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The Original OTIB

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Everything posted by The Original OTIB

  1. Normal recent service resumed... predictable.
  2. Mehmeti does need to get his head up though, had Weiman as a clear option at one point but ploughed on regardless. All about decisions, we are just not making the right ones at crucial times. Yet.
  3. Can't recall last time we played so many defence splitting through balls, why not do it more often?
  4. Remember Villa putting 7 past Liverpool no so long ago. They can be a shambles too. Real debacle shows that as well. Truly elite teams don't ship 7.
  5. Sounds like a name more befitting a singer in a 70's punk band.
  6. You're just getting old Dave ...
  7. Kalas looked like impact that he couldn't run off, inside of knee can be like that.
  8. Even game overall, just about taking chances and concentration at key moments.
  9. Should be closer, that second is basic effort and keeper concentration, neither in evidence. We so often over play, their 2 goals utter simplicity. We need to learn to mix it up a bit more.
  10. Jay just on too slow, no closing from Scott, lazy from both.
  11. Hardly, why would anyone want to wear another team's colours at a match, other than someone with no idea about what it means to support your club.
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