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Joe Aman, what the f?  Unlike you to post such crap, you're usually such a good contributor on here.

I take it then you won't be back at the Gate for a few years, because LJ is going nowhere - year on year improvement and continually increasing attendances can not be ignored.

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1 minute ago, reddogkev said:

Joe Aman, what the f?  Unlike you to post such crap, you're usually such a good contributor on here.

I take it then you won't be back at the Gate for a few years, because LJ is going nowhere - year on year improvement and continually increasing attendances can not be ignored.

See this posted all of the time as one of, if not the biggest reason for keeping LJ and it’s fair enough - its factually correct league position wise if nothing else . But what happens if we don’t improve this year?  Genuine question. 

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At last we sign a proven Championship striker what we have been praying for and Johnson has him as a second half sub in both games. Who is going to get your more goals Weimann or Wells. Only Johnson and his over cluttered tactical brain could do this. Absolute nonsense. Get Wells on the pitch as much as we can. He will get us goals. 

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Of course I am livid it is atrocious to watch. Take out Huddersfield and we have 16 goals in 14 homes games. Not saying Huddersfield doesn’t count just that it has propped up the numbers to make it look almost reasonable(seven teams have scored less at home than us). 

I can’t fathom how we started with so much energy against a team 17-18th in the league at home on a Friday night on tv and get an early goal yet immediately after let them start dictating the tempo. Why we stopped pressing them. Sadly this is not a common occurrence at AG but the norm for the past 24 months. Where 15000 of us pay a good portion of money to be entertained. I don’t expect to play free flowing football every game because opposition does matter but to play this unenthusiastic football for the last 35-40 home games is depressing. 

LJ gets paid for a complete performance but for all his good work away from home he completely wastes it with his home performances. I see no evidence he can change this. He loses players yes but he always gets quality replacements(whether they work or not they on paper are usually better qualified than what leaves and he is part of who comes in). The most frustrating thing is there haven’t been any new ideas from him in a long time. The formations may change, the personnel may change but the football is always the same. Boring sideways and backwards passing until we go down then we start pumping balls long hoping for set pieces or if we can break them down a bit get it out to our one magic man and let him whip cross after cross in to a bunch of 5’9 guys and Fam. 

So yes I am LJ out and have been for awhile now and I will continue to be for the foreseeable future. If you support LJ I am all for that and I hope you end up right but know I am not coming out of the woodwork because we lost. Tonight was frustrating beyond belief and credit to Birmingham. That said the results and performances have become far too common place for me to keep giving benefit of the doubt to our opponents. It is us that is lacking not other teams playing amazingly. 

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3 minutes ago, lenred said:

See this posted all of the time as one of, if not the biggest reason for keeping LJ and it’s fair enough - its factually correct league position wise if nothing else . But what happens if we don’t improve this year?  Genuine question. 

It's hard to speculate what Steve and the board would do, we simply don't know.  There does come a time though when the board need to decide 100% if promotion is the sole aim, and then set a mandate to push for this at all costs.  At the present moment, although promotion is occasionally mentioned, it doesn't seem to be an all-consuming goal for City.  Lee's job would be on the line if promotion was the serious goal, and we looked far off it.

At this stage, I'm sure the City hierarchy are content with competing well in the Championship whilst gradually getting stronger every season.

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He will still be in charge until the end of the season at least. It’s a very strange season, no real stand out teams in this division but the most concerning thing for me is our performances, regardless of the results. 

We can’t seem to get hold of the ball in the middle of the park, we give up possession far too cheaply and we lack creativity when we get around the 18 yard box, and then we result to lumping it. Our set plays are also very poor and seem to lack any imagination whatsoever. We are so predictable that it must be an absolute dream for any visiting manager to Ashton Gate. The responsibility of mixing it up and being creative comes from the manager I’m afraid.

Yet again we had a chance to move within touching distance of the top 2 and we fell miserably short.

It is frustrating being a fan of City, but the personal attacks are getting a bit much. 

I’m tired of the “Where are all you Johnson haters now” threads whenever we get a result and am equally tired of the “Johnson Out” threads every time we lose.

LJ will be here at least until there is no possibility of us reaching the playoffs. That’s the deal he has with SL.

Tonight we were poor and fans have every right to vent their frustrations, but please can we just give these tit for tat threads a rest? Both sides that is!! It’s like listening to a broken record.

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10 minutes ago, reddogkev said:

Joe Aman, what the f?  Unlike you to post such crap, you're usually such a good contributor on here.

I take it then you won't be back at the Gate for a few years, because LJ is going nowhere - year on year improvement and continually increasing attendances can not be ignored.

