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Just Got Back From Ashton Gate

BS3 Bemmy

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I had to watch the game in my local in Manchester. Obviously, as I was in a City shirt, all the others decided that CP were destined to win.

Well, 120 minutes of shouting later, WE HAVE GOT TO flippin' WEMBLEY!!!!!

I have to say, Carle and Adebola both had a great match.

Bring Hull on!!

Very jealous of the guys that will be going to Wembley. Have a great day. I will be watching from Manchester, screaming like a bitch!

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I had to watch the game in my local in Manchester. Obviously, as I was in a City shirt, all the others decided that CP were destined to win.

Well, 120 minutes of shouting later, WE HAVE GOT TO flippin' WEMBLEY!!!!!

I have to say, Carle and Adebola both had a great match.

Bring Hull on!!

Very jealous of the guys that will be going to Wembley. Have a great day. I will be watching from Manchester, screaming like a bitch!

Watched the game at home here in sunny Tamworth - jesus that was a nail biter. Sooooooooo proud of the team, GJ & the fans!!!

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Watched the game from the Eastend cant hear a blooming thing now :englandsmile4wf::winner_third_h4h:

Yes that was where i was stood aswell, yes i say stood, all the game wasn't told to sit down.Brilliant atmosphere.Sounded loud aswell, we didn't stop singing all game, hence i have lost my voice and have a sore throat,but it was worth it. :chant6ez:

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The best home atmosphere this season. My ears are ringing!

Just watched the highlights too - Sounded like an explosion when we scored.

just got back. i was sat in the eastend for the first time in years. that was the best i have seen the gate for a long time. my brother was in the williams where i normally am and he said the east end was rocking. fair shout to gj and all the people behind the scenes, the players and the fans. no one can argue about what we have done this season. very well deserved. ONLY 90 MINS TO GO. COME ON YOU REDS. AND WELL DONE EVERYONE

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Not long since back from bs3. F@#* me i couldn't hear a thing even after leaving f block. Few in the bar a that's me done, stick a fork in me. Singing all the way round the bar what a night and total atmos. Just enjoying the clips on sky sports news. you beauties!!! Mac what an inspired signing, been awesome all year. we ok to post pitch invasion clips and pictures?? don't want a ban for sharing the love

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Yes that was where i was stood aswell, yes i say stood, all the game wasn't told to sit down.Brilliant atmosphere.Sounded loud aswell, we didn't stop singing all game, hence i have lost my voice and have a sore throat,but it was worth it. :chant6ez:

Everyone stood throughout the game cant really tell 3000 odds fans to sit down best atmos ive ever been at the gate. Cant wait to see highlight at 01.00am on skysports.

Johnson says Warmock is C******

I don't care how gracious he is in defeat the guy has gone down in my estimation and what choice did have but to clap the McIndoe goal with a pitch invasion looming large. He did'nt want to get lynched.

Any how the EE was rocking tonite so was the dolman still hasnt sank in yet

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yep suchhhhh a an amazing evening, no matter what we get lets be honest we;ll never get that atmopshere in wembley due to the shape and size id the stadium. I was in D block in Ateyo and we barely stoppped singing well D/C block at least.only sunk half way in so far!

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