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Its Started In The City Centre


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Anyone who sits near me blowing a bloody horn will have it confiscated by me.

Yes I am a grumpy big old bugger.

I'm with you on that one, keeps the horns away from Wembley. Flags look great as will a sea of red and white, but horns, in my opinion, destroy the atmosphere.


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I'm with you on that one, keeps the horns away from Wembley. Flags look great as will a sea of red and white, but horns, in my opinion, destroy the atmosphere.


Too late i fear, I thinkj they're ok somtimes, it's only when you have one going off right next to you for 90 mins it becomes a tad annoying. I would never buy one for that reason.

How aboot Red distress flares, are they going to be aloud in?

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Too late i fear, I thinkj they're ok somtimes, it's only when you have one going off right next to you for 90 mins it becomes a tad annoying. I would never buy one for that reason.

How aboot Red distress flares, are they going to be aloud in?

THEY ARE BANNED ..taken from the official Wembley website

:trumpet: = :protest:

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Guy standing there with a stall selling red and white jester hats, chequered flags and red and white blow horns !!!

No fear lads. I'll have myself a few zyders on Saturday afternoon watching the cup final, and then pop over and pilfer all of his horns. Banned or not, I ain't chancing it. They're all going in the docks. :trumpet:

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Guest Eamer
Someone should stick a sign by him sayin Horns are banned from Wembley :laugh:

So is illegal merchandise apparently...

Illegal merchandise items
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As I put on another thread, anyone with a horn near me will have if swiftly wedged up their arse!

Everyone has to bring their flags though. You can dangle them from the advertising hoards with pride. Will look quality if all those up the Lions the other week are on display at Wembley.


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