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London Reds After Wembley


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Despite the approximate £2k I have spent back and forth between Ashton Gate-just North of London this season (and beer), my mrs still thinks the sunday and monday are something to do with a bank holiday. Despite having a great pair, she and is trying to veto a return to Bristol next saturday night to continue the action....

Come rain or shine on Saturday afternoon, there should be about 5 of us who want to continue the action - are there any London Reds who would be up for some post match analysis and a few beers in London?? one of these ######ers is flying back from moscow for the game....

If not, my divorce will be through shortly after next sunday when i return cap in hand from bris.

[nb. this will only be a delay, once she realises I have invested in a shared season ticket, this is an inevitable outcome].

Any suggestions for a venue?>>

:rain: or :sun:

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