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It's Sinking In!


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I've just seen on SkySports News a little snip of a 'Just in' story of a press conference with Gary Johnson.

He was sat there camera on him full screen in a suit, camera's flickering and the sounds of the camera's snapping, looking around as if there's a fair amount of audience before a MASSIVE match.

In that very moment I have just felt we're actually one game away from the BIGGEST league on the planet!

He was speaking about the work of the past two years to get us here, but I was more amazed in how Premier League the whole thing looked!


Arsenal on a Tuesday night!!!!! :englandsmile4wf::winner_third_h4h:

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I'm so excited I can hardly wait !!!! I've even started to have little daydreams about the day..

Only problem is that I spent a little too long visualising Louis lifting the trophy.... in the middle of my English Lit. exam today :whistle2: ............ maybe NOT a wise move!

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Wont sink in till September! I cant get too excited yet, i wont allow myself. but sometimes i let my mind roam free and dream of playing top flight it gives me goose bumps. I hate myself for doing it because i know I'll be gutted if we lose and i dint want to jinx us either :fingerscrossed:

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