Please accept my apology as I posted in anger. Please read my last post if you’d like my more reasoned explanation. I try to stay level headed but was as up for tonight as I have been in ages and it was a rough let down 

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7 minutes ago, reddogkev said:

It's hard to speculate what Steve and the board would do, we simply don't know.  There does come a time though when the board need to decide 100% if promotion is the sole aim, and then set a mandate to push for this at all costs.  At the present moment, although promotion is occasionally mentioned, it doesn't seem to be an all-consuming goal for City.  Lee's job would be on the line if promotion was the serious goal, and we looked far off it.

At this stage, I'm sure the City hierarchy are content with competing well in the Championship whilst gradually getting stronger every season.

Yep fair play. My question was more aimed at your good self and posters like you who use league table improvement as the main barometer for keeping him though, despite the overwhelmingly turgid football that we are being served up on a very regular basis. If there is no progression this year do you still want him to stay? Hypothetical I appreciate but just wondered if it really is just about improvement of league position. 

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The sentiment is right in my opinion but the timing is wrong. We aren’t going anywhere with Johnson though that is clear to me. 

Tonight he had a decision to make with the starting line up & he completely & utterly bottled it - he went with the safe option so as not to upset anybody. Keep a winning team - what a load of horse manure. 

The truth is though he selected exactly the same type of starting line up & tactics as he has for two seasons and we got the same turgid devoid of ideas home performance as we have had for two seasons. Let’s be honest as soon as we all saw that starting team we knew what was going to happen. Whilst we have sat on the bench one of best proven finishers & one of the best defensive midfielders in the league. Two upfront he said - absolute horse manure.

If that is the best Johnson can offer with this squad of players then he should pack his bags and go. Either that or we invest in a different Head Coach for home games & keep Johnson just for the away ones! We are at the point of our evolution where we need a brave ruthless leader to push us on not a nice guy who has never actually achieved anything in football management. Steve Lansdown & Mark Ashton have done their bit & yet we seemingly still have a complete novice actually leading the team.

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4 minutes ago, JoeAman08 said:

Please accept my apology as I posted in anger. Please read my last post if you’d like my more reasoned explanation. I try to stay level headed but was as up for tonight as I have been in ages and it was a rough let down 

I've read your additional comments and can see where you're coming from, your first post did seem a bit of a shock to the system!

For me tonight, Famara should have scored his volley, and then it's 2-0, and Weiman's own goal was one hell of a mistake.  Hopefully AW will be replaced by Wells from now on, as he doesn't offer much as far as I can tell.

I would genuinely be gutted if Lee left because I feel he is going to take City up, and it could still happen this season.  Birmingham are on a bloody good run of form at the moment.


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7 minutes ago, Gert Mare said:

He will still be in charge until the end of the season at least. It’s a very strange season, no real stand out teams in this division but the most concerning thing for me is our performances, regardless of the results. 

We can’t seem to get hold of the ball in the middle of the park, we give up possession far too cheaply and we lack creativity when we get around the 18 yard box, and then we result to lumping it. Our set plays are also very poor and seem to lack any imagination whatsoever. We are so predictable that it must be an absolute dream for any visiting manager to Ashton Gate. The responsibility of mixing it up and being creative comes from the manager I’m afraid.

Yet again we had a chance to move within touching distance of the top 2 and we fell miserably short.

It is frustrating being a fan of City, but the personal attacks are getting a bit much. 

I’m tired of the “Where are all you Johnson haters now” threads whenever we get a result and am equally tired of the “Johnson Out” threads every time we lose.

LJ will be here at least until there is no possibility of us reaching the playoffs. That’s the deal he has with SL.

Tonight we were poor and fans have every right to vent their frustrations, but please can we just give these tit for tat threads a rest? Both sides that is!! It’s like listening to a broken record.

I completely agree that he will be here until the end of the season at the very least. I think it would take something catastrophic for him to be given the boot even then.

I also agree about your assessment of how we are playing. This has to be the responsibility of the manager and coaches. And it is not good enough. Not at home. Its getting to the point of being laughably bad. Its almost amateur.


These digs at fellow fans has to stop. We all want success at City, to dispute that is delusional. We all just have different opinions on what is the best approach going forward.  

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3 minutes ago, JoeAman08 said:

Please accept my apology as I posted in anger. Please read my last post if you’d like my more reasoned explanation. I try to stay level headed but was as up for tonight as I have been in ages and it was a rough let down 

Hi Joe,

Reddog beat me to it.

I enjoy your postings as they normally have a bit of insight and thought. 

I was amazed that you wrote what you did. It didnt seem like the Joe we have come to know. Maybe, I thought, your phone has been hacked by a school kid or Henbury Gas! Anyway, you're entitled to your viewpoint but next time you want to vent may I suggest you open and drink a bottle of your country's finest (not Bud as that's worse than UHT cream), count to 10, re-read it and then post! It might still be the same in which case, you can either blame your counting skills or the drink!

