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Individual Peformers Who Say........

Will Rollason

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:disapointed2se: :disapointed2se:

Noticed that Lewis Hamilton does it as do a fair amount of racing drivers ;

"We seemed to be quick on a single lap but I'm shocked and stunned that we didn't have the pace on a heavy fuel load," said Hamilton.

Golfers as well. :disapointed2se: Yes I know that there is a team involved but , ulitmately,they arent driving the car or hitting the ball.

Are they trying to avoid responsibility if all goes wrong( as is the case above)?

Not as such because if they win they seem to do it to.

Bugs I something chronic.

rant over.

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:disapointed2se: :disapointed2se:

Noticed that Lewis Hamilton does it as do a fair amount of racing drivers ;

"We seemed to be quick on a single lap but I'm shocked and stunned that we didn't have the pace on a heavy fuel load," said Hamilton.

Golfers as well. :disapointed2se: Yes I know that there is a team involved but , ulitmately,they arent driving the car or hitting the ball.

Are they trying to avoid responsibility if all goes wrong( as is the case above)?

Not as such because if they win they seem to do it to.

Bugs I something chronic.

rant over.

Seems to me that you have a wee problem :noexpression:

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Lewis is referring to "we" the team, as in McClaren I would guess.

Same as you'd get Trundle or whoever saying "we" when he talked about the game even though he did his own individual thing.

Or maybe the Borg have assimilated them all.

Yes I know that there is a team involved but , ultimately,they arent driving the car or hitting the ball.

Trunds plays in a team though Dolls and it is a collective effort on the pitch.

Once the flag comes down or the ball is tee'd up then responsibility passes to the individual.

Note that Hamilton does not make a distinction between aspects of what he does that does involve a team ( pit stops, race strategy etc) and those that rely on his skills. He says that we had a bad lap.

Golfers do it when they say " we had such and such a shot" on the 18th or whatever, now the caddie might have some input on club selection etc but the player hits the ball. Its not a "we" its an "I".

I hit a good shot,

I drove badly,

I made mistakes.....

tennis players have started doing it to,( thats singles players).

The pedant in me cringes when i hear it.


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I'm sure it happens in football too, if a player missed a penalty, they could very well say, when we missed the penalty, that was the real turning point in the game.

I have no problem with it whatsoever, as long as they don't turn it around when its going great for them, eg: A footballer scores a hatrick, if he then says when we got the 3 goal lead, and it doesn't all of a sudden change to them believing that its just them when its going good!

I sort of think its nice that individuals recognise that there is more to their success. For formula one, I think it should be at the point, and only when, they have been the sole contributer to all the things due to their success...eg: choosing feuling regimes, selecting tires and all the other things that go into the race, that they can claim that they and only they have a good or bad lap!

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Trunds plays in a team though Dolls and it is a collective effort on the pitch.

Once the flag comes down or the ball is tee'd up then responsibility passes to the individual.

Note that Hamilton does not make a distinction between aspects of what he does that does involve a team ( pit stops, race strategy etc) and those that rely on his skills. He says that we had a bad lap.

Golfers do it when they say " we had such and such a shot" on the 18th or whatever, now the caddie might have some input on club selection etc but the player hits the ball. Its not a "we" its an "I".

I hit a good shot,

I drove badly,

I made mistakes.....

tennis players have started doing it to,( thats singles players).

The pedant in me cringes when i hear it.


We know what your on about :rolleyes:

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If they say 'we' it means he speaking on behalf of others, inc themselves, no problem there. Annoying when people use it palm blaim onto others - golfers for instance. :disapointed2se:

People who refer to themselves as the 3rd person often have mental conditions and should seek help for this.

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:disapointed2se: :disapointed2se:

Noticed that Lewis Hamilton does it as do a fair amount of racing drivers ;

"We seemed to be quick on a single lap but I'm shocked and stunned that we didn't have the pace on a heavy fuel load," said Hamilton.

Golfers as well. :disapointed2se: Yes I know that there is a team involved but , ulitmately,they arent driving the car or hitting the ball.

Are they trying to avoid responsibility if all goes wrong( as is the case above)?

Not as such because if they win they seem to do it to.

Bugs I something chronic.

rant over.

I'm too arsed to reply to this thread!

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