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The Manager Situation


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Just read a post about our managerial situation, to the people who start those posts and anyone else,

3 Things;

First of all why do so many people want Brian Tinnion as our new manager?

He has been a wonderful servant to our club and still is a key first team player, but i fail to see how either of those facts (or any other facts that could be produced) mean he would be a good manager for us.

You obviously never know until you try, Chris Coleman at Fulham is a good example of a succesful transition from player to manager. However, especially with it being Bristol City with all the accompanying high expectations and large number of fickle fans - how long would it honestly take before he became 'the wrong option' if we were performing badly!?

Second of all, something else i dont understand is all the 'when' DW leaves talk. It truly amazes me that last summer he was strongly linked with a move to Derby and fans strated panicking that Danny might leave the club. Almost a year on we are 3rd in the table, 3 points off automatic promotion and appear to be more finacially stable than any a recent time - so how is it people are now wanting DW to leave after being so apparently loyal in the summer.

And third of all and also in the summer of last year, DW signed a 3 year (?) contract extension. Come the end of this season he will have 2 years remaining on his contract and will thus be {unecessarily} expensive to buy out of his contract/ fire him.

Are people just ignorant, or conviniently over looking this glaring incite as to how the club, board and more specifically chairman feel about DW and the security of his job?

I dont think DW will leave the club come what may this year, for me he has definately got all of next season as well as the remainder of this one because, more than anything the club cannot afford to terminate his contract - especially when we are currently sitting in 3rd place with it all to play for!

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