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Everything posted by exAtyeoMax

  1. Sorry to hear that about your dad! I hope he gets well soon. Life does seem to be chucking a lot at people at the moment…hopefully your weekend away helped in some way.
  2. Sorry but that poster had linked both articles in his post and then proceeded to state that Harry was categorically wrong about the recruitment team being made up of analysts. He’d obviously read the articles because he was directly referencing them…how quoting a section of that article is a “cheap response” I don’t know!
  3. It’s taken directly from the Evening Post article. It’s just stating how the recruitment team is set up. Have a word with the journalist who wrote it, or the press association if you’re concerned.
  4. Who's who Sean Gilhespy leads the team and weekly recruitment meetings include Nigel Pearson and his coaching team, plus CEO Richard Gould and others such as chairman Jon Lansdown, who takes an interest, as well as other board members who will drop in from time to time. The team behind the team: Dan Calcott - recruitment analyst Chester Perks - recruitment analyst Simon Cozens - recruitment analyst James Borrett - data analyst Rishickesh Ramesh - data analyst Fraser Franks - scout Allan Gemmell - scout Martin O'Connor - scout Several interns, studying the Championship to begin (two doing their Masters in Performance Analysis at Bristol City for 12 months)
  5. Was recruitment covered in the question and answer session at the H&C the other week?
  6. LFC stated on Twitter that Mo Salah was the only opposition player to get a hat trick at Old Trafford against Man U. They do quote @premierleague in their statement though. I don't know if they are specifying that it was in the Premier League or not. I think they've forgotten that football existed before then
  7. Mashton and LJ used to talk about giving a list of what they wanted/what was required, didn’t appear to be thought out and planned well in advance in a lot of cases…
  8. I noticed the error on Twitter (only after someone pointed it out to me), #Lifebefore1992
  9. I’m sure Nige does. He would’ve been used to working in a more traditional manner. We keep being told that specific players are really fast and have the best overall stats but then can’t deliver on the pitch…there’s obviously pieces missing from the jigsaw
  10. Yes…but but there are prem players who have come from lower/non league…
  11. Those two or three signings could make all the difference though… It’s been discussed on here for many years how investment has appeared to have been lacking in what most clubs would appear to be key…such as manager role, coaching, recruitment. I find it really bizarre that the board haven’t invested (or won’t) in those areas. It seems so kin obvious to me. Too much reliance on data and stats without the correct people analysing it, football experts - not data experts.
  12. Set the processes in place, and start looking. Not much point waiting around or you’d miss out when the time comes.
  13. I don’t see the benefit of only talking to certain agents? You’d always be missing out on certain players…it doesn’t make sense. I’m sure it does happen in other clubs where Brian doesn’t like talking to Jeff the Agent because he is a bit of a scallywag but you need to rise above that, it’s business! You employ the right people to deal with agents.
  14. Hopefully it will. Sometimes it's better to be honest and upfront about the situation. Too much secrecy just causes problems.
  15. No Keith Downing here today... No. Is he likely to be back in the dugout? What's going on there? Obviously Paul [Simpson] left yesterday as well. I can't give you any confirmation as to where that will go at the moment but as I've already pointed out it was Paul's decision to settle with the club. I don't want players at the club if they don't want to be here and likewise the staff. It's very straightforward in my head. Will you replace him? Replace who? Paul... I don't know on that one, we'll see what happens. As far as I'm concerned it's football. I've got no time to dwell on irrelevant situations if they have negative connotations for the squad. I don't have anything further to add. From the EP.
  16. They’re not. Fulham, QPR, Brentford you have to sit in your seat. Elland Road they made us sit in our seats apart from a Sunday afternoon when there was hardly any away fans, Villa Park we had to sit in our seats.
  17. https://www.bcfc.co.uk/news/we-were-well-off-it-today-pearson/
  18. I don't expect the players were too happy about two coaches being fired…probably unsettled everyone to some extent
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