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Everything posted by exAtyeoMax

  1. Delayed KO due to a medical emergency in the crowd. The fan appears to be ok. KO now 3:15
  2. Hopefully you'll be going back to gloat when we win…
  3. ?? Alex was only 18, he didn’t really dive…blah blah you could hear them cheering down The Gate…
  4. He's come all the way from Guernsey, Alex' gonna do it again… He's gonna score them, the goals to beat them… So we might win again…
  5. I got the impression it was a knee-jerk appointment after the "vigorous/rigorous" search for the manager resulted in DH, by you know who…
  6. Yes I always get BCFC news on Twitter, as well as Bristol City. I just delete it/say I’m not interested and say it’s not Bristol City. Twitter can’t differentiate between BCFC and BCFC
  7. Shame this didn’t happen last night for Forest…
  8. Don’t think they do that down the Gate? does sound nice though
  9. Existing regulations should supersede any 3rd kit financial agreement. Regulations should be enforced not decided by the club when they feel like it.
  10. It was like watching England v Andorra.
  11. I did get a bit annoyed with him stopping to dry the ball every throw in. Just chuck the blooming thing! I thought he did well today. Really got stuck in
  12. he did, came steaming in when required
  13. we didn't string any passes together…
  14. It was probably supplied by the ad agency.
  15. Did Mark Ashton get a mention at all during the evening?
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