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Conservative Party Acknowledge Bcfc


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The maverick Boris Johnson for London Mayor. :winner_third_h4h: May I add.......

The Labour Party Government is useless and in hardly any way do they represent the labouring classes - like me - that they're supposed to represent. The Tories are just as crap and here's what Winston said about them - but remember that he started his career as a Liberal and idolised Oliver Cromwell - a very surprising comment coming from a Tory leader.......

"A party of great vested interests, banded together in a formidable confederation, corruption at home, aggression to cover it up abroad...sentiment by the bucketful, patriotism by the imperial pint, the open hand at the public exchequer, the open door at the public house, dear food for the millions, cheap labour for the millionaire."

Winston S. Churchill

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Well.. Ken Livingstone is a first class tool, Boris Johnson takes the piss out of scousers, gets my vote.

I don't live in London, thank ****! So i don't really care what happens to Chaz and Dave et al.

London as far as I'm concern is another Country, I have no desire to visit there ever in my life, in fact i aim to aviod it.

knees up mother brown? **** off you pigeon toed cockney ####

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The maverick Boris Johnson for London Mayor. :winner_third_h4h: May I add.......

The Labour Party Government is useless and in hardly any way do they represent the labouring classes - like me - that they're supposed to represent. The Tories are just as crap and here's what Winston said about them - but remember that he started his career as a Liberal and idolised Oliver Cromwell - a very surprising comment coming from a Tory leader.......

"A party of great vested interests, banded together in a formidable confederation, corruption at home, aggression to cover it up abroad...sentiment by the bucketful, patriotism by the imperial pint, the open hand at the public exchequer, the open door at the public house, dear food for the millions, cheap labour for the millionaire."

Winston S. Churchill

You are no doubt aware that ,when Churchill was First Lord of the Admiralty- about the time that City was a Cup finalist- he proposed that one of the new Dreadnought Class Battleships should be named HMS Oliver Cromwell, :but the king vetoed the suggestion

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You are no doubt aware that ,when Churchill was First Lord of the Admiralty- about the time that City was a Cup finalist- he proposed that one of the new Dreadnought Class Battleships should be named HMS Oliver Cromwell, :but the king vetoed the suggestion

....quite right Sir, this subject has already been discussed at length on my 'Red Goblin Speaks Out' section of the BCFC ziderheads website. Follow the link below and sign up for the cause if you haven't already :winner_third_h4h: ......


Winston Churchill was rather fond of Oliver Cromwell. While he was First Sea Lord, Churchill repeatedly tried to recognize Cromwell by naming a battleship in his honour. Churchill settled on one of the Queen Elizabeth class, a squadron of powerful new fast battleships that would be commissioned in 1915. King George V didn't like the idea of having one of his most powerful ships named after England's most famous republican and regicide, and prevailed upon Churchill to choose a more 'suitable' name. The names finally decided upon for the class were Queen Elizabeth, Valiant, Warspite, Barham, and Malaya. A great battleship that could have/ should have been named 'Oliver Cromwell'.....


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