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Posts posted by redsquirrel

  1. But the results were dire before. If you take a particular start and finish point you might argue that there'd been an upturn, but it was just as likely to be a false dawn. Our last feeble showing v SUFC could argue that way.

    One thing's unarguable however, we're no better off at present than we were.

    As SC isn't going anywhere this season, I'd rather talk about how he can improve the side's performance and get us some more wins.

    Moloney back in would be my first move there.

    would be mine too, el abd on the bench and go back to the system he just sorted before the window opened.pearson can replace elliot and wes for waggy. leave barnett out too.wasnt there so cant criticise the bloke but the commentary today suggested his passing was poor

  2. i would like to know when the rest of the team will learn that any ball over 6 inches above the ground will not reach baldock.

    at least if a ball is lumped forward much lower down,he has half a chance of nicking it away and getting through.

    a few positives tonight tho,first real show ive witnessed from wes burns,now i know what people mean,i also took note of packs level headedness,rarely put a foot wrong and flinty,my mom,a few dodgy moments with the ball at his feet but didnt get caught once and wasnt scared to put his head in at boot height

  3. slightly ot but after baldocks interview,sc was asked about anymore transfers. i am enthused with his 'we dont want to bring anyone in for everyday of the week except saturday'

    is there anyone uninjured in our squad that he hasnt played yet?

  4. All seems calm now, thanks to the miracle that is loperamide :) (and a City win).

    where did we sign him from? any rave reports anywhere?


    glad to hear you on mend though,not pleasant any day of the week but matchday was terriible

  5. Nice to hear an interview with a bit of humour in it, when asked a question twice that he was never going to answer and not the miserable/rude replies we had been getting.

    i did like his positive 'yes,but im not telling you am i?'

    twice aswell

  6. Here is my 5p worth. I have been loyally behind SL since the beginning and up until he left the country as an exile especially after his reasons for going were made known. I said then it was a mistake not for the tax saving benefits but for the cost it would have on the club; I had no idea it would be this bad mind. Any savings he may have made in tax have been royally blown away by our demise since his departure.


    And when, recently, I frivolously called for the board to resign it was after SO'D was sacked and then replaced by a wholly underwhelming replacement. Not, in itself, because the former was doing badly or because the latter was not, personally, to my taste. No, I asked for that because they have started to lie to us and to duck away from us and treat us like we are all a bit thick. I suppose they can do what they jolly well like as they are in control but woe behold those you treat fans with on-going disdain and run a club so badly.


    I hope Steve sticks around but clearly something needs to change pretty darn fast in the boardroom. I doubt it will happen but Steve, himself, announcing he is coming back to do crisis management would be a very good way of beginning the work to get the fans back on side. Right now i get the feeling my sentiments are fairly widespread.

    i too think it might help if he could find time to get back in the office for a bit,maybe call in the slackers for bollockings when needed etc,give the whole outfit someone to look out for and respect for their leadership.

    however,he could already be doing that for all i know but if that was the case,we really are in trouble

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