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It was a fantastic night tonight, I think it eclipsed every city game I've seen before. The Gate was absolutely rocking - best atmosphere over a whole game I can remember there myself.

Thanks to Gary Johnson, Keith Millen and all the backroom staff for getting it spot on mentally and tactically in both games, and for most of the season to get us in that position in the first place.

Thanks to the players for absolutely 100% pure commitment, some cracking entertainment and four superb goals over both legs, and for surpassing our wildest hopes for the season already.

Thanks to Steve Lansdown, Keith Dawe, Colin Sexstone and the rest of the club management for backing the manager with money, showing ambition and making us a very professional outfit off the field.

This season has been immense and it's not over yet. Whatever happens on May 24th I'm delighted with how well we've done and proud to be a City fan. I'm not even nervous about the final just looking forward to an occasion that I'll remember for a long time.

All we need now is the Hull/Watford game tomorrow night to go to extra time and penalties and involve half a dozen red cards and a few (minor) injuries to key players.... is that too much to ask?

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It's strange but excitment has been relatively minimal for me personally.

Maybe due to being pissed numb but more likely because achievements thus far seem surreal, so, even had we lost I would have come away philosophically. Weird.

Thanks to all involved non-the-less, maybe reality may dawn on me soon.

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Agree with just about every word of that.

In all the years I have supported City, this was the best night of my footballing life without a shadow of a doubt.

The atmosphere was superb, and just about the best I have ever witnessed at AG.

The game itself had everything including a missed penalty, extra time and a sent off assistant!

The performance itself was superb as I felt we bossed the majority of the game, and apart from a few spells, looked the likelier team to score, and it ended up with two superb goals to win it for us. :worship2:

And now we have the small matter of Wembley.............

I would also like to thank everyone one involved with the club, including the fans, for making this one of the happiest nights of my life.

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