Don't give up on your postings in the future, but try and convince me next time as to why you're right in being an LJ Out member. 

Now enjoy that drink!

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26 minutes ago, RedDave said:

Sack a manager for not winning five in a row 


Dave, I know it sounds strange but results dont always tell the whole story. Yes we won games but the performances were not very good..infact in a couple of those games we were quite lucky and could so easily have lost. Its amazing that we are 6th after how we have played. There have only been a couple of games this season where I have walked away thinking that we had played superbly and deserved the win. I think people are looking at performances rather than results or league position when they criticise Lee. With so many poor performances, your luck will eventually run out.




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3 minutes ago, Norn Iron said:

Hi Joe,

Reddog beat me to it.

I enjoy your postings as they normally have a bit of insight and thought. 

I was amazed that you wrote what you did. It didnt seem like the Joe we have come to know. Maybe, I thought, your phone has been hacked by a school kid or Henbury Gas! Anyway, you're entitled to your viewpoint but next time you want to vent may I suggest you open and drink a bottle of your country's finest (not Bud as that's worse than UHT cream), count to 10, re-read it and then post! It might still be the same in which case, you can either blame your counting skills or the drink!

Don't give up on your postings in the future, but try and convince me next time as to why you're right in being an LJ Out member. 

Now enjoy that drink!

I would actually suggest this is the perfect place to vent your frustration at a dire performance. Better here then at the game no? 


The fact that people are making him feel bad for that is a joke. He is entitled to that opinion. 

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13 minutes ago, Cardy said:

The sentiment is right in my opinion but the timing is wrong. We aren’t going anywhere with Johnson though that is clear to me. 

Tonight he had a decision to make with the starting line up & he completely & utterly bottled it - he went with the safe option so as not to upset anybody. Keep a winning team - what a load of horse manure. 

The truth is though he selected exactly the same type of starting line up & tactics as he has for two seasons and we got the same turgid devoid of ideas home performance as we have had for two seasons. Let’s be honest as soon as we all saw that starting team we knew what was going to happen. Whilst we have sat on the bench one of best proven finishers & one of the defensive midfielders in the league. Two upfront he said - absolute horse manure.

If that is the best Johnson can offer with this squad of players then he should pack his bags and go. Either that or we invest in a different Head Coach for home games & keep Johnson just for the away ones! We are at the point of our evolution where we need a brave ruthless leader to push us on not a nice guy who has never actually achieved anything in football management. Steve Lansdown & Mark Ashton have done their bit & yet we seemingly still have a complete novice actually leading the team.

Very well said...couldn't have put it better...out of likes!

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8 minutes ago, Cardy said:

The sentiment is right in my opinion but the timing is wrong. We aren’t going anywhere with Johnson though that is clear to me. 

Tonight he had a decision to make with the starting line up & he completely & utterly bottled it - he went with the safe option so as not to upset anybody. Keep a winning team - what a load of horse manure

The truth is though he selected exactly the same type of starting line up & tactics as he has for two seasons and we got the same turgid devoid of ideas home performance as we have had for two seasons. Let’s be honest as soon as we all saw that starting team we knew what was going to happen. Whilst we have sat on the bench one of best proven finishers & one of the defensive midfielders in the league. Two upfront he said - absolute horse manure.

If that is the best Johnson can offer with this squad of players then he should pack his bags and go. Either that or we invest in a different Head Coach for home games & keep Johnson just for the away ones! We are at the point of our evolution where we need a brave ruthless leader to push us on not a nice guy who has never actually achieved anything in football management. Steve Lansdown & Mark Ashton have done their bit & yet we seemingly still have a complete novice actually leading the team.

The only thing that was predictable was that if we lost some expert with hindsight such as yourself, would enlighten us with pearls of wisdom that he should have played a different team, which had he done so we will never know what the result would have been.

The team that started have just won 4 without conceding, Wells was always going to come on at some point and we don't know the match fitness of our other 2 loans (1 of which made a big mess up for the 3rd). Wells goal scoring is partly about his finishing, but to do so players around him need to know where he wants  the ball played to him and that takes time.

The criticism on here after tonight's loss is ridiculous, we have have just had a fantastic Jan window and it will take time to get those players up to speed and determine our best 11, then we can judge if we can press for the playoffs

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4 minutes ago, sh1t_ref_again said:

The only thing that was predictable was that if we lost some expert with hindsight such as yourself, would enlighten us with pearls of wisdom that he should have played a different team, which had he done so we will never know what the result would have been.

