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Why Sit In The Williams?

Guest getoutmyseat

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Guest getoutmyseat

Although it is the least popular of the 3 main stands I understand a number of forum members do sit in the Williams. I just wondered why? when the the Dolman/GWR offer a far superior, unobstructed view for the same price.

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I have now sat in every area of the ground (apart from the EE) and came to the decision to get my season ticket in the Williams last year.

I have a perfect view in the Williams stand - just to the right of the away dug out and in the Platinum Seating......... I know loads of others who sit around me and stay there for that reason and the view. Yes it can lack atmosphere, but then so can most part of AG!

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I prefer the side view as am always behind the goal at away games. I've ben going in the Williams since I have been going and got to know everyone around me and have a laugh. The Dolam always has the sun shining into it and unless you are down the bottom of the dolman I find the angle not that great. Poor exit aswell doesn't help as have 30mins to get to work after sat games at home

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I have a season ticket in the centre of the dolman and for me the elevated view for there is the best in the ground,

wesco makes good points about the sun in the eyes (baseball cap sorts that out) and the queue to get out at the end. lord help us if there is ever an emergency as there are real bottle necks at the exits.

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Why Williams, why dolman, why Ateyo so on and so forth! Each stand has it pros and cons. I'm a season ticket holder in the williams after having spells in all parts of the ground over the years. In the old open end at the start of a season...sun blazing down, away fans to shout at. East end for the atmosphere, surges etc. Dolman for the view although the sun and rain (when windy) is a problem, the old enclosure when we were brave enough to stand near the "barton 'ill lot"! I have a very central position in the williams which means the pillars are out of view and when the whistle goes at the end I'm out of the ground in 30 seconds. Although in general there aint much singing from the stand, you do find in the bigger games that more of our "lads" attend which ramps the volume up on occasions. You'll also hear me and my accomplice quite regularly voicing our pleasure/displeasure (delete as necessary) :ph34r:

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Depends what u want!

East End - Atmosphere

Dolman - lots of 16 year old girls walking up & down the side of the pitch parading themselves :P

Ayteo - Good View and city shoot that way in the second half normally

Williams - give abuse to away dugout and subs

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I,ve always gone in the Williams for past 18 years used to stand at the bottom of the Williams too when the bottom was terraced. now sit behind away dugout about five rows back because i have family and friends who have sat there for many years and its great giving the away managers grief :ph34r: not that i do of course :ph34r:

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I have sat in every stand at Ashton Gate and to be honest if you want to watch football then the best views are to be had in the Dolman or Williams. I have been in the Williams for the last 7ish seasons and the atmos for big games is decent if you sit close to the away fans. To be totally honest the atmos at ashton gate is appalling. The resurrgence of the EE is comendable and fair play for trying to make liven up the morgue situation but unless you sit in the EE the noise is far from defening. The QPR game was testament to this, all I could here was the rangers fans. When we re-shape the ground, I hope they take this into consideration.

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I have sat or stood in all 4 parts of the ground. You DO get a better view overall from eithe rth eDolman or Williams, but I'd rather watch a game without the sun shining in my face so its the Williams.

Nothing wrong with the Williams except for those blummin' iron supports. but you just get a seat away from them. simple really.

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