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Everything posted by exAtyeoMax

  1. It’s more Lambrini than champagne…
  2. Someone posted on another thread, can’t find it and can’t remember who… that Nige was possibly fired because the bods panicked because of a financial requirement for this season. I might have misinterpreted or misread the post but it did make me wonder why there was this acute cost saving at the beginning of the season with PA going too. Was it because JL was told there was no more money? The nest egg was put into hibernation?
  3. Why doesn’t it show the transfer fees for Antoine and Alex?
  4. It's not compulsory, you don't have to join in
  5. To be honest he wouldn't care if we boo him or not!
  6. They probably found out he was a friend of McKenna, so he must be good.
  7. might bring a bit of life back to the club for a short spell.
  8. I think GOs mentioned the Luton love in last night. WTF
  9. I think I've reached that stage! I couldn't cope with GJ, LJ or any other SL's buddies.
  10. I think that's even more worrying. As JP said last night, they have an ideal but no ******* idea of how to accomplish it. I had a boss like that, moan and shout about someone not doing their job but when told exactly why they couldn't do it, said "I'm not interested in the nuts and bolts of it" idiot. You can't argue with idiots.
  11. plus they besmirched the name of Dave Rennie. None of their crap was necessary. Why not just say we've reached the end of the line with Nige and we feel that the club wants to explore other avenues…blah blah blah. 'Kin' idiots
  12. Can't wait for the end of season awards!
  13. I wonder if it's BT trying to protect his position (ie setting up not to lose)? Why have we suddenly adopted this strange approach to games? Why is the Soton game an outlier? Why has it changed so dramatically since then? Is it BT's orders?
  14. I'm worried that good squad players will leave because the club wants to keep LM. It is a farse!
  15. I took that to mean the highest calibre, most successful and most experienced, but I could be mistaken.
  16. When did Richard Gould leave? Phil Alexander left just before Nige, didn't he? So not long
  17. They both said the club lacks leaders.
  18. I liked JP's notion of it being an ideal, the club don't actually know how to replicate it.
  19. that was a robust discussion, not the usual frightened "we can't criticise because of the stadium"
  20. I would've thought the extra two weeks on the grass would help the performance.
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