The team that started have just won 4 without conceding, Wells was always going to come on at some point and we don't know the match fitness of our other 2 loans (1 of which made a big mess up for the 3rd). Wells goal scoring is partly about his finishing, but to do so players around him need to know where he wants  the ball played to him and that takes time.

The criticism on here after tonight's loss is ridiculous, we have have just had a fantastic Jan window and it will take time to get those players up to speed and determine our best 11, then we can judge if we can press for the playoffs

...the problem wth your approach though is surely that Lee Johnson isn't a poster on OTIB...he's a well paid professional football manager, with a coaching and data team to support him and a talented group of players to coach and pick from. He's been given, in my opinion, the resources to do that job.

And the job is to assess the qualities of the opposition and impose those of his own team upon them, to win. When we play poorer teams, teams performing more poorly over the course of the season, the task is to work out how to assert our superiority.

If he can't do that...and it often seems beyond him in home matches...he should go and be replaced by someone who can. 

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3 minutes ago, Atticus said:

I would actually suggest this is the perfect place to vent your frustration at a dire performance. Better here then at the game no? 


The fact that people are making him feel bad for that is a joke. He is entitled to that opinion. 

Hi Atticus, 

You're right, this is the place to vent and yes if people have made Joe feel bad for posting, that's not right.

For me  I've always thought that Joe was objective from his previous posts but his initial one wasn't like the Joe that Reddog and I know (never met Joe but you get an idea from his writing style). That was what caught me by surprise. I thought we were paying him a compliment by saying how out of character it was.

For people to then attack and make it personal isn't on either. 

I'm glad that Joe has explained more and that his last post showed he was back to his normal writing self.

If my post made him feel bad, that wasn't the intention at all. Hopefully it didn't.

But in the end I agree with you Atticus, it is the place to vent except that some people can't accept it and immediately go on the attack as their form of defence. Sounds like football eh?

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I've stated before and I'll say it again LJ will never get us promoted.... yes I'll get slated for saying it but the frailties are there for us all to see.... totally outplayed by a well drilled team who can do the basics well with the right mix of players in the right area's. We are so weak in midfield and unfortunately that's where it counts. Derby, Leeds, WBA, followed by Millwall and the rest I'll leave you all to work out..... 

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2 minutes ago, Norn Iron said:

Hi Atticus, 

You're right, this is the place to vent and yes if people have made Joe feel bad for posting, that's not right.

For me  I've always thought that Joe was objective from his previous posts but his initial one wasn't like the Joe that Reddog and I know (never met Joe but you get an idea from his writing style). That was what caught me by surprise. I thought we were paying him a compliment by saying how out of character it was.

For people to then attack and make it personal isn't on either. 

I'm glad that Joe has explained more and that his last post showed he was back to his normal writing self.

If my post made him feel bad, that wasn't the intention at all. Hopefully it didn't.

But in the end I agree with you Atticus, it is the place to vent except that some people can't accept it and immediately go on the attack as their form of defence. Sounds like football eh?

That was my point. He is clearly angry and frustrated. There is nothing wrong with that. We all have a tipping point where enough is enough. It really is better it being expressed on here after a match then during a match at the game. 

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2 minutes ago, Atticus said:

That was my point. He is clearly angry and frustrated. There is nothing wrong with that. We all have a tipping point where enough is enough. It really is better it being expressed on here after a match then during a match at the game. 

You mean even Joe has a tipping point? 


Better to get it out of your system than bottle it inside. 


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5 minutes ago, CodeRed said:

Enjoyed the game tonight did you? The passing? the attacking play?  the sweeping moves? The entertainment? 

A joy to watch wasn't it.


Tbf it was a lot more entertaining than recent home games.

We can’t expect to win them all, 3 players really let LJ down tonight - that is not his fault.

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55 minutes ago, lenred said:

Yep fair play. My question was more aimed at your good self and posters like you who use league table improvement as the main barometer for keeping him though, despite the overwhelmingly turgid football that we are being served up on a very regular basis. If there is no progression this year do you still want him to stay? Hypothetical I appreciate but just wondered if it really is just about improvement of league position. 

If you don't go to many games - and perhaps you even strike lucky on the handful you do attend - of course it is.

If you buy a ST and commit to 23 games a season then a reasonable amount of entertainment and good quality football from City over the season is far more important than marginal progression measured by league position.

It's imperative in fact.

Some of the posters bashing fans for venting their spleen tonight at another pitiful home performances don't actually attend many home games, if ever in some cases.

They take their satisfaction from following City by looking at the league table. Those of us who actually pay to get pissed off regularly watching this mostly frustrating and monotonous crap for the last 2 years know there's a hell of a lot more to enjoying supporting your club than that.



