions, Cuba Ice and Bar BS3 pubs and were available for fans to pick up in the club shop.

We had less than 1,000 flyers left after the game, so about 9,000 were handed out.

Sorry to anybody we missed.

As I've said on here previously, we don't want to put the questions up on this public site as there is a danger of fans of other clubs deliberately trying to spoil the results ... and we want these to be as reliable as possible. However, if anyone else would like to see a copy of the flyer in order to be able to send in a text reply, please PM me and I'll send you a copy (unless your forum name gives you away as a fan of another team!!).

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  • SC&T Board Members

They were there - unless they were taking a loo break!

At the Atyeo corner of the EE there were 2 volunteers - in the crowds entering at 2.40 you may have missed them.

There were 2 more volunteers inside the Atyeo behind the turnstiles at the Dolman corner and 2 / 3 outside the turnstiles at the other end. Again, in the mass of fans as kick-off approached, you may have not seen them

More volunteers would have made it possible to be more visible - however, even with our relatively small band of volunteers, we managed to cover about 80% of the entry points and distribute c. 9,000 flyers.

Sorry we missed you - if you'd like a PDF of the flyer, PM me. Text replies can be sent in until midnight on Wednesday.

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Entered the Dolman from Ashton Road at 2:50, didnt see one flyer anywhere <_<

I entered about 10 mins earlier from same place and was offered one so maybe the guy run out shortly after.

I already texted my responses from Quba Ice so I can vouch they were distributed in there also.

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Guest Eamer

Me and my Dad has to ask the programme seller for a questionnaire. He didn't seem too sure what he was doing and gave us FOUR then gave us two prgrammes by mistake too. I texted my answers in to the number, don't know whether my Dad did at all...

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