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Help For You With Purchasing Palace Tickets...


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I've posted the below, on a couple of other threads, but I thought that it'd be easier to find, here:


Ok, I'm happy now! Got my 2 tickets sorted! :)

My advice for anyone still waiting, is to E-Mail: onlinetickets@bcfc.co.uk

Explain the situation, that you're having trouble, and then leave a contact telephone number, and they should give you a phone call back within a few minutes, to confirm the purchase that you're trying to make!

It took me 2 E-Mails when I tried this, and when I got my first reply (less than 5 minutes later), they just asked me for my phone number, and that they would give me a quick phone call back!

Yep, so that's it! As simple as the above, (hopefully, for the rest of you!) :fingerscrossed:

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