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Carey 6

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Everything posted by Carey 6

  1. Well done agent McGhee, did a brilliant job, you can now have legendary status along with John Akinde. Dont know how many times my brain can take changing the 'She's a *****' song though, only just got used to McGhee!
  2. Can't see Liverpool finishing anywhere above 6th, Manchester clubs, Chelsea, Spurs, Arsenal are all stronger than them Not to mention Newcastle who you could say 'one off' but Pardew seems to have the best scout in the world!
  3. Here's the Harry Redknapp Twitter account explaining why he thinks AVB did bad at Chelsea: 'I fink reeson avb facked up at Chelsea is bcuz he put his kit on n played as Mata wiv Mata pretendin tu be managa. Trifik fackin laverly dat' Gotta admit, Mata and AVB do look very alike!
  4. More city related threads on their forum than ones about cov!
  5. No doubt they'll be paying both of them off still for a while and stuart campbells mother is a
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