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1 hour ago, Top Robin said:

Dave, I know it sounds strange but results dont always tell the whole story. Yes we won games but the performances were not very good..infact in a couple of those games we were quite lucky and could so easily have lost. Its amazing that we are 6th after how we have played. There have only been a couple of games this season where I have walked away thinking that we had played superbly and deserved the win. I think people are looking at performances rather than results or league position when they criticise Lee. With so many poor performances, your luck will eventually run out.




Spot on, we have rode our luck on too many occasions, tonight it ran out though the scorline was a tad harsh.

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2 hours ago, bcfc01 said:

Pretty predictable really - they'll all be out now, haven't seen them for a while after recent results but one defeat and they'll be after LJs head :laughcont:

But, it was shite.

Understandable that people are disappointed (massively) but why does it always end up with "Johnson out" albeit from the usual crowd.

I agreed with his line up at the start, but I was wrong as the players selected weren't up for it and there didn't seem to be any discernible pattern to play throughout the game - players or LJ ? I don't know, but I did see players out there who, imo, weren't up for it. We have some flaky players and always have done.

Bad night at the office all round - players and LJ.  But mostly the gutless players imo.

Premier League ? You're having a laugh.


Think the point is they are his players so if they aren't up for it why does the manager have them here.

Personally I don't think think its that, I just don't see the manager as being a motivator or leader.

2 wins 4 defeats last 6 home league games and one of the wins Barnsley totally out played us.

To be fair, somehow we are 6th, and yet there is an under current of very strong Johnson not up to it.

I can't imagine us being in that position under any different manager where that would be the case.






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3 hours ago, JoeAman08 said:

**** off already. Club is soft from the core starting with him. I can’t take this bullshit every other week at AG. 1-0 up in a couple minutes pressing playing a bit off football and he decides to back off and soak up pressure. He is a clown and need to go ASAP

Utter ****

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Since when has being in the top 6 been a stackable offence. Yes we were shit but be realistic ffs. The knee Jerk reactions are crazy. If we lose to Derby and go on another bad run I will question him myself, but to do that now is ridiculous. Were Bristol City not Man United. 

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9 hours ago, ChippenhamRed said:

I’m LJ in now on the basis of timing. January window has been and gone, and we’re still in the hunt for a play off place. But anything less than top six at the end of the season and he has to go. The squad is more than capable of getting there and if they fail to do so, it is a failure of management. This is our best chance for over a decade.

Actually agree with you here Chip. Pointless getting rid now....but when the time comes and it’s mathematically impossible (which it will)...he has to go

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9 hours ago, JoeAman08 said:

**** off already. Club is soft from the core starting with him. I can’t take this bullshit every other week at AG. 1-0 up in a couple minutes pressing playing a bit off football and he decides to back off and soak up pressure. He is a clown and need to go ASAP

What an out of character post. We didn’t play well last night and clearly have a big problem breaking down teams at home who are defending a lead.

Recent form has been very strong and we’ve bought some good players in Jan. I know OTIB is where people come to vent, but this feels like a huge overreaction and some perspective is needed.

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8 hours ago, JoeAman08 said:

Please accept my apology as I posted in anger. Please read my last post if you’d like my more reasoned explanation. I try to stay level headed but was as up for tonight as I have been in ages and it was a rough let down 

Be grateful you still get up for games. This manager sucked the life and the enjoyment out of going to City about 18 months ago for me.

In the past when we have been challenging I’ve been buzzing. Almost thinking about it 24/7....you can’t wait until you see how it all unfolds, get to the next game etc 

Hopefully when he flops again this season, it will be the straw that breaks the camels back and SL will finally pull the trigger 

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9 hours ago, Kibs said:

Like so many teams that visit AG.

Yep we really have a problem playing teams defending a lead or playing for a draw at AG.

Hopefully with Wells we’ll see a bit more movement from our forward line. There were so many times last night where HNM and Smith had the ball and there wasn’t even movement ahead of them for a simple forward pass with any purpose.

The game was crying out for someone like Palmer I felt. HNM and Smith both looked apprehensive in possession and it slowed our attacking tempo down. 

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2 hours ago, Cider red said:

Since when has being in the top 6 been a stackable offence. Yes we were shit but be realistic ffs. The knee Jerk reactions are crazy. If we lose to Derby and go on another bad run I will question him myself, but to do that now is ridiculous. Were Bristol City not Man United. 

Yep we are Bristol city, and quite incredibly we are a top half championship, in and around the playoffs.

That is some achievement compared to most years I have been a City fan.

These fans would be saying LJ out even if we went up and struggled in the prem. I know for sure that will happen if we ever get there.

