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Posts posted by exAtyeoMax

  1. 33 minutes ago, Major Isewater said:

    We thought we had . 

    I don’t believe that Uncle Steve is entirely without blame in our current situation. 

    He certainly had his fingers burnt with the Coppell fiasco but surely that is down to a) bad luck or b) lack of depth in the recruiting process. 

    Does this mean that , unlike many dynamic clubs , we won’t hire a successful established coach at the club again ? 

    I, increasingly, feel that SL is a big part of the problem. He evidently trusts the Johnson family and is very loyal to those who are loyal to him . It makes for a comfortable existence. 

    However Bristol Cosy Football club will not survive with the sharks at the top table if certain risks are not taken. 

    It always seems to be the fact that the Coppell appointment 'failed' as being a reason to not appoint a top-class manager. Seems like a ridiculous excuse…Steve Coppell is not representative of top-class managers as a whole. 

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  2. 10 minutes ago, BrizzleRed said:

    Well, that could certainly address the glaring lack of experience in the management side of the club. I’d love someone like Joe Jordan, he’d kick some arses.

    One thing seems certain, we’re going nowhere as it stands at present and really needs a shake up.

    But would he be in charge of match day team, tactics etc? We're certainly lacking in that dept!

  3. 5 minutes ago, WhistleHappy said:

    Strong rumour that Sainsbury and the Gas will resume talks on the future of The Memorial Stadium Bristol later this morning.

    It's believed an urgently convened video conference has been arranged between bosses of both organisations for 11am today.

    No official confirmation has been forthcoming from either party a brief announcement is expected around midday... No details of the shock move will be released following the debacle of false speculation and misinformation during previous negotiations on a similar project a few tears ago.

    Those proceedings ended acrimoniously, and a virtual news blackout is expected this time around.  

    Potentially this could be great news for fans and connections of BRFC. 




    Is this an April Fool’s?

  4. 6 hours ago, Mr Popodopolous said:

    Thought they'd shut job centres, surely people largely applying online. 

    They're the last ******* I'd offer any perks to. Stuff about them online... 

    There are still people processing the claims, just because you apply online doesn’t mean it’s done by robots. Most of the assessments is done in Belfast, there is a phone line to call too. There are still JCPs, with people who see claimants on a regular basis.

  5. 2 hours ago, Davefevs said:

    Yep, same here in Financial Services, Limited or Umbrella.  As Director (80/20 with Mrs F) I don't have an employment contract, so think we will fall down the gap of any support, other than the Business Loan...which we don't want / need, but there will be plenty of others that do.  As for Umbrella, you sign an Employment Contract but if you can't work I can't see Umbrella covering you.  I'm pretty sure Client will reject any invoices you raise through Umbrella, because you can only invoice for days worked (in theory).

    As for me, contract finishes 2nd April....main reason being IR35 decisions (notwithstanding the 1 year delay...which came too late), and I'm now isolating for 12 weeks because of Joe so can't go out looking for a new contract / other work.  I'm not moaning, because I'm ok with money in the business to draw on....but I know of others in my situation who will be stuffed.

    Yes I’m not expecting anything from the umbrella company. I claim UC which will pay something at some point, plus I’m waiting for payment from another contract from early feb. I’m staying at my mum’s so don’t have to worry about rent at the moment

    • Like 1
  6. 10 hours ago, Robin-hugh-blind said:

    That's very assumptive. In fact any self employed subcontractors pay there tax in advance and its paid by the person that pays them. It isn't like it used to be. Everyone pays by bank transfer. I would say anyone with a turn over of £35k plus simply cannot avoid paying the correct amount of tax. Only the small 'cash in hand' workers have the opportunity to avoid tax. And this will (or should) bite them on the arse now. 

    Same as freelance graphic designers. Most companies won’t hire you unless you are a limited company or are registered with an umbrella company, who sort out your NI and tax. I’m registered self employed with HMRC so can do self assessment but am employed by Parasol, the umbrella company, even though I don’t have any work at the moment. 

  7. 1 hour ago, Northern Red said:

    Where I live, Merseyrail have cut the number of trains per hour on each line from 4 to 2, however they've doubled train lengths from 3 carriages to 6 by joining units together so there's no loss of seats. 

    I know not every operator can do that, especially on the Tube, but people having to cram on to fewer services defeats the object completely.

    Yes some platforms are too short as it is eg Baker Street. 

    plus on another note media offices will be open, itv, bbc, sky etc. Sky is in Osterley near Brentford, it’s a huge campus with 1000s of employee’s, including IT people, journalists, back room staff, designers, tv people, cleaners, admin etc. It’s miles away from most of their employees and those can’t all work from home

  8. 1 minute ago, formerly known as ivan said:

    Partly true, but there are other forms of transport available in London. Plus I would guess, and only a guess, that not everyone on there has to be on that tube. It’s a London mentality, no one wants to back down as they believe they are the most important.

    London cabbies are struggling at the moment so use them!

    Yes but it also depends where you have to get to. Not everyone can afford a taxi at £50 a day across London.
    I can’t seriously imagine people would put their life in peril because of arrogance. There’s just a lot of businesses in and around London. There may be people who haven’t had it confirmed to work at home yet 

    • Like 2
  9. 15 hours ago, Mr Popodopolous said:

    What you are overlooking here is that zero hours or certain jobs, don't work and don't get paid. 

    Plus a proportion of these will be supermarket- necessary, limited number of teachers- necessary, key workers- necessary. 

    These are people who cannot, literally cannot take time off work, or work from home for varying reasons..what, exactly, do you suggest?

