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Everything posted by BrizzleRed

  1. I think this indicates we’re getting smarter. If we can’t compete financially with a number of our rivals in the summer window, we’re jumping in earlier to beat the rush and the loan back doesn’t disrupt the selling club’s end of season. They’re then more likely to sell and we get our player, with little or no competition. Seems like an efficient and cost-effective way of doing business, as long as we don’t need the player in immediately.
  2. I had exactly the same feeling. I just had it on in the background to start with, but got completely drawn into it as the match progressed. I've got no connection with Maidstone either, but I was getting really nervous for them in the last few minutes. I actually gave them a clap at the final whistle, as they were giving absolutely everything for the cause and you can't help admiring that.
  3. I completely forgot that was him. Didn't the injury happen in front of the Atyeo, as I've got memories of it being almost in front of me and him acknowledging us applauding him as he was stretchered off.
  4. Anyone who slags off or belittles the FA Cup should be made to sit down and watch that game. Who says the magic of the cup is dead ..... that was ******* awesome and exactly what makes this such a special competition. Brilliant to see and imagining Ashton sneaking off with his tail between his legs is just icing on the cake!
  5. Guess it’s easier to lie about the numbers away, as they don’t show up on their end of year accounts like the home attendances do. Joke of a club
  6. It’s the fact that they’re finding it so hard to get their poxy little stand 75% full for the SAG inspection, they’re having to practically give away the tickets is what people are laughing at. Seems like their claim of ‘build it and they will come’ was more than a little optimistic.
  7. Spot on. I’ve visited many different spoons and they’re normally busy, regardless of the time of day. People vote with their feet, so they’re clearly providing a service the customers want.
  8. And then the double whammy of dragging them into their new academy
  9. Completely agree and deff no shortage of material
  10. ….. no signs of the laugh supply drying up and if anything, it seems like they’ve actually cranked up production. I’d just like to thank them for giving us so much free, quality and seemingly endless entertainment They just need to find a way to entertain their own fans as much as they do us now!!!
  11. That’s how I remember it too. I think it went along the lines of if they didn’t get the same, they wouldn’t agree to us having it either.
  12. Do you what, I can’t stand the b*stards, but if what that bloke is claiming is true, I’m actually feeling a bit of sympathy for then …. I’m sure that’ll pass soon enough though!
  13. How could I have forgotten that!!!
  14. Fair shout for posting those figures BertSerious question as you’re of the blue and white persuasion though. I thought the fans were getting really excited about their first new stand in literally generations, so would have been clamouring to actually try it out. How the hell after announcing it as a test event with the benefit of a local derby, then reducing ticket prices to try to get people in, do they still manage to fall so far short of the 75% minimum? You always come across as sound as a pound when you come on here and are always welcome. The following comments certainly don’t apply to you, but what you thoughts are on how that went so badly? That stand debacle last night just typifies what I detest about gasheads in general. Constantly bigging themselves up and telling anyone who’ll listen that they’re so much better than ‘da shit’ and are the loyalist and bestest fans in the world, then when they have to actually put up or shut up, they fail dismally like last night. We constantly hear them claiming they take more fans away than City, or if they had a bigger ground, they’d pack them in. How can they then fall so pathetically short of getting a small but brand new stand even 75% full in a test event in a local derby? Your fans have shot themselves in the foot so many times over the years, but this one takes some beating. As I said, absolutely no reflection on you but, as for your fanbase
  15. I went over too for a bit of entertainment and I certainly wasn’t disappointed. The more they whinged, the funnier it seemed and it really was very therapeutic. Hopefully it isn’t just a temporary slide and they really are as in the shit as it appears Makes you feel all warm and fuzzy
  16. Booed off by the loyal and true? Surely not …… must have been the wind howling down through the empty concourse in the cowshed
  17. Unreal if the club president actually did say those pillars are coming out. I suspect the reason they got retrospective planning permission is due to that stand being a temporary structure. They’ll prove just how temporary that thing is, if any mug tries to take out those pillars, as it would probably flat pack itself!!! Only way they’d get away with that is by building some kind of ‘goal post’ type structure in front of it to provide the support, but that wouldn’t be temporary.
  18. So true As opposed to the clowns in the jesters outfits, who in spite of supposedly taking over 40k to Wembley, can’t sell out their poxy little ground against Norwich, with the nice, juicy carrot of a glamour tie at Liverpool as the prize! Mind the chasm sags!!!
  19. I was, and still am totally against Nige's sacking and also reckon we could have improved under him by this point, through having injured players back and also a transfer window. That's all water under the bridge now though, so it's totally down now to what LM is achieving. Like many others, I never bought all that shit about us having a top 6 squad, so I feared the worst when Manning arrived with no Championship experience. Let's be fair, it could have gone horribly wrong and he could have proved totally out of his depth at this level. Whilst he hasn't pulled up any trees, results have been fairly steady and the football has generally been reasonable and pretty good in patches. I think our defence has looked more vulnerable under LM, but we also seem to be a little more attack minded now. So in short, have we made massive improvements, to achieve our "top 6 squad" potential under LM? The points haul and table tells us, most definitely not. Are our performances worse than under Nige? Imho no they aren't and whilst the points per game are roughly similar, I think the football has been a little more entertaining under LM. I think for a newbie to the Championship, Liam Manning is currently doing a decent job whilst he finds his feet, so fair play to him for that. We'll see where we are at the end of the season to have a better picture on the wrongs and rights of the decisions made by the owner and junior. At the moment, I'm just glad it hasn't turned out to be the total shitshow I initially feared.
  20. Absolutely right mate. Not wanting to detract from the occasion and result and it was a great performance by us, but as you say, that wasn’t one of the great Liverpool sides of old. The fact Souness was sacked after that result says they were very far from their best, so I do cringe at the constant reference to that game. On the other hand, beating Leeds away in their absolute prime was a way bigger achievement for me.
  21. I don’t know if the likes of Wimbledon actually do something like that to celebrate actually winning the FA Cup, which was a massive achievement for them. Can’t you actuaaly appreciate the tin-pottedness of us with that celebration, 30 years after beating a team just a division above us in the 3rd round of the Cup though??
  22. I was at Liverpool for that win and absolutely loved it. That said, I thought the ‘celebration’ yesterday was the most tinpot I can remember us ever looking. Introducing a few of the old players at the side of the pitch would have been ok, but walking round the pitch seemed ott, but waving the purple and lime flags in Section 82 was totally cringeworthy to me. That looked just the kind of embarassing thing the sags would do and I’d hoped and thought we were a lot better than that!
  23. Or possibly they’ve got wheels under it like you get on portable scaffold towers, so they can just push it out into the car park for gigs
  24. You may have something there. Looking at the photo, the stand is sat on a raised platform, so just ready to be picked up by a fork lift truck.
  25. Wouldn’t put it past the sad b*stards to come out with some guff about a fault with their turnstiles not counting properly and there were at least 25,617 in there!
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