I will say the football needs to improve. This team is suited to playing away from home. And to be fair I would have kept it unchanged as it seemed to be the sensible thing to do. A team with momentum to keep that going.

Now LJ is stupid for not changing that winning team apparently.

But I am not panicking. He has brought in some very good players so he has good options there. Needs to make some changes for the mid week game for sure.


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2 minutes ago, JonDolman said:

Yep we are Bristol city, and quite incredibly we are a top half championship, in and around the playoffs.

That is some achievement compared to most years I have been a City fan.

These fans would be saying LJ out even if we went up and struggled in the prem. I know for sure that will happen if we ever get there.

I will say the football needs to improve. This team is suited to playing away from home. And to be fair I would have kept it unchanged as it seemed to be the sensible thing to do. A team with momentum to keep that going.

Now LJ is stupid for not changing that winning team apparently.

But I am not panicking. He has brought in some very good players so he has good options there. Needs to make some changes for the mid week game for sure.


You actually think it’s incredible we’re too half in the championship, ffs that should be the minimum we should expect, sl thinks we should make the playoffs, stating the obvious here but our home form needs to improve massively, I’d love to hear lj explain why we’re so poor at home.

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15 minutes ago, Phileas Fogg said:

Yep we really have a problem playing teams defending a lead or playing for a draw at AG.

Hopefully with Wells we’ll see a bit more movement from our forward line. There were so many times last night where HNM and Smith had the ball and there wasn’t even movement ahead of them for a simple forward pass with any purpose.

The game was crying out for someone like Palmer I felt. HNM and Smith both looked apprehensive in possession and it slowed our attacking tempo down. 

I think the plan was "more of the same" last night, ie the formula that's achieved narrow wins with clean sheets. See what Brum have to offer. What they offered was a gift goal. Something unexpected, especially by LJ, a horrendous mistake that galvanised Brum & made them determined to make amends, which they did. After that goal, one minute gone, we looked lost & unable to cope. Despite some possession 2nd half we stayed shapeless & uncertain. It's been said before about LJ, here & at previous clubs, he hits on a formula, maybe by chance, goes with it until it suddenly falls apart. Last night another example.

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2 minutes ago, glen humphries said:

You actually think it’s incredible we’re too half in the championship, ffs that should be the minimum we should expect, sl thinks we should make the playoffs, stating the obvious here but our home form needs to improve massively, I’d love to hear lj explain why we’re so poor at home.

Maybe incredible is the wrong word. But everyone at the club doing their jobs very well to have built us into a championship playoff side.

Lansdown has said Johnson is the main man in making all this happen. All the great things off the pitch as well as the improved results on the pitch.

We still need to improve. I'm sure LJ will be looking at ways to play Wells and to play better football and also become much better at home.

If he can do that then we will probably make playoffs in May.

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1 minute ago, JonDolman said:

Maybe incredible is the wrong word. But everyone at the club doing their jobs very well to have built us into a championship playoff side.

Lansdown has said Johnson is the main man in making all this happen. All the great things off the pitch as well as the improved results on the pitch.

We still need to improve. I'm sure LJ will be looking at ways to play Wells and to play better football and also become much better at home.

If he can do that then we will probably make playoffs in May.

I sincerely hope so , fact is he hasn’t found a way of improving us at home for the last 2 seasons so you can see why I have doubts.

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I think it would be daft so even think about changing the manager right now given the league position and the fact that the window has shut. We are, somehow, 6th in the league and still very much in contention.... the football world would think we were mad if we made a change now and understandably so. 

All of that aside, however, I totally get the frustration of watching us at home regularly. @Nogbad the Bad used the word pitiful to describe the many of the home performances and he’s not far wrong. As we left the ground last night I said to my lad that I’d enjoyed 2 home games all season, v Luton and Huddersfield. Apart from those 2, we have been somewhere between fortunate and very lucky to pick up any wins at all. We move the ball so slowly and we’re so easy to defend against.... with the players we have now there’s absolutely no reason why this should be. 

The thing that really infuriates about the manager and group of players is that, without fail, they blow it as soon as expectations are raised. We beat Fulham away and then lose at home, abjectly, to Milwall and Blackburn. Last night we could have gone 3 points off the top and we put in a defensive performance so diabolical that I would have been shouting at my son’s U11 team for the goals we conceded. Is it a mentality thing, ie are we bottling it? Is it the way we’re set up? If LJ doesn’t work out how to fix our home form, we’ll end up finishing exactly how we have done in the last 2 seasons. 

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1 hour ago, Andy082005 said:

Be grateful you still get up for games. This manager sucked the life and the enjoyment out of going to City about 18 months ago for me.

