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Galley is our king

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Everything posted by Galley is our king

  1. OMG! Forgot all about that, getting old mate ? Your right, not a pleasant experience!!
  2. Ah, well, that's a totally different argument! Simply, we should have the same with the away supporters going in the top tier of the Lansdown. Now that's still doable and i for one would go back in the Atyeo in a heartbeat.
  3. Sorry, the singing section cannot be moved behind the goal, nor could it have been planned there in the first place! People standing in a certain block next to people sitting in other blocks totally destroys their view. A large proportion of the pitch is lost and cannot be seen. The old East end worked because everyone was stood! Not only that but what about current season ticket holders behind the goal? Having the singing section in the corner doesn't seem to dampen the atmosphere at Crystal Palace does it?
  4. Sorry, must disagree with this. Atmosphere is caused by people, supporters. Back in the 70's and 80's there were no loud music blaring, no bloke on a mic, no need for outside intervention at all. We started chanting from about 2 o'clock so by 2-45, the place was rocking ( well the East end was). Pyrotechnics in a crowd is just bonkers and wrong and I'm surprised that anyone thinks differently. They are dangerous to those who set them off and those close to them. If it continues then a more robust searching mechanism needs to be introduced.
  5. Well let's hope we don't let him do a "Famara" eh?
  6. But difficult and sad for the lad himself.
  7. Yes I thought they were going up. Mine was £350 for the car park behind the South stand which I think was the same as last year. I hope when they do go up some consideration is given to those that NEED to park there as opposed to those who like to park there.
  8. Got mine this morning, feels like the seasons getting close now!!!
  9. BBC reporting CK has withdrawn offer to buy DC. Huge problems now and right in the ? if correct
  10. I'm sure none of these will surpass the amazing stadium now nearly complete that resembles a fruit market. Difficult to disguise a massive 50k seater stadium but, by the looks of it, they are doing a fab job........
  11. I was 7, can't remember who we played or who won but can remember it was great fun to stamp your feet on the floor of the old timber stand where the Dolman is now. So 61 years for me and counting
  12. I don't mind if he's sold for a good price or stays and signs a new contract. What must NOT happen is he leaves for nothing like FD!!! Another brilliant piece of negotiation by Ashton.
  13. Not as good as the 3D version of actually being at the ground though eh?
  14. Yep, glass half full and full of hope.... 60 odd years and counting! COYR!!
  15. And our good friend Andy +a load of numbers
  16. Jeez, not another one! Can't be arsed to read it all but NP is to blame for letting Fammy leave? ???,....sorry but that was definitely ASHTON!!!! He even stated as much!
  17. Quite simple really, If people are honest avoiding relegation was the major (if only) goal for this season - Done The squad that remained to start this season was lacking depth, experience and was unbalanced. Compared to other previous managers there was very limited funds to balance the squad. Players (particularly Fammy) were allowed to run down their contract and leave for nothing. Despite this crock of shit he inherited, he managed to blood quite a few player's who had previously been loaned out or were still playing U23 football. Not only blood but we now have a brilliant crop of young players we can all get behind and be proud of. He quickly sorted the wheat from the chaff. Players that didn't train well enough or give even a reasonable amount during games. Palmer will probably never play for us again but Desilva is testament to the fact that the door is never slammed shut. Listen to some of the players. Wells - wants to remain and mentioned continuing to enjoy working with the manager. Semenyo- it was stated that NP was the main reason he wanted to stay. Pring, stated he felt settled here for the first time because NP made him feel part of BCFC. Many of the young players promoted to the first team stated the positive influence NP had. Lots of youngsters now have valuable first team experience and will only get better. The club is, in my honest opinion, in good hands and he must be allowed to continue. I recently renewed my season ticket and I, for one, will be really pissed off if NP is not the manager come August. COYR!!!
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