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Masters Football

Tim S

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Something slightly different to talk about from all the play off talk......

This summer sees Masters Football feature teams from the South West and Wales for the first time. Bristol City, Bristol Rovers, Cardiff City and Swansea will all have teams playing at the Cardiff Bay Arena on Sunday 22nd June for the legendary Sky Sports featured event.

The current City squad for the event is (subject to change):

Billy Mercer

Gary Owers

Marcus Stewart

Clayton Blackmore

Martin Kuhl

Sean McCarthy

Rob Newman

Brian Tinnion

I was just wondering who is going to this???? Also - I'm slightly dissappointed at the City squad for this! Most of those players you would hardly say are City "legends". I'm sure they could have found other players that would have been up for taking part that were more "cult" players that would have pulled in the City fans. Marcus Stewart didnt exactly have the best of times at Ashton Gate so I'm suprised he is taking part for us. Sean McCarthy if I remember rightly was only here for half a season (correct me if I'm wrong!) and although I remember Clayton Blackmore being quite a useful player, didnt we have him on loan from Middlesbrough? Maybe I'm barking up the wrong tree on that, my memory is a bit shot - but that just seems to be what I remember for some reason!!!

If there were any former City players you would like to see taking part, who would they be?

I'm going to throw a couple of names in to get things started.....

Joe Jordan

Junior Bent

Greg Goodridge

Jacki Dziekanowski

Darren Barnard

Shaun Taylor

Shaun Goater

And finally........ Gary Johnson could have a go! Wouldnt it be hilarious to see his silky skills!

MODS: I know there was a thread about this some time ago, I couldnt find it so I thought I would start a new one! I hope you don't mind!

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