In the past when we have been challenging I’ve been buzzing. Almost thinking about it 24/7....you can’t wait until you see how it all unfolds, get to the next game etc 

Hopefully when he flops again this season, it will be the straw that breaks the camels back and SL will finally pull the trigger 

I feel for everyone like you, Andy, and Joe Aman.

I wasn't there, personal reasons, but spent £10 on Sky.

Seventy years of support, I never felt so despondent even at the bottom of Division Four or during the time when McInnes and SO'D were going through the process of weeding out all the dross and with no money to replace with any sort of quality.

LJ has been backed by SL like no other manager in the history of BCFC. I don't hate him. He simply isn't good enough to cope with managing a top end of Championship club.

I don't expect us to win every game. I don't expect us to win a trophy every season but I do expect us to compete and look like we have a chance of winning in every match.

Last evening, we were given a dream start by a mistake by opposition defender. But within ten minutes of that, it was clear to me that we were clueless and another miserable home performance was unfolding.

We need fresh ideas from our Head Coach and LJ is not capable of doing so.

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11 hours ago, AshtonGreat said:

Tell me in what other business could you get away with delivering a product like that, week in week out, after charging people £30 a ticket? People have a right to be angry

It wasn't good, no one can argue with that, but if you want a "product" that delivers week in week out then unless you start supporting Liverpool, you're looking at the wrong "business". 

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1 hour ago, Jacki said:

I think it would be daft so even think about changing the manager right now given the league position and the fact that the window has shut. We are, somehow, 6th in the league and still very much in contention.... the football world would think we were mad if we made a change now and understandably so. 

All of that aside, however, I totally get the frustration of watching us at home regularly. @Nogbad the Bad used the word pitiful to describe the many of the home performances and he’s not far wrong. As we left the ground last night I said to my lad that I’d enjoyed 2 home games all season, v Luton and Huddersfield. Apart from those 2, we have been somewhere between fortunate and very lucky to pick up any wins at all. We move the ball so slowly and we’re so easy to defend against.... with the players we have now there’s absolutely no reason why this should be. 

The thing that really infuriates about the manager and group of players is that, without fail, they blow it as soon as expectations are raised. We beat Fulham away and then lose at home, abjectly, to Milwall and Blackburn. Last night we could have gone 3 points off the top and we put in a defensive performance so diabolical that I would have been shouting at my son’s U11 team for the goals we conceded. Is it a mentality thing, ie are we bottling it? Is it the way we’re set up? If LJ doesn’t work out how to fix our home form, we’ll end up finishing exactly how we have done in the last 2 seasons. 

Great post and all the above frailties is nothing new 60 different players and still we can't do the basics and I'm sorry that come from 1 person LJ. Moving forward the platform is there so let's not mess about if we want to make that next step let's all say thank you and get CH in.

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12 hours ago, JoeAman08 said:

**** off already. Club is soft from the core starting with him. I can’t take this bullshit every other week at AG. 1-0 up in a couple minutes pressing playing a bit off football and he decides to back off and soak up pressure. He is a clown and need to go ASAP

Why don’t you back him till the end of the season as we have a serious shot at playoffs and changing managers whilst in the playoffs could be a big mistake. Teams like Birmingham will prefer to swap positions with us

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1 hour ago, Jacki said:

I think it would be daft so even think about changing the manager right now given the league position and the fact that the window has shut. We are, somehow, 6th in the league and still very much in contention.... the football world would think we were mad if we made a change now and understandably so. 

All of that aside, however, I totally get the frustration of watching us at home regularly. @Nogbad the Bad used the word pitiful to describe the many of the home performances and he’s not far wrong. As we left the ground last night I said to my lad that I’d enjoyed 2 home games all season, v Luton and Huddersfield. Apart from those 2, we have been somewhere between fortunate and very lucky to pick up any wins at all. We move the ball so slowly and we’re so easy to defend against.... with the players we have now there’s absolutely no reason why this should be. 

The thing that really infuriates about the manager and group of players is that, without fail, they blow it as soon as expectations are raised. We beat Fulham away and then lose at home, abjectly, to Milwall and Blackburn. Last night we could have gone 3 points off the top and we put in a defensive performance so diabolical that I would have been shouting at my son’s U11 team for the goals we conceded. Is it a mentality thing, ie are we bottling it? Is it the way we’re set up? If LJ doesn’t work out how to fix our home form, we’ll end up finishing exactly how we have done in the last 2 seasons. 

Good post. We were set up yesterday exactly as we were for the last two away games! We're not a promotion team, we look like a team scrapping for points to avoid relegation.

