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Percy Parrot

tommy doc

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Sounded fan######tastic. It'd be grand to hear that at Wembly.

"We always believe, we always belieeeeeeeve, we're Bristol City, we always believe :chant6ez: "

It just grew and grew with each rendition until we had the whole stadium singing it by extra time.

####ing brilliant :D

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I got it going in the East End and it caught on fantastically then seemed to spread across the ground.

I must say I thought it was my song when I came up with it on the cider earlier on in the day but I will leave the credit to you Percy. :englandsmile4wf:

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The same person who was so pissed by 6 that they shouted "CU.NTSSS" at the top of their voice at Palarse fans, when they had a riot van right behind them.

You would have thought the Gas were a good football team yesterday :noexpression:

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