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Plymouth Will Stay Up For 3 Seasons!

Guest Cyprus_Red

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Guest RedwardsV1

:ph34r::ph34r::ph34r: brilliant.... what i liked best about it is, it's true.....

Q: Why do Plymouth Argyle supporters have Moustaches?

A: So they can look like their Mothers.

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Guest green army coming to get ya

u keep saying that but who tipped argyle for the tile in div 3 and who tipped them for the tittle in div 2

we r team of suprise's we will be ok ,

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u keep saying that but who tipped argyle for the tile in div 3 and who tipped them for the tittle in div 2

we r team of suprise's we will be ok ,

Won two titles in three years and still can't spell it. Plymouth's success or lack of it depends much upon who their manager is next season. If Kevin Summerfield continues, they'll be back down, if Bobby Williamson gets it, who knows where they could go.
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u keep saying that but who tipped argyle for the tile in div 3 and who tipped them for the tittle in div 2

we r team of suprise's we will be ok ,

We beat you tomorrow and you beat QPR when the time comes and you'll still be the Champions! Done deal? :ph34r:

2nd place what we are aiming for now and although hard to admit it, you have been more consistent this season and have scored the goals that counted.

Also, if City do happen to win tomorrow, QPR still have to play Swindon as well and last but not least Sheffield Wednesday on the final day I think!

Their run in to the end of the season is tougher than ours on paper I reckon, but will only matter if we can gain victory tomorrow... so once again it looks like we have to win...

Red and White night too! So you best be ready! :ph34r::P

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Guest Tangergreen

You lot don't learn do you?

I always had a bit of a soft spot for you lot, but no more. Never before have I seen such an arrogant and bitter bunch of supporters.

I'm sure - and I hope - that this board doesn't reflect the view of the majority of City fans. I'm sure most don't care whether Argyle stay up or come straight back down next season, but the fact that you have a thread devoted to anti-Argyle sentiments shows just how bitter you lot are.

We've beaten you to the post - like so many others in recent seasons - and you can't handle it. Again.

Good luck in the play-offs you sad lot (and I don't address that to all of you, I'm sure some of you are all right away from your keyboards).

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I fart in your general direction.

May the cream curdle in your morning coffee, and i wish you either a long traffic jam on your way home tomorrow or fuzzy radio receptionj if you are one of those part time, glory hunting stay at home fans.

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Guest Tangergreen

I'll be there tomorrow night. And I can't wait to see the bitterness on your faces turn to the realisation that your 'Mighty City' have failed - AGAIN!


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When it comes down to playing the team you have a soft spot for that get's chucked outta the window.

Again i've gotta say to Pilgrims Will beat you tommorow and then you can take your angure out on QPR when you play them so the table will look as follows:

1. Plymouth Argyle ©

2. Bristol City (P)

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I'll be there tomorrow night. And I can't wait to see the bitterness on your faces turn to the realisation that your 'Mighty City' have failed - AGAIN!


I'd like to leave you with one thought...unfortunately I`m not sure you`d have anywhere to put it.

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  • Admin
You lot don't learn do you?

I always had a bit of a soft spot for you lot, but no more. Never before have I seen such an arrogant and bitter bunch of supporters.

I'm sure - and I hope - that this board doesn't reflect the view of the majority of City fans. I'm sure most don't care whether Argyle stay up or come straight back down next season, but the fact that you have a thread devoted to anti-Argyle sentiments shows just how bitter you lot are.

We've beaten you to the post - like so many others in recent seasons - and you can't handle it. Again.

Good luck in the play-offs you sad lot (and I don't address that to all of you, I'm sure some of you are all right away from your keyboards).

I'm quite happy for Argyle to get promoted and when the time comes, stay up, but all I really care about is Bristol City and I make no apologies for this.

The fact is, if we get promoted this season I want as many "localish" games as possible so Argyle (& Swindon) getting promoted helps achieve this. As a secondary effect, Plymouth, Swindon and City all getting promoted (and hopefully ALL 3 staying there) together with Cardiff establishing themselves as a First Division club, improves the profile of this end of the country footballing wise. The longer our clubs stay there or thereabouts in the higher echelons of the Football League (then onto Prem?) the less players thinking of signing for one of us will immediately think "footballing backwater, ##### that!"

So, go up, and stay up, just lose tonight first then beat QPR so we can go up on your coat-tails alright? :ph34r:

Edit: Actually this thread reminds me of a signature image I made for a Wolves fan earlier this season, he actually loved it even though I made it as a piss-take :ph34r:


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Guest GreenSoldier

The sooner promotion comes the better, so that's why I'm hopeful of an away win tonight. I can't see you going up automatically anyway but I'd like to see either Swindon or yourselves go up in the play-offs.

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Guest redeyes25
The fact is, if we get promoted this season I want as many "localish" games as possible so Argyle (& Swindon) getting promoted helps achieve this. As a secondary effect, Plymouth, Swindon and City all getting promoted (and hopefully ALL 3 staying there) together with Cardiff establishing themselves as a First Division club, improves the profile of this end of the country footballing wise. The longer our clubs stay there or thereabouts in the higher echelons of the Football League (then onto Prem?) the less players thinking of signing for one of us will immediately think "footballing backwater, ##### that!"

Agree with all of that.. still hoping for City to steal 2nd from QPR and Swindon to take the play offs!

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Guest comeonyoureds
I can't see you going up automatically anyway
a good thing your opinion counts for #### really isnt!

enjoy the miserable trip home tonight wont you! :Wave:

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Guest Deepwater

I agree Madger that City and Argyle to go up with Swindle via the play-offs leaving QPR to have a derby with Wimbledon next season. West country la la la

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Guest Spike

hmmmm funny that aint it...

if plymouth fans made a thread like this insulting Bristol City on thier forums and you guys saw it you would be the first to moan and bitch!

Why don't you have some respect for Plymouth and realise they have proved to be a better team than us this season regardless of the result tonight.

Try being good sports rather than being a bunch of ######s... none of you guys like it when our team is made fun of!

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O please! Do I think Plymuff deserve to go up - if they finish where they are now - yes. Are they better than us - no. Neither are Real Madrid, Arsenal or Brazil.

I'm allowed to have a go before the big game. I'm allowed 6 inch thick rose tinted glasses - I'm a footie fan for heavens sake! We have never been beaten by a better side - just occasionally, the others score more goals!

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