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Everything posted by BrizzleRed

  1. My biggest hope is that Lansdown realises he’s going to have to take a loss to offload this Bristol Sport monster he’s created. Just sacking Manning clearly won’t solve our problems now. We’ve become so stale that we need a massive reset to reinvigorate the club, players and supporters alike. I really think new ownership is the only way we’ll get that. Let’s be honest, how many fans are still believing that SL has the ability, know-how or enthusiasm to take this club anywhere other than downwards? Please find a buyer Steve and give yourself a far less stressful retirement and for us, something more positive to pin our hopes on!
  2. Tell you what, why don’t you sing your nice little song all by yourself, then any OTIBers who are nearby will get to see who the Fammy fanboy, NP hating WUM actually is!
  3. Oh you’re far from alone in your disillusined state pal. I’ve been following the club a good bit longer than you, but you reflect my own feelings and mood exactly.
  4. It is a discussion forum though Super. It’s a sad day when someone can ask a valid question about the health of a very recent and popular manager, only to get piled on by the usual suspects of the NP out gang? I can respect, though not understand their massive dislike of the bloke. That said, if they dislike him so much, why not ignore the thread and leave it for those who respect him. I suppose this is just a symptom of the world now. You can’t just not like something, but you have to browbeat every ****** that has a different viewpoint than you and if you can’t beat them into submission, you try to get them cancelled. I think some people need to remind themselves what adult, respectful behaviour looks like!
  5. Could also ask Alexa to define Happy Clapper
  6. Totally this. Football used to be completely about emotion, but when you take that away, it’s more like a cardboard cutout, rather than the real thing. I’ve trained myself to avoid getting too emotional about this club to avoid disappointment, but I’m gradually approaching a point shere I don’t give a shit any more. At least low expectations avoid disappointment, though it certainly doesn’t inspire you to buy a seadon ticket.
  7. Hence we suffer years of mediocrity. Great, isn’t it and a Cosy Club for the complacent owner.
  8. There are some people on here who can see absolutely no wrong in the Lansdowns. I swear if Uncle Steve turned up at their door while they were having dinner, then came in and took a dump on their plate, they’d thank him for it and come on here and tell us all what a great bloke he is!
  9. My feelings exactly I’m resigned to the fact that SL and the fans want totally different things and as it’s ‘his club’, I’m not expecting us to get what we want while he’s the owner. That’s why I want him gone. This is a pale shadow of the club it used to be and he can take a lot of the blame for that. It takes far more than a shiny stadium to make something to be proud of and to be totally honest, this club just feels dull and bland now. If he just listened to his ‘customers’ occasionally, that would help, but that really doesn’t seem to be in his nature.
  10. and Lansdown senior will be coming in to talk to the players before the game. I was told he tried that with Nige and got the door slammed on him! I’d love to know if that was true.
  11. Sadly, it’s beginning to look that way. The contrast between motivation and performance levels in high profile and televised games and your normal run-of-the-mill Championship games against poor opposition couldn’t be more obvious. It’s getting beyond a joke.
  12. Nail on head! What are the chances of success if we chuck a load of money at bringing in the players LM needs for his chosen style? It would cost £millions and what was the point of bringing in someone in who couldn’t work with our current squad and need yet another rebuild? The reality would more likely be, we try to do it on the cheap in the summer and find ourselves heading for League 1, or spending the £millions and it still not working, our finances take a massive hit and maybe still go down. The best managers are the pragmatic ones, who with tactical ability and man management skills, get the best out of what they’re working with. Whilst we’ve had a handful of good performances when playing counter-attack, we’ve failed dismally whilst playing LM’s preferred style and I seriously question if he has the skills to make it work at this level, regardless of the playing personnel available. Manning appears to be a totally unsuitable replacement for Pearson and for that, the blame lies squarely with the Lansdowns and BT. If LM does go because he’s not up to the job, the same should also apply to JL and BT, as they are equally unsuitable. It needs to be done soon imho, before those two idiots undo all the great work on cost cutting and steadying the ship, done by Pearson and Gould. If SL doesn’t think we have a problem, he either doesn’t care any more, or really IS clueless!
  13. Clearly didn’t explain myself. At best, I’d probably give LM to the end of the season. The problem with that is, I’ve got absolutely no confidence in those two clowns getting a better replacement in, so we’d then be out of the frying pan and into the fire. The bottom line is, I don’t want to see him here next season, as I honestly don’t see he’s got what it takes. So it’s a bit tough voting, when whatever you go for, it appears we’d be equally ******!
  14. Yeah, you’re right, the opposition have a bit to do with it, but you can bet we’d make bleedin’ hard work of Maidstone though.
  15. And Casey Palmer with two assists. Looking like the player we had when Benik Afobe was up front, but what a massive disappointment he turned out after BA’s injury.
  16. I just couldn’t vote on this poll, as if Manning was sacked, it would be Dumb and Dumber doing the recruitment, so who could have any confidence they’d make the right choice in getting in a replacement? My really big issue with Manning is he appears to be a one trick pony, who can only contemplate and work with one playing style. To compound that, he seems incapable of adapting our tactics during a match and if our opposition change their gameplan, he doesn’t seem able to respond to counter them. The only time we’ve looked really threatening under him is when we’ve moved back to a counter attacking game through necessity, but that clearly isn’t his chosen style. Even if he got the players to suit his chosen possession based style, I can imagine plenty of opposition managers outgunning him tactically. I just can’t see any indications that he could organise a team to dominate the opposition and actually hurt them. It’s ok making umpteen square passes, but you’ve eventually got to do something positive and I can’t see any signs of him knowing how to make that happen. I just feel totally underwhelmed by him and dread the thought of us starting next season with him and seeing yet another season going down the crapper. The only way I see him getting us out of this division is through the relegation trap door tbh.
  17. Forgot that one Dave and looking back, there were certainly some up in arms about it.
  18. Certainly seems that way and also why this club is basically stagnant and going nowhere.
  19. Yeah, I haven’t got my head round it either and have just given up trying to work it out now. I found Nige a breath of fresh air while with us and although he had a rep as being abrasive, I just couldn’t help liking him. Guess he was just too much for the BCFC dictatorship and their associated fan club. Even though the football wasn’t that entertaining under him (it isn’t now either tbf), nobody can claim his teams weren’t to a man playing for the shirt, after he’d cleared out the wasters. That never-say-die attitude seems to be fading fast sadly.
  20. That just won’t suit the narrative of some on here, who for their own reasons, just didn’t want NP here. I admired the fact NP wouldn’t suffer fools gladly, so it doesn’t surprise me he got on great with JP, as he certainly knows his stuff. I’d also choose a straight talker over a bullshitter any day, but sadly the former is very rare at this club, as they aren’t welcome here.
  21. ….. and there in a nutshell is a summary of professional football in Bristol. We’re both shit, but we’re at a higher level and pissed far more money down the drain to achieved our higher standard of shitness.
  22. Brilliant post. SL could have saved himself an absolute fortune if he could have just reined in his ego and employed people who knew far more than him about running a football club successfully. The biggest problem is, the £millions Lansdown has pissed up the wall isn’t really his loss, it’s now debt against this football club.
  23. What, like we did with LJ? Look where we ended up with that experiment. We won’t get Nige bailing us out of the mess that would create for a second time though!
  24. At least we’ve got a new, low level benchmark to anticipate by now!
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