    There is also a saying that society is 9 meals from anarchy. Now I don't know how true that is, but things can start to breakdown- rapidly at that- if people cannot feed themselves let alone their children.

    Clearly as many people as possible need to stay at home but short term, how feasible? 

    Lastly, Daily Mail said 28 tube stations were shut. That can present a misleading picture.

    I agree things need shutting down BUT you're taking a part of the situation in isolation here. More nuanced.

    TfL said it was 40, including DLR and overground, and these were mostly stations with no connections to other lines, all interconnecting stations were open. The services were drastically reduced to a train every 15 minutes, where in rush hour they’re approximately usually every two. You’re going to have large amounts of people travelling at the same time, there are hospitals, supermarkets, pharmacies and other vital industries all over London. If the tube is shutdown, they’d have to have special buses but even then they pose a risk too

    • Thanks 1
  10. 10 hours ago, pillred said:

    Do they pay JSA for a year now? you were lucky I received it for 26 weeks that was all I was entitled,  and because  my wife was working that was all the benefits I could get despite after working continuously for 35 years, made my blood boil when I personally knew people that had not worked for years and yet seemed to have a life just as comfortable as mine. 

    I can’t remember exactly but I’m sure it was a year, 2014-2015. Then it changed to UC (I stopped claiming then anyway)

    • Thanks 1
  11. On 22/03/2020 at 00:02, Atticus said:

    Really don't get that. I was out of work about 9 years ago for a month because I was made redundant and the jobcentre was a living hell. Made me feel tiny and like I was worthless. And that was just the person I had to see that made me feel like that. 

    I had the same experience when I was on JSA a couple of years ago for about a year, whereas my friend’s brother didn’t get any and he had been unemployed for over 20 years. He is just lazy, wouldn’t even help out at that housing initiative in Bemmie which could’ve used his skills as a chip pie. 

    The JCP made me feel like I was a criminal, treated me like scum. It was awful. 

    • Like 1
  12. 2 minutes ago, MarcusX said:

    This has all just got a bit too much for me. Following the info I posted above and my Nan being in hospital since that chest infection / pneumonia I sadly got a call this evening to say she’d passed away.

    I don’t know if I had CV, I don’t know if I passed it to her and I don’t know if she had it, but anyone who isn’t taking this isolation and social distancing seriously (especially if it’s because you think you’ll be fine) please re think your decisions and who it could impact.

    I was a bit dismissive of the panic at first and thought maybe some people were being over the top worrying but do what you’ve got to do people. I’ll be the last to compete about a lockdown now, and I certainly couldn’t care less what happens with football anymore.

    please stay safe everyone x


    I'm so sorry to hear about your nan. x

    • Like 1
  13. 48 minutes ago, Mr Popodopolous said:

    Okay thanks, that brings a bit more balance.

    Still I'm not so certain...a number of those were outside London too it's worth remembering.

    Secondly, just read that footfall on the tube last week was down 19%. If true it does suggest a fair few are taking up/requesting the work from home option where possible.


    Plus there’s no football. 
    on the overground from Euston, relatively quiet but don’t use it regularly to know otherwise. People still need to get places. Paddington was a bit quiet on Saturday but the train coming back to London was full

    • Thanks 1
  14. 11 minutes ago, phantom said:

    This was just the CAA's report today

    There hasn't been much about him at all since the accident. Perhaps because there may be a criminal investigation?

  15. 3 minutes ago, phantom said:

    EMILIANO Sala's plane crashed into the English Channel after carbon monoxide leaked into the cabin and his unqualified pilot lost control, an investigation has found.

    The Cardiff City striker was killed along with David Ibbotson when their plane plunged into water off the coast of Guernsey at high speed.

    An Air Accidents Investigations Branch report found Mr Ibbotson from Crowle, North Lincs, did not hold a licence to fly commercially and was not trained to fly at night.

    The Piper Malibu PA-46 plane crashed on January 21 just hours after Argentinian striker Sala had signed for Premier League Cardiff from French club Nantes for £15m.

    He was flying privately to the Welsh capital from France but the original pilot David Henderson, 64, arranged for Mr Ibbotson to take the flight instead.

    Evidence showed Mr Ibbotson felt "under pressure” to complete the journey because he was being paid.

    The report concluded: “The pilot’s ability to control the aircraft was probably impaired by the effects of CO poisoning, but he appeared to have some level of function at a late stage of the flight.

    “The pilot’s lack of training in night flying and recent practice in instrument flying is likely to have increased the risk of loss of control.

    “It was not possible to quantify the extent to which either factor contributed to events but it was likely that the loss of control was made significantly more likely by the probability was affected by CO poisoning.”

    Sala's body was discovered in the wreckage three days later but Mr Ibbotson has never been found.
    The report said Sala would have been "deeply unconscious" at the time of the crash based on levels of carbon monoxide in his bloodstream.

    On the prior flight from Cardiff to Nantes, the pilot had noticed four technical problems, including an engine oil leak, a loss of brake pressure, and a rogue stall warning.

    The report found the most probable cause of carbon monoxide entering the cabin was a leak of exhaust fumes into the heating system.

    Mr Ibbotson, whose SEP rating on his EASA licence expired in November 2018, meaning he had no ‘night rating’, was not qualified to fly the aircraft at the time of the accident, the report authors said.

    The report added: “The pilot was not permitted to be remunerated for the flight, yet there was significant evidence to show that he was expecting to be paid.

    “It is likely that the pilot felt some pressure to complete the return leg of the flight even though it would be at night and in poor weather.”

    Anything about him? Surely the contract was with him and Cardiff/Nante/Sala, he should have some liability?

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