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37 minutes ago, Charlie BCFC said:

Why don’t you back him till the end of the season as we have a serious shot at playoffs and changing managers whilst in the playoffs could be a big mistake. Teams like Birmingham will prefer to swap positions with us

Genuine question...what has backing Lee Johnson on OTIB got to do with the City's promotion prospects? Particularly as it doesn't seem very likely that we'll be changing manager any time soon!

I was at QPR last week. Backed the team to a hard fought victory - a real rarity in my many visits to Loftus Road. I went to back City...as I did when the side were managed by numerous other managers. Lee's critics on here aren't chanting for him to be sacked at matches, yet, and unless Lee reads this forum, which I very much doubt he does, this is all a debate about the future of the club. Me criticising Lee Johnson and saying he's not up to the job has no impact whatsoever on City's performances...and no impact on my support for the club...

...other than not singing that when we get promotion Johnson will in some way be our king!

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2 hours ago, Charlie BCFC said:

Why don’t you back him till the end of the season as we have a serious shot at playoffs and changing managers whilst in the playoffs could be a big mistake. Teams like Birmingham will prefer to swap positions with us

I don’t think I add negativity to the atmosphere at AG. I applaud and sing along from time to time. I want everyone to do well I just don’t think he is good at his job and last night frustrations boiled over. I will still be there Wednesday applauding and singing but I would just prefer someone else leading us.

Who? I am not qualified to answer really but quite a few ex players that have gotten into coaching that I am sure would take this job which will push FFP to the max. John Terry and Kolo Toure are coaching at a high level and I expect would like to try top jobs at some point. Could easily do worse than LJ no doubt about it. Also can go other routes as well similar to Huddersfield and Norwich hiring u23 managers. All have elements of risk but things have gone far too stale imo. 

I won’t be as blatantly negative and I hope he makes the playoffs or gets auto. I truly do but I don’t feel these are likely scenarios.

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15 hours ago, JoeAman08 said:

**** off already. Club is soft from the core starting with him. I can’t take this bullshit every other week at AG. 1-0 up in a couple minutes pressing playing a bit off football and he decides to back off and soak up pressure. He is a clown and need to go ASAP

Haven’t read the rest, but that is a crazy post Joe.  Do you honestly think we sat off?  Or were Brum just better than us?

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14 minutes ago, Davefevs said:

Haven’t read the rest, but that is a crazy post Joe.  Do you honestly think we sat off?  Or were Brum just better than us?

We 100% sat off like we do every home match. We pressed them for 5-10 minutes. We got the goal then we continued to make them uncomfortable for a bit from goal kicks making them go long to putting a bit of pressure on Roberts and Clarke Salter who both looked uncomfortable. Then we stopped dropped back to half way line for goal kicks and let them get a foothold in the game. Fam clearly frustrated with this at certain points and never seen so much yelling at one another in a match. We had them on the ropes and backed off playing lime it was an away game. We never play with any intent until we go down at home

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Yeah, I would like a change of manager because I want to enjoy watching my team play. It’s so incredibly boring. 

Being around the play-offs in this league quite clearly tells you that we’ve been worse than we are now for my entire life, apart from one season in 2007/08, and yet I’ve never enjoyed it less. I’ve never looked forward to games less, because it is so dull. 

This isn’t ‘one defeat’, this is seasons of insipid football at Ashton Gate. As someone that actually isn’t all that fussed about the Premier League simply clinging on to the edge of the play-offs isn’t going to make up for the complete lack of enjoyment I take from watching City play football.

Maybe a change of manager would lead to them falling further away from promotion, but personally I struggle to believe that it could lead to me enjoying the football less.

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16 hours ago, wayne allisons tongues said:

Last 6 home games we’ve had 20 shots on target and 13 of them were against Luton 8 and Brentford 5.

Millwall, Birmingham, Barnsley 2 

Blackburn 1


4 games we’ve been shot shy or not creating anything. Is that the players faults or tactics they are following. 

And that is the question. Who takes the majority of the blame for abject home performances.

There is a proportion to both but at the end of the day, are the players unable to perform at home or are they shackled in someway by tactics/fear etc

So take a look at our away form. Williams and Baker have been excellent at dealing with balls into the box and last ditch defending...Diehdou has been excellent in our own area and we have taken one of our very very limited chances...This covers all of our recent performances before last night. 

Last night we scored from a horror back pass and then didnt hardly make there keeper work for the entire match.

We created minimal chances even when we sent everyone forward just to concede the inevitable break away goal.

We don’t create enough chances home or away it seems and rely on defenders to keep the goals against tally down despite the fact our ball retention is dreadful, except when teams allow us to play in front of them like Birmingham did (Danny Wilsonesque)

So make more chances......

Is it the players or the Bcfc style to not make chances enough to score more than one goal...?

BTW for all those posting league tables last night. We are now out of the top six!!



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