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A Question For Uncle Roger

Sir Colby-Tit

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Dear Uncle Roger

Why oh why oh why do I get fluff in my belly button?

I shower every morning and make sure my belly button is free of any fluff. However, the next morning there is fluff in there.

Where does it come from? The girls in the office say they don't suffer from this affliction & it's a "man thing", probably caused by hairy bellies.

Is this true?

Yours in anticipation


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Excellent work Uncle Roger & yes my navel lint is predominantly light blue. You really know your stuff.

Something else has been troubling me. They say buttered toast always lands butter side down when dropped & a cat always lands on its feet when dropped.

What would be the outcome if one was to strap a piece of buttered toast to a cats back (butter side up) & then drop said cat off of a wall?

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Excellent work Uncle Roger & yes my navel lint is predominantly light blue. You really know your stuff.

Something else has been troubling me. They say buttered toast always lands butter side down when dropped & a cat always lands on its feet when dropped.

What would be the outcome if one was to strap a piece of buttered toast to a cats back (butter side up) & then drop said cat off of a wall?

Well, if Back To The Future has taught me anything (and it hasnt), I would say theres a high chance of causing a shift in the Space/Time Continuum by performing such an experiment.

There are some things Man should never know.

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